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Senate Panel OK's Holder

January 28, 2009 11:54 AM

Nm_eric_holder_090128_main_2 ABC News' Jason Ryan reports:  Eric Holder is one step closer to becoming the nation's first African-American attorney general.

The Senate Judiciary Committee, which heard testimony from Holder earlier this month, voted to send his nomination to the full U.S. Senate by a vote of 17-2.

Holder received bipartisan praise at the meeting, despite some initial reservations by Republican members of the committee.

Key Republicans initially questioned Holder's judgment, mainly because of his involvement in President Clinton's controversial pardon of fugitive financier Marc Rich. 

Holder served in the No. 2 spot at the Justice Department during the Clinton administration, under then-Attorney General Janet Reno.

But after a lengthy confirmation hearing and meetings on Capitol Hill, the panel's top Republican decided to publicly endorse Holder on Tuesday.

Two panel members, Republicans John Cornyn of Texas and Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, voted against Holder.  Cornyn cited the Rich pardon as the reason behind his decision.

The full Senate could vote on Holder's nomination sometime Thursday.

January 28, 2009 | Permalink | User Comments (7)


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Well it's about time.

Posted by: fempharoh | Jan 28, 2009 2:25:43 PM

All congress and the Senate are culpable in the Bailout....the repubs and Dems. clinton included, got us to this point with Dereg/ Nafta/ Telecom Act/ repeal of Glass Steagell etc.

But slick willie is making millions and the congress is letting him ---REID ET AL should be held accountable@!!!!

Posted by: bink | Jan 28, 2009 4:51:27 PM

Once again, why is it OK to pardon terrorist?

Posted by: Rasputin3.14 | Jan 28, 2009 7:13:29 PM

Rasputin3.14 who said anything about pardoning terrorists? just because Rush says it doesn't make it true.

Posted by: Paul Wall | Jan 28, 2009 9:29:04 PM

bink---wrong post, this one is about the new attorney general, eric holder. and "dereg" was Reagan.

Posted by: Paul Wall | Jan 28, 2009 9:30:52 PM

Sorry, your right it was Marc Rich. No,
it was both Marc Rich and the FALN terrorist.

Posted by: Rasputin3.14 | Jan 29, 2009 6:43:31 AM

Let's see.
Mark Rich
Elian Gonzalez
Lon Horiuchi (Ruby Ridge)

Yup, stellar credentials, in fact he'll fit right in.

Posted by: OldPilot | Jan 29, 2009 9:25:02 AM

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