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Last Modified: 02/20/2009  

Internet Site for Economic Recovery Information Established

Awards for Marbled Murrelet and Northern Spotted Owl Authors
Raphael and Forsman are named recipients of the Wings Across the Americas Research and Partnership award.

Black History Month

New Web page Announced
Strategic Framework for  Responding to Climate Change Gets New Web page.

2008 Two Chiefs' Partnership Award Winners
The Awards recognize exemplary employees and projects from the Forest Service, NRCS, State Forestry Agencies, and Conservation Districts who have worked collaboratively to support conservation and forest stewardship.

Cabin User Fee Fairness Act Re-Implemented

National Get Outdoors Day 2009 Plans Announced
On June 13, 2009, participating organizations will offer sites for American families to sample both traditional and new types of outdoor activities.

First Lady Makes a “Green” Presentation at USDA Headquarters

African-Americans in the Forest Service – A Demographic Profile
Overall, as of last year, there were 1,085 African-Americans employed in the Forest Service.

Green Tips

Washington Office Gets New Mascot
The BE SAFE BEE was introduced at the Chief's stand-up along with a short briefing on February’s safety theme, “Winter Safety".

Forest Service Staffers Deployed Down Under
The National Interagency Coordination Center received a request from the Victoria Department of Sustainability and Environment in Australia for about 60 firefighter resources.

Introducing the Virtual Incident Procurement System
The Virtual Incident Procurement System will be used by the Forest Service to acquire certain types of contracted equipment in support of incident management.

Black Union Partners with Forest Service
Through the State of the Black Union, the Forest Service is positioning itself to collaborate with, reach, and further integrate African-Americans as key players in addressing issues pertaining to natural resources.

REGION 5 - Pacific Southwest Region

Monumental Outlook Over the Horizon
The Big Meadow Restoration project began with the development of a monitoring plan in December 2007

REGION 8 - Southern Region

Ice Storm Impacts Daniel Boone National Forest
Chainsaw crews and other personnel are working busily to reopen recreation facilities, roads and trails that were closed by numerous fallen trees.

Pacific Southwest Research Station

Intern Program Boosts Pacific Island Forestry Leadership
The new program was established to address the concerns of Pacific Island state and territorial foresters who voiced the need for a program to train the next generation of forestry professionals.

  News items from Forest Service offices across the country

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   The First Century - serialized (Chapter 1)

Translation Genetic Code Offers Promise to Biofuels Industry

These findings may add an important piece to solving the puzzle of cost-effective production of biofuels from forest biomass.

Book on Old Growth Forests Combines Views of Different Stakeholders
A collection of essays brings together perspectives on Northwest old growth forests from a variety of sources.

Plight of Mississippi Crayfishes Spotlighted
A new Web site and poster are dedicated in hopes of increasing public awareness about the decline of these ecologically important species.

(available only to those accessing through the Forest Service intranet)
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