US National Arboretum


US National Arboretum

Indicator Plant Examples

Listed by Zone

Cold Hardiness Ratings for Selected Woody Plants

Representative plants are listed under the coldest zones in which they normally succeed

Zone Ratings -- Average Annual Minimum Temperature Range

Zone 1    Zone 2    Zone 3    Zone 4    Zone 5    Zone 6    Zone 7    Zone 8    Zone 9    Zone 10   


Zone 1

Below -45.6 C
Below -50 F

Betula glandulosa  (dwarf birch)
Empetrum nigrum  (black crowberry)
Populus tremuloides  (quaking aspen)
Potentilla pensylvanica  (Pennsylvania cinquefoil)
Rhododendron lapponicum  (Lapland rhododendron)
Salix reticulata  (netleaf willow)


Zone 2
-50 to -40 F
-45.6 to -40 C

Betula papyrifera  (paper birch)
Cornus canadensis  (bunchberry)
Elaeagnus commutata  (silverberry)
Larix laricina  (eastern larch)
Dasiphora fruticosa  (shrubby cinquefoil)
Viburnum opulus var. americanum  (American cranberry-bush)


Zone 3
-40 to -30 F
-40 to -34.5 C

 Acer saccharum  (sugar maple)
Elaeagnus angustifolia  (Russian olive)
Hydrangea paniculata  (panicle hydrangea)
Juniperus communis  (common juniper)
Lonicera tatarica  (Tatarian honeysuckle)
Malus baccata  (Siberian crabapple)
Parthenocissus quinquefolia  (Virginia creeper)
Spiraea x vanhouttei  (Van Houtte spirea)
Thuja occidentalis (American arborvitae)


Zone 4
-30 to -20 F
-34.5 to -28.9 C

Berberis thunbergii  (Japanese barberry)
Juniperus chinensis  (Chinese juniper)
Ligustrum obtusifolium subsp. suave  (Amur privet)
Ligustrum vulgare  (common privet)
Parthenocissus tricuspidata  (Boston ivy)
Taxus cuspidata  (Japanese yew)


Zone 5
-20 to -10 F
-28.9 to -23.3 C

 Acer palmatum  (Japanese maple)
Cornus florida  (flowering dogwood)
Cotoneaster microphyllus  (small-leaf cotoneaster)
Deutzia gracilis  (slender deutzia)
Euonymus fortunei  (winter-creeper)
Rosa multiflora  (multiflora rose)


Zone 6
-10 to 0 F
-23.3 to -17.8 C
Buxus sempervirens  (common boxwood)
Cedrus atlantica  (Atlas cedar)
Hedera helix  (English ivy)
Ilex opaca  (American holly)
Ligustrum ovalifolium  (California privet)
Prunus laurocerasus  (cherry-laurel)
Taxus baccata  (English yew)


Zone 7
0 to 10 F
-17.8 to -12.3 C

Acer macrophyllum  (bigleaf maple)
Rhododendron Kurume Group  (Kurume azalea)
Ilex aquifolium  (English holly)

Zone 8
10 to 20 F
-12.3 to -6.6 C
Arbutus unedo  (strawberry-tree)
Choisya ternata  (Mexican orange)
Olearia x haastii  (New Zealand daisy-bush)
Pittosporum tobira  (Japanese pittosporum)
Viburnum tinus  (laurustinus)


Zone 9
20 to 30 F
-6.6 to -1.1 C

Asparagus setaceus  (asparagus-fern)
Eucalyptus globulus  (Tasmanian blue gum)
Fuchsia hybrids  (fuchsia)
Grevillea robusta  (silky-oak)
Schinus molle  (California pepper-tree)
Syzygium paniculatum  (Australian brush-cherry)


Zone 10
30 to 40 F
-1.1 to 4.4 C

Bougainvillea spectabilis  (bougainvillea)
Cassia fistula  (golden shower)
Corymbia citriodora  (lemon-scented gum)
Ficus elastica  (rubber plant)
Ensete ventricosum  (Abyssinian-banana)
Roystonea regia  (royal palm)



USDA Miscellaneous Publication No. 1475.  Issued January 1990.
Authored by Henry M. Cathey while Director, U.S. National Arboretum
Edited, formatted and prepared for the US National Arboretum web site by Ramon Jordan, March 1998 & Revised March 2001
U.S. National Arboretum, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC 20002

Note:  This publication is not copyrighted, and permission to reproduce all or any part of it is not required.

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Last Updated   January 8, 2009 10:11 AM

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