Data Services


Products and Services

  • PATENTSCOPE® Search Service
    Free database to search over 1 million PCT International Patent Applications, and PCT national phase entry information. The service also enables users to view the latest information and documents available to the International Bureau.
  • Weekly Published PCT Data on DVD
    To receive on the publication date (Thursday) weekly collections of published PCT International Patent Applications (bibliographic data plus data images).
  • Weekly Published PCT Data through FTP
    To download on the Internet and on the publication date (Thursday) data available on the front page of PCT International Patent Applications published and republished in a given week (bibliographic data, drawings and abstracts).
  • Patent Information Services for Developing Countries
    To request state-of-the-art search reports, search and examination of patent applications filed with IP Offices participating in the International Cooperation for the Search and Examination Program, equivalent patent documents and copies of individual patent documents.

For Industrial Property Offices only

  • COR (Communication on Request)
    Web application to view, download and order PCT documents related to published International Patent Applications at the time and in the format of their choice (via Internet, on CD/DVD and on paper).
  • Electronic Data Exchange
    Facility to exchange, over the Internet, PCT data and documents between Industrial Property Offices and WIPO.

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