Science, Technology & Invention
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IEC General Meeting 2010 Seattle
ANSI Opens NASDAQ April 07, 2009
Joe Bhatia Opens NASDAQ - Pre & Post Event
ANSI History
The Electric Century
The Future
Invention of the Phonograph
Channel Views:
Total Upload Views:
January 07, 2008
Last Sign In:
2 months ago
Collected videos about science, technology and invention. The American National Standards Institute, ANSI is a membership organization that administers and coordinates the U.S. voluntary standards and conformity assessment system.
About Me:
As the voice of the U.S. standards and conformity assessment system, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) empowers its members and constituents to strengthen the U.S. marketplace position in the global economy while helping to assure the safety and health of consumers and the protection of the environment.

The Institute oversees the creation, promulgation and use of thousands of norms and guidelines that directly impact businesses in nearly every sector: from acoustical devices to construction equipment, from dairy and livestock production to energy distribution, and many more. ANSI is also actively engaged in accrediting programs that assess conformance to standards including globally-recognized cross-sector programs such as the ISO 9000 (quality) and ISO 14000 (environmental) management systems
United States
Recent Activity  
ansidotorg favorited a video (2 months ago)
Published by the Internet Security Alliance (ISA) and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), "The Financial Management of Cyber Risk" in...   more
ansidotorg favorited a video (3 months ago)
An introduction to the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 2010 General Meeting in Seattle, Washington, which will be hosted by the the...   more
ansidotorg uploaded a new video (3 months ago)
An introduction to the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 2010 General Meeting in Seattle, Washington, which will be hosted by the the...   more
ansidotorg became friends with NEMAVue (5 months ago)
ansidotorg subscribed to MillerbySperian (5 months ago)
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