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Also called: Also called: Acne rosacea

Rosacea is a long-term disease that affects your skin and sometimes your eyes. It causes redness and pimples. Rosacea is most common in women and people with fair skin. It usually starts between age 30 and 60.

In most cases, rosacea only affects the face. Symptoms can include

No one knows what causes rosacea. You may be more likely to have it if you blush a lot or if rosacea runs in your family. Rosacea is not dangerous. It can be treated with medications and sometimes surgery.

National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases

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The primary NIH organization for research on Rosacea is the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases -

Date last updated: October 06 2008
Topic last reviewed: September 29 2008