ABC News
Sci-Tech Stories
Feature Discussion

'Saved'? Site Lets You Send E-mails Post-Rapture

I would advise these people not to leave their financial info just in case their emails are delivered and they find themselves "left behind."
Posted by: poetguru
Science And Society
1:47 PM
Earthquakes, whether you're a believer or an actuary, are "acts of God." We humans do not have the power to predict, stop, or cause them. So we all jumped a bit at a headline in The Telegraph of... [continue]
Science And Society
5:18 PM
John Hanke, the entrepreneur who started what is now Google Earth, has slowly been taking over the universe. He already had the earth in glorious detail. Now he's added Mars and the heavens and --... [continue]
Science And Society
2:42 PM
Charles Darwin's 200th birthday is Feb. 12, and he is still controversial. A new book, "Darwin's Sacred Cause," just published by two British science historians, argues that the "source of the moral... [continue]