ABC News
On Campus Reports
Super Bowl Fan Fest
ABC News On Campus reports from Tampa, Fla.
Countdown to the Super Bowl
ABC News On Campus reports from Tampa, Fla.
Students Protest Budget Cuts
Anxiety on campus as Arizona legislators negotiate new budget.
Meet 'The American Dragon'
15-year-old wrestler hopes to make it to the next level.
Young Actors With Down Syndrome
Young adults with special needs find joy on stage.
Changing Careers During Midlife
AARP job search program offers resume help, job fairs and career skills training
Violence on the Rise at US-Mexico Border
Agents manning the border face danger every day.
Bug Bite Leads to Amputation
An 8-year-old learns to live without hands and feet after his organs failed.
'Thunder Dogs' Help Sick Patients
A "dose of good medicine" for bed-ridden hospital patients.
Town vs. Gown in Upstate New York
Syracuse townies blend with students in one of the nation's 'top neighborhoods.'
A School-Based Shooting Range
Students flash an ID and they're able to fire away.
'She Thought She Was Safe'
Daisy, a transgender, is attacked and killed in South Africa.
Online Classes Increasingly Popular
Convenience and low-cost draw students to digital classrooms.
Headache Leads to Tumor Diagnosis
An ASU junior continues to play baseball after battling a brain tumor.
Texans Challenge Creationism
Texas board to decide which theories will appear in science textbooks.
Army Pays $40,000 for Recruits
ASU student preps for basic training, plans to buy a boat with the cash offer.
College Sports from Left Field
Tim Tebow to Return for Senior Year
Gator Fever: Florida Wins BCS Championship
Fans to Watch BCS in 3-D
Meet Yale's First Black Football Coach
Florida Gators' 'Mr. Two Bits'
Pong Champ With Cerebral Palsy
ASU Cheerleaders Ditch the Acrobatics
Ultimate Frisbee at UT
Coaching Otto the Mascot
Football Hero Immortalized at the Movies
Eco Campus
Elliptical Machines that Create Electricity
ASU Senior Organizes Green Summit
One of the Greenest Campuses
Around the Quad
World-Wide Campus News
  • Ohio State, The Lantern: "Students Cut Corners to Study Abroad"
  • By Lindsay Minnema
  • Refusing to let high costs of study abroad get in her way, Juan Blanks used her grandmother's recipe for pound cake to get to China last summer. Stuck after not qualifying for enough scholarships or grants, Blanks took matters into her own hands by selling pound cakes. Driving home to Dayton every weekend to use her mother's oven... [continue to full article]
  • University of Maryland, Diamondback: "O'Malley Funds Tuition Freeze"
  • By Allison Stice
  • Gov. Martin O'Malley's proposed 2010 budget allows for an in-state tuition freeze and a slight increase in university funding, but some legislators have said the allocation should be slashed in an effort to close the state's $2 billion deficit...[continue to full article]
  • Florida A & M, Famuan: "Group Takes Message to D.C."
  • By Alyssa Watts
  • FAMU's Green Coalition will send students to "Power Shift," an environmental summit in Washington, D.C. to make sure the new administration keeps "green" promises for the next four years. Along with Florida State University, Florida A&M University students will travel to the summit Feb. 27 to March 2....[continue to full article]
Best of On Campus
Safety concerns led officials to end cheerleading stunts on the football field.
College students promote sexuality for all to see, read and discuss.
Career 9-1-1: New Tips Weekly
Find out the best ways to communicate in the 21st century workplace.
Find out career expert Lindsey Pollak's advice for job seekers.
Campus Chatter Blog
ABC News On Campus reporter Meghan Lisson blogs: For most college students, it was just another Monday, another day of sleeping through alarm clocks running to class and cramming for tests. But after... [continue]
ABC News on Campus Reporter Jason Tarr blogs... Facebook is a cyberworld that many young people often forget is just as public as their real lives. People post all kinds of personal information on... [continue]
ABC News On Campus reporter Miles Doran blogs: The man who confessed to accidentally sending a bizarre text-message to more than 40,000 students, faculty and staff at the University of Florida via the... [continue]
Bite-Sized Ways to Go Green
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