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Welcome! Vegetable IPM Resource for the Midwest

Vegetable Pest Profiles

By Crop
By Pest or Beneficial


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European Corn Borer & Corn Earworm Information

Weekly Moth Flight - 2008

National CEW Flight Map & Resistance Monitoring

ECB Data

Corn Earworm Migration Forecast

Corn Earworm Data

Degree-Day Forecast Maps

IPM Newsletters

MDA IPM Program

MDA Fruit & Vegetable IPM Site

Radcliffe's IPM World Textbook

Plant Management Network

North Central IPM Center - MN

Research Updates


What's New this Week?

The purpose of this site is to provide timely, objective information about all aspects of vegetable crop integrated pest management (IPM), with particular focus on insect pest management in the Midwestern U.S. This information is provided as an aid to assist growers, processors and crop consultants in making better IPM decisions. VegEdge is maintained by W. D. Hutchison, Suzanne Wold-Burkness, and Eric Burkness, Department of Entomology, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences, University of Minnesota.

In addition to providing accurate information, we want this page to be easy to use. Let W. D. Hutchison know of any suggestions, questions, or problems you may have navigating VegEdge.

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About VegEdge
State Extension Specialists & County Contacts
Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois
Resources for Homeowners
Gardening Information, Plant Disease Clinic, Soil Testing Laboratory, CUES, Home Pest News, Iowa State

Department of Entomology
North Central Region IPM Management Center
UMN Extension Service

Microsoft User Stats.

This page was last modified on 02/10/09 11:13:52. If you have questions or comments about infomation within this website, please direct them to Bill Hutchison, The University, including the Minnesota Extension Service, is an equal opportunity educator and employer. Privacy Policy Minnesota Extension Service, University of Minnesota. All rights reserved. Contact for information on reproduction or use of this material.