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Manitoba Legislative Library

Virtual Reference Desk

Maps & Geography

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While all external links provided throughout the Virtual Reference Desk are selected by Library staff as possible sources of information, the Library is not responsible for maintaining these external sites nor for their continued availability.

Canadian Geographic Names
From Natural Resources Canada.

Makes location-based data and technologies accessible and useful to decision-makers. Includes a link to GeoGratis, a mechanism to deliver geospatial data using FTP free of charge.

Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names
Global data, hierarchically arranged and searchable

Map Collections at the Library of Congress
Includes maps of discovery/ exploration, cities and towns, the national parks, military battles & campaigns, and transportation/ communication.

MapQuest Online Maps
Looking for an address, town, or zip code? Find and print maps worldwide.

National Atlas of Canada/Atlas National du Canada
Includes base maps, and thematic maps that reflect the social, economic, environmental and cultural fabric of Canada.

Natural Resources Canada Atlas
Enables you to combine layers of information to produce a composite map of Canada.