Special Report w/ Bret Baier

Tuesday, February 3:
• Join host Bret Baier and FOX's Team Washington to find out what's happening inside the Beltway and on the world stage

today's featured


  • Message of Change

    Diplomatic work in Egypt to promote democracy and break the ice for President Obama
  • Reaching Across the Aisle

    President Obama works to get GOP support for his economic rescue strategy
  • Running on Empty

    President Obama considers a move that is being criticized as a body blow to the auto industry


  • Mortgage Mess

    Many in Congress are calling for direct aid to housing industry to help the economy
  • Stimulus Speed Bump?

    Calls in Senate for big changes to stimulus bill
  • Power Play?

    While Democrats are urging bipartisanship over stimulus bill, some Republicans say it's time to get their mojo back
  • CEOs on Board

    President Obama gets some support from the private sector for his stimulus package



  • Mileage Tax?

    One state is trying a new way to keep money flowing even as drivers are using less gas with environmentally-friendly cars
  • Wheeling and Dealing

    Series of political agreements may land a Republican in President Obama's Cabinet
  • Life Inside Gitmo

    FOX News takes you inside Guantanamo Bay prison camp
  • Beginning of the Endgame?

    U.S. military keeping low profile as Iraq prepares for provincial elections


  • Blagojevich Filibuster

    Illinois governor delivers rambling defense of himself and his administration as he moves one step closer to being removed from office
  • Star Witness

    Roland Burris testifies before Illinois state committee considering impeachment of Governor Rod Blagojevich
  • Race Issue

    Group of Chicago black activists threaten to campaign against officials who don't support Blagojevich's pick to replace Obama in Senate


  • Leaving His Legacy

    President Bush gives exclusive interview to FOX News about auto bailout and saying goodbye to the White House


  • Breaking It Down

    A look at what Hamas is, how it operates and its ultimate goal
  • 'Brain Drain'

    Concern that America's nuclear technology is out of date
  • Postponing Pleas

    Unusual turn of events in military trial of alleged mastermind behind 9/11 attacks and four of his alleged co-conspirators


Blog Postings

  • Is Daschle in Trouble?
    Well… if you talk to senior Democrats and their aides on Capitol Hill — they say the nomination is still “doable”. You may say “that doesn’t sound too confident” — well, it might not be.. because we hear that some lawmakers are saying publicly and privately that this “tax issue” is pretty tough to swallow [...]

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  • Strong as Steele?
    After being handed a resounding defeatin the last two election cyclesRepublicans today elected a new leader that vows to put them back on top. Former Maryland Lieutenant Governor Michael Steelewill serve asthe Republican National Committee’s first ever African American party chairman and promises to modernize the GOP. After six rounds of votes Steele won with [...]

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  • Some Staggering Stimulus
    All this week we have been trying to delve into the Economic Stimulus Package — or the “American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan” — whatever you call it .. there’s no doubt — it’s big.. and tonight we’ll break down just how big. The dollar figure itself — is staggering, of course… a trimmed down 819 [...]

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