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Presentations and Publications by Mitch Harris and co-workers on carbonates

Audio-Video Representations of Presentations at 2008 Annual Convention









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2008 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition
2008-2009 AAPG Distinguished Lectures
2008 AAPG/SEG Student Expo
2008 AAPG Eastern Section

USGS Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources for the Oligocene Frio and Anahuac Formations, Onshore Gulf of Mexico Basin, USA
Sharon M. Swanson and Alexander W. Karlsen

Timing, Emplacement, and Distribution of Mare-Fill Units in Oceanus Procellarum, a Large Nearside Lunar Basin
William A. Ambrose

The Advanced Energy Consortium: Research in Micro- and Nano-Technology for Improved Reservoir Understanding
Scott W. Tinker and Paul Ching

Almond Formation Genetic Units, Greater Wamsutter Field, Southwest Wyoming (three phases)
by N.M. Rigg, B.J. Kessel, T.L. Gammill, et al.
Phase I      Phase II      Phase III

Edwards (Stuart City) Shelf Margin of South Texas: New Data, New Concepts
by Lowell E. Waite


Electronic journal for exploration and production geoscientists

The scientific content of these papers has not been
peer reviewed, and the conclusions are not those of AAPG.
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AAPG/Datapages, Inc., 1444 South Boulder, Tulsa, OK, 74119, USA

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Materials presented in "Search and Discovery" are copyrighted by AAPG.

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