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Today on GMA
Rookie Sky Diver Takes Control
A first-time sky diver lands safely after his instructor dies midfall.
Lost in 'The Fray': Band Performs Latest Hit
The band's single is about an imagined argument with God.
Angelina Jolie on the Oscars
The Hollywood star talks about being in the race for best actress.
On the Job Front
There are 11.6 million Americans out of work.
Comedy King Steve Martin
The actor and comedian talks about his new movie, "Pink Panther 2."
Are Air Ambulances Safe?
In the last four years 77 people have died in MEDEVAC helicopter crashes.
The Baby in a Car Conundrum
Would you take action when faced with a baby locked in a hot car?
Jake Tapper on the Stimulus Plan
19 governors have sent letters to President Obama praising the stimulus plan.
Job Survivor Guilt
Many people are experiencing feelings of guilt as their co-workers get laid off.
Lost in The Fray
The band talk about their new self-titled album.
New Details on Octuplets' Mom
Joann Killeen speaks on behalf of the octuplets' mother.
Amy Dickinson's 'Mighty Queens of Freeville'
The advice columnist and author discusses her inspirations in her new book.
Michelle Obama's Listening Tour
The first lady will visit various government agencies to gather information.
Examining True Love
Erin Brockovich Fights for Her Daughter
Who Is the Octuplets' Mother?
McCain on Stimulus Package
Fanning and Hatcher Get Animated
The Science of Super Bowl Ads
Treasure Hunt Deep Under the Sea
Jazmine Sullivan Rocks 'GMA'
Rising Star Jazmine Sullivan
Bailout Money for a Super Bowl Party?
The Steelers Make it Six!
Jake Tapper on the Stimulus Debate
Phelps Apologizes
Winter Concert Series
Lost in 'The Fray': Band Performs Latest Hit
Lost in The Fray
Jazmine Sullivan Rocks 'GMA'
Rising Star Jazmine Sullivan
Top 5 Indie Songs
The Year's Best Music
Museum for Music Lovers
Tribute Bands Rock On
'American Bandstand' Anniversary
Paula Abdul Speaks Out on Fan Suicide
Holy Guitar Taken Off the Market
Playin' in a Family Band
GMA Headlines
GMA Extra
Spokeswoman: Nadya Suleman has named all 8 kids, is "upbeat" and not overwhelmed
Morgan Stanley hosts conference at 5-star resort in Palm Beach.
GMA Recipes
The Deen Brothers cook up tailgating recipes that will get your party going.
The Deen Brothers cook up tailgating recipes that will get your party going.
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Emails Emails
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Layoff Etiquette
You've been spared a layoff, so why do you still feel so bad?
Survivor's Story
EXCLUSIVE: Rookie speaks out after landing with dead instructor strapped to him.
Mentioned On Air
Read a snippet of Amy Dickinson's new memoir. Click here to read an excerpt. [continue]
Do you suspect your teen of abusing drugs. Click here to see if your teen fits the warning signs. [continue]
Read an excerpt from Helen Fisher's book about finding love through personality. Click here for an excerpt and click here to take the love personality quiz. [continue]
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