Woody Biomass BioEnergy

Bioenergy refers broadly to any conversion of biomass materials into an energy source, such as power, heat, or liquid biofuels. This page focuses on resources and tools related to the use of woody biomass as a feedstock for renewable energy.

Concerns about energy security and climate change are driving the federal government to focus on biofuels such as ethanol and biodiesel as a key solution for the nation’s oil dependence.


Wind, solar and biomass are experiencing strong market growth, but of these renewable energy sources, only biomass can be used to efficiently produce both power, heat and liquid fuels simultaneously. Heat-only applications in boilers and combined heat and power (CHP) applications using boilers or gasifiers and turbines or engines are common today.

As of November 2006, biomass was the second most widely used renewable fuel for electricity production in the United States; hydro was the first widely used. Approximately 60% of the current biomass powered electricity generation in the United States is in the form of highly efficient CHP.

Liquid Fuels

Today’s biorefineries convert crops such as corn, soy, and sugar into biofuels and are not yet capable of cost-effectively utilizing woody biomass as a feedstock. However, most of the federal research and development effort is on developing the next generation of biofuels, which will be produced from multiple cellulose feedstocks including woody biomass, energy crops, and residuals including agricultural and other wastes. Major breakthroughs in cellulosic conversion and commercialization of these new biorefineries are expected within the next 5-10 years.

The use of renewable fuels for power generation is on the rise, an increase that can be attributed to the price surge and volatility of traditional fuels, as well as a general desire to use more environmentally friendly and socially acceptable sources for power generation.

Considerations for a Successful Bioenergy Renewable Heat and/or Power Project

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 Proximity to fuel source

Biomass is most economical as a fuel source when the CHP system is located at or close to the woody biomass fuel stock. In some cases, the availability of biomass in a location may prompt the search for an appropriate thermal host for a CHP or heat application. In other circumstances, a site may be driven by a need for energy savings to search for biomass fuel within a reasonable radius of the facility.

 Best practice design and operation

Matching the conversion technology to the fuel source and to the products needed (i.e., electricity, steam, hot water, and mechanical energy) is essential to achieve the maximum economic returns and long-term performance from a bioenergy system.

 Enabling policies that support Bioenergy

These include utility and environmental policies such as emissions reductions credits and offsets, standardized interconnection and State renewable portfolio standards. As of November 2006, 23 states and the District of Columbia had renewable portfolio standards, and in each of these states, woody biomass-fueled CHP represents a permissible renewable energy resource. In some states, renewable energy credits (RECs) can be generated from the use of biomass fuels to power a CHP system, which can provide projects with an additional revenue stream.

 Grants, loans, or tax credits

Bioenergy projects often qualify for additional state incentives that traditional energy sources are ineligible for. Financing may be available for bioenergy projects through federal, state, and local grants, loans, or tax credits.

Tools and Resources

 Cellulosic Biofuels

  • The Biofuels FAQs: The Facts About Biofuels - Presented by The Energy Future Coalition and the United Nations Foundation in partnership to provide the facts about biofuels and the benefits of biofuels production and use.
  • The National Biofuels Action Plan Workshop Summary Report Final (5-30-07) (PDF, 1.79 MB) is being prepared for the existing interagency Biomass Research and Development Board, established by the Research and Development Act of 2000 and revised by the Energy Policy Act of 2005. The document is the result of a Federal agency workshop held November 28-29, 2006, in Washington, DC, to initiate the interagency coordination process. The main objectives of the workshop were to define current and future Federal agency and program roles and activities, identify gaps and opportunities to collaborate, and assess budgets related to biofuels production and use to meet the President’s Advanced Energy Initiative and the DOE’s “30x30” goals. (Note: at the time of this workshop, the President’s 2007 State of the Union “20 in 10” goal was not announced.) The goal of the Workshop Summary Report is to identify the overall administrative and management needs to meet the President’s goals that should be addressed by the Board, as expressed by the interagency teams. The Workshop Summary Report will also provide a focus for the interagency coordination teams in their future work, and will provide a framework for a more detailed National Biofuels Action Plan to be developed through the interagency teams’ future efforts.
  • Water Implications of Biofuels Production in the nited States (PDF, 1.4 MB)

 Biomass Power and/or Heat

  • Biomass Combustion in Europe (PDF, 5.4 MB) - This presentation provides some of the technical details about improving combustion in small biomass boilers.
  • Fuels for Schools and Beyond - a partnership between the U.S. Forest Service State and Private Forestry and the Bitterroot Resource Conservation and Development (RC&D) Area, Inc. There are currently six state forestry departments participating in this program providing technical and financial assistance to interested parties in Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and North Dakota. Fuels for Schools mission is to promote and encourage the use of woody biomass as a renewable, natural resource to provide a clean, readily available energy source suitable for heat and power generation in public and private buildings; and, to facilitate the removal of hazardous fuels from our forests by assisting in the development of viable commercial uses of removed material.
  • EPA Combined Heat and Power Partnership - Provides technical assistance to candidate sites for Bioenergy CHP projects and maintains a number of tools and resources to assist those considering or implementing projects including a funding and regulatory/ rates opportunities database, an emissions calculator, information on strategic markets for biomass CHP, a project development guidebook and a biomass catalogue of technologies.
  • EPA’s Risk Management Research - Best practices for bioenergy production include effective control of emissions from the process. Modern industrial systems employ technologies that extract as much energy from the biomass as possible, which in turn minimizes the amount of unburned material that could be emitted into the air. These processes then use air pollution control technologies to reduce emissions as needed to meet applicable emission limits. Further information on control technologies and emission measurements can be found at EPA’s Risk Management Research web page.
  • EPA Sector Strategies Program - Provides multi-media environmental and policy analysis for the forest products sector, including forest biorefineries. Works with industry partners to develop innovative policies and practices that can improve the industry’s environmental performance as it evolves.
  • Primer on Wood Biomass for Energy, January 2008 - A paper by the U.S. Forest Service State & Private Forestry Technology Marketing Unit explaining and describing the concepts of wood energy on a residential, commercial, and industrial scale in the United States so that the Forest Service can help meet the demands of communities involved in the forest-products industry.
  • Small Modular Biopower Systems - The DOE Small Modular Biopower Systems Project worked with industry to develop small modular biopower systems that are efficient and clean.
  • State Energy Program (SEP) Grants for Woody Biomass

Location: http://www.forestsandrangelands.gov/Woody_Biomass/bioenergy.shtml
Last modified: Friday February 20 2009