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What have you done to attract wildlife to your yard? What kind of wildlife do you see? Share your wildlife habitat story!

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KL C from GA


We had a small woodland lot on each side of our house, that had many native shrubs. But we also added shrubs & trees like holly, ligustrums, euonymous and honeysuckle. One spring we decided to add some bluebird houses to our yard. I was sitting in the shade on the deck as my husband attached the birdhouse to a 4x4 post, and set it in the hole with quick setting concrete at the edge of the far flower/shurb bed. He tamped it down as he added water to the hole. He grabbed up the empty bag and his tools, and headed towards the deck. Before he even got half way across the yard, a bluebird was moving in!

Roberta K from OH
CWH sign


In 1971 we moved to a home on 1 3/4 acres that included a large pond. In 1972 we registered our Habitat #271 after making many additions of perennials and shrubs to serve the birds. Our four children enjoyed seeing ducks, geese, grebes, frogs, fish,Great Blue Herons, Little Green Herons,Barn Swallows, and acquatic insects in the pond. Flowering plants in the three gardens we added in the 70's attracted a variety of butterflies,Ruby Throated Hummingbirds, and Goldfinches. Other visitors were Blue Jays and Wood Peckers including the Pileated. Almost three years ago we moved to a different home in the same community and immediately began adding native plants, shrubs, and several fruit bearing native trees to the existing non-natives.Of course we registered this yard as soon as it met the five requirements. One thrill was watching Hummingbirds visit Lobelia cardinalis that popped up to our delight in a shaded area. We have already begun to encourage our 2 1/2 yr. old granddaughter to learn the names of the birds that visit. We plan to involve her in flower gardening when spring finally arrives. Involving children in Habitat is the future for wildlife !

Josephine C from LA


This past summer my 3 year old granddaughter was outside in the back yard playing. Her mother placed colorful bows, mostly yellow and pink on her ponytails and sprayed her hair with this wonderful summer scent hair spray. She was outside for a couple of minutes when a Humming Bird hovered over her head and perched on her hair bows. When the bows didn't seem quite right he then fluttered his wings flew over her head and just hovered in her face for a few seconds. She was awed and didnot or could not move. it was really a Kodak moment. My only regret, I didnot have a Kodak.

Rebecca F from ME
CWH sign


I have been feeding our birds for many years. This year I decided to invest in a bird bath heater for our winter here in downeast Maine. We have had so much fun watching the Pine Syskins drinking and bathing in the nice warm wather!!! They are thoroughly enjoying having it. This has been a particularly cold and snowy winter, so I am so happy we have this little warm habitat for them to enjoy. The other birds will drink, but the Pine Siskins seem to be the only takers on our winter spa....

George S from VA


I was working in my backyard when I fell asleep in my chair. When I woke up about an hour later, their was a bird who had made a nest in my hair. I quickly caught it and put it in my birdhouse. Also, for any body who wants to make a backyard habitat, you should.

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