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Another Tax Problem for Obama Nominee

February 03, 2009 10:28 AM

The informal battle between members of the Obama Administration and the Taxman resulted in a casualty Tuesday, with news that President Obama's nominee to be chief performance officer, Nancy Killefer, will withdraw her nomination following the revelation that she had a $946.69 lien on her property in 2005 for failure to pay taxes.

Killefer, who was announced to much fanfare by President Obama on Jan. 7 to serve in the new position to make the U.S. government "more effective, more efficient, and more transparent," is the third high-level Obama Administration official whose failure to pay taxes in recent years was disclosed in the past month.

A former officer with McKinsey & Company and the past assistant secretary for management, chief financial officer and chief operating officer at Treasury during the Clinton administration, Killefer joins the ranks of Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, who failed to pay more than $40,000 in payrolltaxes when he worked for the International Monetary Fund, and Secretary of Health and Human Services nominee Tom Daschle, who -- as ABC News was first to report last Friday -- on Jan. 2 filed more than $140,000 in back taxes and interest, having failed to disclose more than $300,000 in past income, including the use of a car and driver for three years.

The Associated Press broke the story of Killefer's tax lien placed against Killefer's home in Washington, D.C., for failing to pay unemployment compensation taxes on household help. The issue was resolved five months after the D.C. government took action.

When President Obama announced Killefer's new post, he called Killefer "an expert in streamlining processes and wringing out inefficiencies so that taxpayers and consumers get more for their money. And during her time at Treasury, she helped bring the department into the 21st century, modernizing the IRS, and preparing systems for Y2K."

Beyond confirming Killefer's withdrawal, the White House had no comment on the matter. It was not clear why Killefer -- whose tax transgression amounts to less than 1 percent of Daschle's malfesance, and who dealt with her issue years ago as opposed to weeks ago during the vetting process -- walked the plank while the White House continued to shelter Geithner and Daschle.

-- Jake Tapper, Sunlen Miller & Yunji de Nies

UPDATE: Records show that Killefer owed $298 in unemployment compensation for household help, $48.69 in interest, and $600.00 in penalties.

View the February 2005 Certificate of Assessment and Tax Lien that shows the $946.69 lien, and the July 2005 Certificate of Release of Lien.

Below is the withdrawal letter from Nancy Killefer to President Obama:

"Dear Mr. President,

I recognize that your agenda and the duties facing your Chief Performance Officer are urgent. I have also come to realize in the current environment that my personal tax issue of D.C. Unemployment tax could be used to create exactly the kind of distraction and delay those duties must avoid. Because of this I must reluctantly ask you to withdraw my name from consideration.

I am deeply honored to have been selected by you and you have my deep appreciation for your confidence in me. You have my heartfelt support and best wishes for success in all your endeavors.

Respectfully yours,

Nancy Killefer"

February 3, 2009 | Permalink | User Comments (333)

User Comments

Let me get this right -
We're going to lose the services of one of the top management consultants in the country - stepping down froma post where she makes millions each year serving the CEOs of our largest corporations with their most pressing problems to work for government wages, because of a $300 dispute with the city of DC settled three years ago? Are we really that petty and nearsighted? Do you really think you'll find candidates of similar skills and experience willing to step in and replaced her?

Posted by: Richmond | Feb 3, 2009 2:22:34 PM

He won, deal with it. At the very least, his goal is to IMPROVE our way of life. You can't possibly expect him to correct hundreds of years of discrimination, bigotry and corruption in a couple of weeks.

Thus far, he has followed through with what he promised.

No one is perfect. All I care about is have these people performed in their respective previous positions.

The U.S. has too many hipocritical kettles calling the pot black.

Posted by: Yes We Can | Feb 3, 2009 2:17:13 PM

Obama can't find anybody who hasn't got tax problems? What is going on here? I thought he would change things. Now he just looks like a crooked politician. I can't beleive I voted for him.

Posted by: former obama fan | Feb 3, 2009 2:13:15 PM

I don't know why these people had tax problems but I would like to see a tax code simplification that would give me confidence that people could easily understand what they owe and why. I used to do my own taxes. Then my personal situation changed and I had them done by an accountant. Guess what, the accountant found all kinds of legal deductions that I had no idea I was allowed. And my financial situation is relatively simple. My point is that a transparent, easily understood tax system eliminates the question of whether someone, or the people they hired to do taxes, has made a mistake or tried to avoid paying their fair and proper share.

Posted by: Gale | Feb 3, 2009 2:12:26 PM

The liberals not the true Democrats are a bunch of elite hypocrites, tax cheats and liars. Why do you think all of Hollywood are liberal? All they care about is getting re-elected. POWER and MONEY for themselves. Look at Nancy Pelosi she has a private jet at OUR expense! They don't care about American citizens. Look at Al Gore flying in private jets and suburbans and then spouting about carbon footprints. He makes a lot of money going around the country with his speeches. Obama's approval rating his high because he lied and the media played along so now he and his administration think they can get by with anything! There are too many uninformed voters that just watch MTV, NBC or Oprah that have no clue as to the facts.

Posted by: WAKEUP | Feb 3, 2009 2:09:49 PM

Lets all hope that Obama resigns before he gets caught with his hand in the irs jar.

Posted by: former obama fan | Feb 3, 2009 2:09:48 PM

jhw539 -- ARCORN is about advocating for the poor??? Acorn is about voter fraud and stealing elections.. thats why they are being or have been prosecuted in 19 states for voter fraud and fraudelent voter registration..Dude put down the kool-aid...

Posted by: arkie vet | Feb 3, 2009 2:08:35 PM

jhw539 - "why do Republicans insist on exaggerating and lying to make them look worse?" You mean like the democrats did when they supported the war in Iraq then crucified Bush when he actually went.. or how about when they claimed (pelosci) that there were republicans who were equally to blame for the mortgage meltdown and there " would be an investigation and those responsible would be held accountable" --- except when only democrats could be found with any responsibility, NO investigation was ever conducted...

Posted by: arkie vet | Feb 3, 2009 2:03:09 PM

jhw539 said: "ACORN is all about advocating for the poor."

LOL. Yes, of course. They also falsely accused banks of redlining (w/ Obama's help) and they advocated for subprime loans for the poor (many of whom have now lost their homes). And let's not forget their advocacy for the many disenfranchised DEAD voters across the country. Who remarkably preferred Obama over McCain. Huh.

Google "acorn dead voters" and "acorn cra bad loans"

All part of Obama's Change. We're so blessed.

Posted by: Stacy | Feb 3, 2009 1:56:27 PM

Scott - "and all Republicans think they are the brilliant chosen ones...." Where do you get that from? It was your candidate whose party cried foul everytime anyone mentioned background, experience, associations, or political philosopy.. Your party was the one's demanding that the American people take Obama based on what his party "said he was" and not what we could determine that he actaully was... Wasn't it Pelosi who tried to get a Air Force One style jet when she became majority leader.. and had to be told.. sorry your not entitled to that... Didn't Al Gore fly his jet around in order to tell us all to be more carbon neutral?
Wasn't it Kennedy who supported wind power until they tried to put a wind farm near his home... your completly diluded my friend....

Posted by: arkie vet | Feb 3, 2009 1:56:22 PM

This administration is a disgrace! We now have a deficit of a trillion dollars!!!!!!! So much for smaller government. Obama says it will get worse before it gets better??? Well, he's right!!!!! This man has NO experience on picking his staff - how can he run our country???????

Posted by: jill | Feb 3, 2009 1:56:16 PM

jh539 : why did daschle pull out if what he did was ok?

Posted by: CHAOS | Feb 3, 2009 1:54:08 PM

And he wants to run our health care system? BO is going to put htis country in a tail spin to a severe depression . The repubs screwed it up too.

Posted by: CHAOS | Feb 3, 2009 1:52:43 PM

Okay, just so I'm clear on this, under the new administration we can just opt of paying taxes? Sweet!!!

Posted by: Happy Days Are Here | Feb 3, 2009 1:52:01 PM

George: "who pay the back taxes and "apologize" only AFTER they were caught..."

Actually, they paid BEFORE they were caught, months ago. There are legitimate questions about their ethics, why do Republicans insist on exaggerating and lying to make them look worse?

Posted by: jhw539 | Feb 3, 2009 1:51:58 PM

BO is going to be outed here shortly as a crook. Any bets? The BO fans have to be disappointed. He doesn't know anybody who isn't a crook.

Posted by: CHAOS | Feb 3, 2009 1:49:15 PM

But you see, Geithner DID pay his taxes ... AFTER he found out he might be nominated for a cabinet post. The question is, would he have paid those taxes if he stayed in the private sector? I think we all know the answer to that. Obama should get rid of Geithner, too, or this is going to be a bad spot on his first 100 days. This one is not going to be easily forgotten by the tax-paying public.

Posted by: Linda | Feb 3, 2009 1:48:59 PM

Scott--"Think Obama is doing just fine, love his ethics, "-- Are you on drugs?? You love his ethics? Three tax cheats selected for cabinet positions, a known socialist who supports one world governement selected as the Environmental Czar...three weeks ago Obama stated that he would not sigh any bill that was laden with "pork" then he supports the most Pork laden bill in recednt history and calls it a "stimulus package"... If you read down this thing its nothing more than a handout to all the special interest groups that got him elected.. ETHICS???
p1tey1---you will suppport Obama but want the vetters fired? umm.. the president is responsible for his own picks.. the vetting process thats in place is one HE created. If he can't vet his people, or at least put someone in place to do it for him, how is he supposed to be able to run the country?

Posted by: arkie vet | Feb 3, 2009 1:47:39 PM

You didn't care about obamas choices before the election so why concern yourself now.

Posted by: momoney | Feb 3, 2009 1:46:00 PM

JP: Funny, it sounds like everything you just explained is actually motto and mission statement of Republicans everywhere. I just don't follow you. Maybe you haven't tried looking at things from the opposing party's point of view? To me Bush and his family were wealthy elitist, Bush felt entitled, and all Republicans think they are the brilliant chosen ones....

Posted by: Scott | Feb 3, 2009 1:44:46 PM

You just don't hear the same confident tone out of good ole Barack that you did on the campaign trail. Seems that doing the job is a touch more difficult then campaigning for the job. Let's recall that this man had nevery really done much of anything prior to the campaign so this can hardly come as a surprise.

Posted by: bhurd | Feb 3, 2009 1:37:17 PM

Clinton's administrations best. LOL

Posted by: CW | Feb 3, 2009 1:37:10 PM

"Over just $900.00? Or maybe more like the $900 was owed on an ileagally employed nanny."

I dont think so. DC knew about the employee so it wasnt like it was under the table. And if you look at the assessment it was between $42-$56 for 6 quarters.

There is something wrong about this whole story.

I looked back at google stories mentioning Killefer from her announcement Jan 7. The original AP story identified this tax issue. If you exclude the flurry of new stories today, there are a total of about 30 stories that mention her, since her announcement.

None of them discuss a tax issue.

No one cared as far as we can tell.

So why did she withdrawn now? Possibilities:
1. There is other stuff that is know to staffers but hasnt leaked. She doesnt want it getting out.
2. She was so disgusted by Daschle that wanted to torpedo him. Which has happened.
3. In her role of critiquing government waste and inefficiency she was a bit too frank about the stimulus bill.

Based on what we know there is no good reason why she should have been withdrawn.

Posted by: BertieW | Feb 3, 2009 1:36:59 PM

This woman´s tax debt is relatively minor... but how about Daschle and Geithner... who pay the back taxes and "apologize" only AFTER they were caught...!! Can you spell c-o-r-r-u-p-t-i-o-n ?

Posted by: George | Feb 3, 2009 1:35:24 PM

Why is anyone surprised? This is liberism at its finest.

Posted by: Steve | Feb 3, 2009 1:34:00 PM

Amongst the middle class, liberals and conservatives are much the same. We work, we pay taxes, we have families, etc. etc. But amongst the "upper crust" of this country, there is a predispensation amongst liberals to consider themselves an entitled, intellectually elite class of citizen that is "above" all the tax-paying and other mundane responsibilities of the "common" people. I have been around both conservatives and liberals at this level and I can tell you firsthand that the self-assessed intellectual superiority of the liberals is mindboggling. They consider themselves entitled to these positions of authority and seem to have no cognition of the fact that not paying taxes or fulfilling responsibilites of citizenry could be viewed as a bad thing. At least the conservatives I have worked for seem to tread lightly. And, let's not even get started on how the upper-crust liberals enjoy the "trappings" of power (govt.provided aides, cars, protective details) etc. etc. Ask any Secret Service agent and they will tell you that the liberals they have protected are FAR more inclined to treat their protective agents as personal man-servants. It's bizarre.

Posted by: JP | Feb 3, 2009 1:31:09 PM

Bridget with all due respect to your comment I still need to say Gee! thats all you have?

Posted by: Jim Rod | Feb 3, 2009 1:30:34 PM

The cheaters are dropping like flies now. Who is left? Wright? Franks? Waters? Franks and Waters helped cause the mess we are in maybe they need to get nominated so we can see if they cheated.

Posted by: Jim Rod | Feb 3, 2009 1:29:07 PM

THEY ARE ALL THE SAME: Democrats, Republicans.

Posted by: Jim Schwartz

But no one has accused Palin of not paying her taxes.

Posted by: Mom | Feb 3, 2009 1:28:48 PM

Richardson, Geithner, Daschle, now Killefer? The next person to step down should be whoever is in charge of vetting appointee's! It's time to run the government, very different from the campaign....Huh?

Posted by: Todd | Feb 3, 2009 1:27:45 PM

>>UPDATE: Records show that Killefer owed $298 in unemployment compensation for household help, $48.69 in interest, and $600.00 in penalties.<<

Less than $300 could have been an oversight - I recently found out I have a $200. outstanding medical bill from 2 years ago... sheesh.

Daschle.... different story, but Killefer - she should have stayed.

Posted by: Gee | Feb 3, 2009 1:25:49 PM

Olivia there will never be a third party, in fact after this stimulus bill is passed, there will only be one party - COMMUNIST.

Posted by: JP | Feb 3, 2009 1:24:36 PM

Olivia there will never be a third party, in fact after this stimulus bill is passed, there will only be one party - democrat.

Posted by: momoney | Feb 3, 2009 1:22:56 PM

Has Obama ever met anyone who pays taxes?

Posted by: Oonogil | Feb 3, 2009 1:20:51 PM

I love how the liberals in this nation raise all of OUR taxes to fund their defunct programs, yet they themselves do not pay their taxes in full. These people should be arrested. If we shed our tax paying responsibilities, we'd be in jail. Poor Wesley Snipes.

Posted by: mm | Feb 3, 2009 1:19:43 PM

CHANGE! YES WE CAN! HOPE (you paid your taxes!) LOL! #1 biggest tax cheat in American history -- the United States government!

Posted by: Jeannette Pickering Rankin | Feb 3, 2009 1:19:15 PM

Actually, Hannibal, this country is not dying of factionalism (the Founding Fathers knew that there would be factions and designed the government to make it work with factions) but of elected leaders ceasing to act in the best interests of the electorate, even if those actions were unpopular. The more power people have in government decisions, the more their own self-interests will destroy it. Witness how the direct election of Senators and popular vote based electoral college, as well as lack of term limits, have made government a model of conflict of interest between politicians appeasing the masses to stay in office and doing the right thing.

Posted by: Publius | Feb 3, 2009 1:18:01 PM

If Al Capone was alive, he would be Secretary of the Treasure or something. Obama wants only crooks.

Posted by: barefootboy | Feb 3, 2009 1:16:04 PM

I only voted for Obama because he was lightyears ahead of McCain's vapid pick for VP: Palin. I generally don't vote for VPs, but with McCain's advanced age, this was an issue. Anyway, the bottom line is: THEY ARE ALL THE SAME: Democrats, Republicans.

Posted by: Jim Schwartz | Feb 3, 2009 1:13:41 PM

More scientists and engineers. Fewer Business types and lawyers. That would be change I can believe in.

Posted by: Huh | Feb 3, 2009 1:13:40 PM

I said put these lawmakers in jail for not paying their taxes. They make the law yet they break the law. No wonder we are in this big mess. A bunch of criminals are running the country.

Posted by: Ken | Feb 3, 2009 1:12:45 PM

All these tax cheats kind of makes me miss the pre-election days when Joe Biden would talk about how patriotic it is to pay taxes and Obama would talk about how those who earned a nice salary could afford to pay just a little more. Too bad so many in his own party weren't listening. It's funny, Obama was so adamant during the election season that people should pay more taxes, why is he supporting these nominees for not paying their fair share?

Posted by: My-oh-my | Feb 3, 2009 1:12:31 PM

This being tax season and during a very poor economic event is the worst time for politicians to be outed on their financial "indiscretions". However, at least they are being outed. It would have been much worse for Obama if this information had been found out well into his term. Yes, best to air out the house now.

Posted by: KsDevil | Feb 3, 2009 1:12:13 PM

....and the world is watching and waiting for CHANGE. We probably ain't see nothing yet!

Posted by: mtr2311 | Feb 3, 2009 1:11:14 PM

Enough! It is time for a legitimate third party. The US political landscape is officially hitting rock bottom, so it is the perfect time to form one.

Posted by: Olivia | Feb 3, 2009 1:10:17 PM

Reports are that Daschle is out.

Between tax cheats, lobbyists on board, and the outcry against the stimulus, Obama is off to a rocky start.

Posted by: marylou | Feb 3, 2009 1:09:48 PM

Over just $900.00? Or maybe more like the $900 was owed on an ileagally employed nanny.

Posted by: MBNA Joe | Feb 3, 2009 1:08:13 PM

rgkcpa, you obviously have not read the whole story on Daschle.

Posted by: momoney | Feb 3, 2009 1:07:39 PM

Abraham Lincoln said that all republics die of factionalism. Also, Ben Franklin is reported to have said that all republics last for only 200 years.

In 2009 it appears the American Republic is quite dead.

The government is run by tax cheats who give money to the corrupt and lazy.

Posted by: Hannibal Lechter | Feb 3, 2009 1:06:59 PM

This seems to me like a game of media gotcha. If the people pay what they owe along with whatever fines and penalties are due and other than that they are emminently qualified then what is the screaming about? Because it 'makes news' and also because it is EASY news: reporters have to do very little for a tax story, and in depth position analysis takes a great deal more work. On all theses minor sensationalisms the media loses me.

Posted by: sdr65 | Feb 3, 2009 1:06:17 PM

Looks like Hillary and Bill were the only one's honest with the Obama vetting team.

Posted by: hmmm | Feb 3, 2009 1:05:59 PM

With everything going on in this country right now, the last thing we need are these kinds of stupid mistakes and distractions! We need to get a budget passed!!! There are people who's LIVES depend on it!!!!

I personally could care less about the POLITICS!! People are hurting! And the longer these types of distractions continue, the more people who need JOBS and state money are going to hurt.


Posted by: p1tey1 | Feb 3, 2009 1:05:01 PM

It is time that the nominees withdraw their names as a service to the nation and the president! I can understand Geithner's problem because I know of others caught in that situation. They worked for these international organization, have taxes withheld, file taxes, and then have to declare oneself as "self-employed"?? Okay, so he should have known better than to trust a CPA who did not provide the correct information. But as for those not paying taxes for staff, or declare benefits, that is wrong, because they cannot have been unaware of them. At the same time, FIRE ALL those in the vetting committee right now.

Posted by: Karen | Feb 3, 2009 1:04:42 PM

What seems the most frightening is that these are the individuals seen as leaders, who have been selected from the less deserving masses in Washington. These are the best that the political world has to offer. Just imagine how much tax the others must owe or just how bad they musy be in reality, after stripping away their calculated public image.
Why is it that the average husband and wife can sit down at their kitchen table and accomplish what these individuals and their accountants seem unable to do? "Honest mistakes"? I suspect not. Only honestly exposed for what they are. Shame on them all and those that allow it.

Posted by: FlaSteve | Feb 3, 2009 1:02:56 PM

rgkcpa - Don't make excuses for these people. Believe me, Daschle knew what was up.

Posted by: Huh | Feb 3, 2009 1:02:36 PM

I was wonderin' if Al Capone was alive today, to what position will he be nominated by Obama?

Posted by: Eliot N. | Feb 3, 2009 1:02:25 PM

Wesley Snipes got three YEARS for his mistake!!!!

Martha Stewart got 5 months for her mistake!!

Willie Nelson was penniless after he finally settled up with the IRS after his mistake!!

Leona Helmsley spent 4 years in prison for her mistake!!

Darryl Strawberry was sentenced to 6 months house arrest for his mistake!!

What will Rangel, Geithner, Frank, Dodd, Daschle, and now Killefer get??? CABINET POSITIONS in the new Obama Administration!!

I'm sure as hell going to miss Snipes a WHOLE hell of a lot more than I'll miss any of these Washington bozos.

Oh yeah, I forgot... once the aforementioned bozos get selected for higher-paying jobs in the Obama Administration, the new salary SUBSTANTIALLY increases their basis for calculating retirement (e.g., their "High-3" years in public service).... of course, it won't do anything towards increasing their tax bill in retirement...


Posted by: Fiercely_Independent | Feb 3, 2009 1:02:22 PM

Maybe next year come tax time,I'll envoke the Dashle/Giethner rule,Do you think a warehouse worker would qualify for that?

Posted by: robthewarehouseguy | Feb 3, 2009 1:02:22 PM

Here is a famous quote from the late real estate tycoon Leona Helmsley about tax : "We don't pay taxes. Only the little people pay taxes ...",

Posted by: austin | Feb 3, 2009 1:02:14 PM

I really don't think the media is doing the American people a service by making it look like nobody pays their taxes.

This is an over reaction. The unemployment tax (actually it is insurance) is the payment most often overlooked by my clients because it is not due at the same time as other payroll taxes and is usually only due quarterly instead of monthly like other payroll taxes. Then the unemployment agency hits you with a huge penalty in the hundreds of dollars which is usually a lot more than the actual payment.

As for Daschle's problem, it was a weird situation of a loaned car. He discovered and corrected himself. I don't call that "not paying your taxes." I call that paying your taxes even if you have to go back and fix something no one else knows about.

Posted by: rgkcpa | Feb 3, 2009 1:01:38 PM

They are using fear just as they love to accuse the other side of using fear to push their agenda. Instead of fear of terrorism, they use fear of being racist! If you question Obama, you are obviously racist.....its exactly the same ploy used during the election...."if Obama isn't elect then its only bc the country is full of racists". Its absolutely rediculous!

Posted by: Curt | Feb 3, 2009 1:00:30 PM

Wanna reduce big government? Do a tax audit on all senators and congressmen!
That'll will clear out BOTH sides ! ! !
ha ha ha

Posted by: proscene | Feb 3, 2009 1:00:29 PM

I will continue to support President Obama. But whoever is responsible for vetting these people should be FIRED immediately. This is inexcusable!

Posted by: p1tey1 | Feb 3, 2009 1:00:23 PM


Why not appoint Dr. Ron Paul to one of these positions. He is the guy that actually gives a significant portion of his salary to the treasury every year because he says it is too much. he also has turned down the congressional pension program because he doesn't want to burden taxpayers. We didn't vote for him in large numbers so maybe we get what we deserve......corruption and fraud.

Posted by: Huh | Feb 3, 2009 12:59:36 PM

If Barney Frank is still in office then anything goes.

Posted by: Jeffrey | Feb 3, 2009 12:58:15 PM

Can we please get an honest politian here. It is so sad that the people in charge get all the perks and still want more. If you wonder why CEOs and other higher ups feel entitled to millions in bonus money-looked to the politicians who feel they don't have to play by the same rules.

Posted by: janice | Feb 3, 2009 12:57:27 PM

This article misses a a salient point- the majority of our elected officials NEVER pay taxes-- on anything. Stories that purport to tell the opposite are just that-- stories. This is the dirty secret never mentioned in the media, much less by those who profit from it in Congress. One tiny example- we have a friend who earns a few thousand a year as a state senator (not to be confused with a US senator, who pulls in six figures +). Well, this fellow somehow manages to own three homes (paid for), drive fancy cars, attend pretty much any university he wishes, and free worldwide travel. How is this possible? How indeed. If this is the sort of lifestyle of a lowly state politician, imagine what the DC crowd rakes in. It's estimated that Bush et al walked off the job with around two trillion in money, assets and lucrative contracts for their associated corporations. The hypocritical display of ethics by the withdrawal of Nancy's nomination is nothing more than cheap mockudrama to divert our attention from the true swindle/bailout now in process.

Posted by: h5mind | Feb 3, 2009 12:57:09 PM

don't even ask - I love the fact that we finally have a minority in office. It is a wonderful thing, but Obama is appointing people that have broken the law. He appointed a guy to run the IRS that didn't pay his taxes. It all looks very bad. Republicans are atrocious too. Obama needs to make better choices.

Posted by: Huh | Feb 3, 2009 12:56:38 PM

CORRUPTION IN THE FIRST 2 WEEKS! This is unbelievvable. Does BO know anybody who isn't a crook????????????

Posted by: CHAOS | Feb 3, 2009 12:56:29 PM

How did Karl Rove pull this off?

Posted by: T-Bone | Feb 3, 2009 12:53:29 PM

Impeach Obama 09! Change that's needed!

Posted by: Peter | Feb 3, 2009 12:53:15 PM

DEMOCRATS are far bigger crooks than republicans, who are maily dorks. Now we are starting to see the level of corruption in such a short period. Cheats, frauds and all manner of corruption was in the Obama group.

Posted by: rockychance | Feb 3, 2009 12:52:46 PM

Grace - Czar of honesty...I like it. Maybe Kucinich or Paul could fill that role, but you probably would want to look outside DC. Choosing a scientist or engineer instead of a lawyer would also be advised.

Posted by: Huh | Feb 3, 2009 12:52:17 PM

AH my saints just you clear the boy Father Schumer or is that Rabbi!

Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer said Daschle's own admission that he had failed to pay the taxes is reason enough to forgive his sin.

"Clearly it was a bad mistake, and Daschle was the first to come up with this in June 2008," Schumer said. "It wasn't discovered by the administration's vetting team but rather by Daschle himself much earlier and he brought it to the attention of the administration's vetting team when he was chosen as a potential nominee for HHS."

Obama's pick to be the White House's first performance officer, Nancy Killefer, withdrew her nomination on Tuesday because of her own tax liabilities, namely a $946 tax lien imposed by the D.C. government for failure to pay $298 in unemployment compensation tax on household help

Noting the importance of the post, Killefer wrote in her withdrawal letter to the president that "my personal tax issue of D.C. unemployment tax could be used to create exactly the kind of distraction and delay those duties must avoid."
Less than $1000.00 and she is not begging for the job and forgiveness!

Posted by: hpbOsToN | Feb 3, 2009 12:52:02 PM

Dont you just love "change"!?

Posted by: Curt | Feb 3, 2009 12:51:58 PM

Remember back before the elections when the warnings were issued regarding obama's choice of the people he surrounds himself with. You know, show me your friends and I'll show you your future. In the words of the good reverend, "America's chickens are coming home to roost".

Posted by: momoney | Feb 3, 2009 12:51:50 PM

This is embarrassing. But, I'll bet there are more tax cheats on the Republican side. It may be time to audit all members of congress. But then who will run our government after they're all gone?

Posted by: jon sid | Feb 3, 2009 12:51:23 PM

Another tax cheat in Obama's group-Killifer and BIG NEWS!!!!!Daschle is gone with Killifer, Richardson and a whole load of corruption in the democratic ranks. Hey, this is Chicago land-----Lets roll with Al Capone!!!

Posted by: rockychance | Feb 3, 2009 12:50:46 PM

Obama needs a Czar of honesty in his administration. I wonder if we should have been concerned about all the red flags going off about him before the election?

Posted by: Grace | Feb 3, 2009 12:50:46 PM

Do these people think they are above the Law?

Posted by: Joe Average | Feb 3, 2009 12:50:42 PM

Dave C The top 5% control 90% of the country's wealth, shouldn't they be paying 90% of the nation's taxes? Huh? HUH??

Posted by: Scotti | Feb 3, 2009 12:49:24 PM

robtr - I don't know, but the reps are not much better. They want to go around bombing everyone. Both sides have soem serious flaws.

Posted by: Huh | Feb 3, 2009 12:49:11 PM

this is just getting ridiculous. way to start out an administration based upon change and integrity. what a joke!

Posted by: davidfrat21 | Feb 3, 2009 12:48:39 PM

Do any democrats pay taxes? Are they all tax cheats or is just the one's in the Obama Crime Family Administration?

Posted by: robtr | Feb 3, 2009 12:47:54 PM

Why does Obama seem to be drawn to losers? Richardson, Daschle, Frank, Wright, Rezko, Ayers, Michelle.

Posted by: Greg | Feb 3, 2009 12:47:50 PM

gotterdammerung , according to the IRS from 2000,
People making more than $55,225 pay 84% of all income taxes.

The top 1% in income pay 37.42% of all income taxes
The top 5% pay 56.47%
The top 10% pay 67.33%
The top 25% pay 84.01%
And the top 50% pay 96.09%

The top 1% make more than $313,469
The top 5% make more than $128,336
The top 10% make more than $92,144
The top 25 make more than %55,225 and the top 50% make more than $27,682

Posted by: Dave C | Feb 3, 2009 12:45:59 PM

Looks to me like the Obama administration has found a new way to help the IRS with enforcement and collections. Maybe we can close our budget deficit with the vetting process of more administration appointments. What a message we are sending to the honest taxpayers in our nation.

Posted by: Greg | Feb 3, 2009 12:45:56 PM

Gman | Feb 3, 2009 12:43:45 PM

I agree completely. The United States definitely needs a third, maybe a fourth party!

Posted by: CommenTarry | Feb 3, 2009 12:45:39 PM

The only thing I find outrageous is that Obama is not outraged by this and continues to back these known tax cheats. This is not the "change" I voted for.

Posted by: jry | Feb 3, 2009 12:45:36 PM

Let's not forget the original Commerce Secretary, Bill Richardson, who had to step down because of his own pay to play scandal. Incidentally, why hasn't he been impeached yet like Blago was?

Posted by: momoney | Feb 3, 2009 12:45:24 PM

Honestly, you would rather have an old geezer like McCain in this time of crises? He's the one who said there was nothing wrong with the economy just a couple of weeks before co-signing the biggest bailout of wall street in history. He was clueless then and only getting older. McCain would have been a terrible choice, thank god we don't have McCain. Think Obama is doing just fine, love his ethics, love that people are being forced to check their tax returns and I urge all Democrats and Repbulicans alike (not like there aren't Republicans dodging tax bills, that's practically their party motto!) to pay your taxes!

Posted by: Scott | Feb 3, 2009 12:44:42 PM

Obama's CHANGE doesn't seem to be tax free.

Posted by: d | Feb 3, 2009 12:43:55 PM

How is this change? Why is she resigning and the other two with significantly more tax issues stay on? I thought Obama wanted to do the right things, if we owed the tax Daschle owed we would be in jail. What a double standard, how can he defend this?
Once again it's politics as usual, we need a third party!!!

Posted by: Gman | Feb 3, 2009 12:43:45 PM

Republicans are lying hard I see. Keep it up, Jesus loves it.

These tax issues were cleared up long ago and Daschle didnt get get in troulbe. It was an oversight corrected by his accountant.


Perhaps it is time to stop reading the comics!

Daschle just paid this back during the past couple of months during the vetting process!

"The Finance Committee prepared a four-page staff memorandum for members after Republicans on the panel grew restive over the long confirmation delay. According to the memo, Mr. Daschle paid well $140,167 in back taxes and interest during the vetting process, amending tax returns from 2005 through 2007."

Posted by: bubba

Posted by: Mike_C | Feb 3, 2009 12:41:55 PM

There are a lot of people howling and warning voters during the campaign period that Obama is just like a con salesman and those who are expecting "Change" are either just plain naive or dumb. He definitely bamboozled you and is probably laughing at you right now.

Posted by: Paul D. | Feb 3, 2009 12:41:32 PM

Ordinary citizens miss their tax, they are charged with "tax evasion" and go to jail.

Democrat rich and powerful miss their tax (in hundreds of thousands of dollars), they are pardoned with lame excuses such as "honest mistake".

Obama's nominees have already had 3 with "hnoest mistakes"! LOL

Posted by: nononsense08 | Feb 3, 2009 12:41:05 PM

To "huh",

I would have voted for Paul if he had made it....

Posted by: neveragain | Feb 3, 2009 12:41:04 PM

Amazing that of of these highly educated professionals have problems paying their taxes, while I a simple high school graduate can pay without fail every year.

Posted by: Terri | Feb 3, 2009 12:41:02 PM

neveragain; Remember Obama said our constitution is all messed up.

Posted by: mmonroeliveson | Feb 3, 2009 12:40:49 PM

My god, pay your taxes, people! How embarassing for the US.

Posted by: Meg | Feb 3, 2009 12:40:44 PM

Two issues here: a.) the Obama administration did not examine the nominees' tax problems or conflicts of interest carefully enough, and b.) the nominees had little respect for the new President, the senate or the press.

Posted by: nuanain | Feb 3, 2009 12:40:17 PM

I agree. Tom Daschle is a "good ol' boy".

Posted by: LongT | Feb 3, 2009 12:38:57 PM

Mr. President:

Offer me one of these positions. I do not have tax or other skeletons in my closet, I pay my bills on time and I've not had a salary increase in over five years. I'm college educated with multiple degrees and I am truly a Washington outsider. I have never paused at telling others "no" when it was appropriate and prudent.

What say you, Mr. President?

Posted by: CommenTarry | Feb 3, 2009 12:38:51 PM

"Myself I would choose someone who can do the job well but made an error in taxes or got a speeding violation, or even engaged in an affair, over someone who blatantly violates the spirit of the Constitution."

BRAVO!!! Well said!

Posted by: neveragain | Feb 3, 2009 12:38:45 PM

Next batter.

Posted by: mmonroeliveson | Feb 3, 2009 12:38:45 PM

I'm glad that these guys are being made to recheck and pay their taxes. I am a hard core democrat and I am very disappointed in these people and their apparent inability to file a tax return. I'm sure Obama is also frustrated. All people in Washington should be on notice, pay your damn taxes already.

Posted by: Scotti | Feb 3, 2009 12:38:34 PM

Reality Guess what??? McCain is not president and picking the staff!!!!
And his wife owns the property as a business. wow you voted this change in?

Posted by: Jim Rod | Feb 3, 2009 12:38:00 PM

LongT - She didn't make the minimum requirement. $100k in back taxes seems to be the amount necessary.

Posted by: Huh | Feb 3, 2009 12:37:57 PM

Killifer has the integrity to withdraw over a $970 tax lien yet Geithner didn't and Daschle is still refusing to? Unbelievable.

Posted by: Publius | Feb 3, 2009 12:36:47 PM

This is strange! Very minor in my opinion. Why would she voluntarily drop out for less than $1000? Something is up!

Posted by: LongT | Feb 3, 2009 12:36:26 PM

He will have to go outside of the Democrat party to find anyone honest. All the democrats are just big liars. They have lied so much they believe it themselves. One term Obama.

Posted by: barefootboy | Feb 3, 2009 12:36:21 PM

I say disband both parties and create two new parties and rename them what they are. Socialist, Progressive Tax, Big Government Party and Capitalist, Flat Tax, Small Government Party.

Every year the people can change the name of the Party based on their voting record, cause right now we have the

Socialist, Progressive Tax, Big Government Party and its the only party in town.

Posted by: KR | Feb 3, 2009 12:35:13 PM

Here's what I've learned listening to the media: Republicans are for the rich but Democrats are for the rich who don't pay taxes!

Posted by: Brian | Feb 3, 2009 12:34:07 PM

".Rich People Don't Pay Taxes!!! And when they do, as a percentage of their total "earned" and "unearned" income, their percentage tax payment is lower than the average Joe or Jane that pays federal tax on earned income. Google "rich people don't pay taxes" and learn more."

Totally incorrect.

That liberal meme was pwned by a CBO report entitled "Historical Effective Tax Rates, 1979 to 2005: Supplement with Additional Data on Sources of Income and High-Income Households

The top 4% of households pay 45% of the taxes.

The effective tax rate goes up in every income category (except a .6% dip at the top .01% when ssn tax becomes a nit).

As you can see from Table 1, the Effective Income Tax rate goes from -6.5% for the lowest quintile up to 20.7% for people in 99%.

The total tax burden goes from 4.3% up to 31.5%.

If we took the richest people, the .01% who probably dont have much traditional income you are still wrong. They pay 17.0% No other group pays that much until you get to the 99%.

So everything you know is wrong.

Posted by: BertieW | Feb 3, 2009 12:33:52 PM

This is nothing compared to Tim and Tom!

Posted by: LongT | Feb 3, 2009 12:33:43 PM


Why not appoint Dr. Ron Paul to one of these positions. He is the guy that actually gives a significant portion of his salary to the treasury every year because he says it is too much. he also has turned down the congressional pension program because he doesn't want to burden taxpayers. We didn't vote for him in large numbers so maybe we get what we deserve......corruption and fraud.

Posted by: Huh | Feb 3, 2009 12:32:40 PM

again we all must ask:
Does Obama have ANY friends, assoiciates, mentors, fundraisers, family members, or nominees who aren't:
-tax cheats
-or corrupt in some way

Posted by: Ed | Feb 3, 2009 12:32:29 PM

Finally someone who is doing the right thing. She withdrew. Too late for Geithner but he could still resign. Come on Daschle, step up to the plate, it's your turn. Don't be another stain in the seat of this nation's skivvies.

Posted by: mmonroeliveson | Feb 3, 2009 12:32:17 PM

This is not change! Where is the change that Obama promised! This is Obama's 4th candidate that has had tax issues! We don't want to pay our taxes either! But we have to. These people should not be allowed to hold positions in our government!

Posted by: Merry Jo Edwards | Feb 3, 2009 12:32:09 PM

I know, how about showing me a honest Repub - if you can find one.

Sorry, I take that back - just show me ANY HONEST POLITICIAN!!

Posted by: neveragain | Feb 3, 2009 12:30:37 PM

We need Ron Paul to come in and dissolve the IRS so then all of these guys Obama is appointing would be legitimate.

Posted by: Huh | Feb 3, 2009 12:30:18 PM

Thank you all you yes we can people. You have proved that you all have elected cheaters and now they being exposed one by one.

Posted by: Jim Rod | Feb 3, 2009 12:30:17 PM

The male boys club appointee Daschle can get away with being a tax offender and keep the support from Obama, he stays in the job. While the female tax offender is bye bye.

Sexism sucks!

Posted by: Sylvia JOhnsen | Feb 3, 2009 12:29:23 PM

I am glad this lady did the right thing and stepped aside. Now if only that lying cheat Daschle would step aside. But NO! He thinks he and continue to lie and cheat and then get his way. I say screw him. Send him packing right out of Washington.

Posted by: Mercury57 | Feb 3, 2009 12:29:05 PM

Maybe they will be for simplified tax code or even a Flat Tax that the former communist nations in Eastern Europe adopted.

Oh wait, that wouldn't work because that would be counter a the country "moving forward" into more principled socialism.

Ironic that former communist nations went from progressive tax to flat tax while we move towards "progressive" values. Maybe eastern European countries are more "progressed" than we are. They are looking at as with a "been there, done that".

Posted by: KR | Feb 3, 2009 12:28:47 PM

I am defenitely applying to work for Obama's adminstration. I am have not pay my taxes and I am not going to. :D

Posted by: I | Feb 3, 2009 12:28:16 PM

I'm starting to feel a little foolish,is it too late to change my vote?,just asking.

Posted by: robthewarehouseguy | Feb 3, 2009 12:28:15 PM

Republicans are lying hard I see. Keep it up, Jesus loves it.
These tax issues were cleared up long ago and Daschle didnt get get in troulbe. It was an oversight corrected by his accountant.
Posted by: bubba
The libs crack me up.
Facts that they don't liked are lies. Lies used to justify their misdeed are facts.
Bringing in Jesus to advocate their "outrage".
Democrats who violated the law are committing an "oversight".
It's always someone elses fault...am I right so far?...Well, maybe not, I'm not a lib....

Posted by: Reality2009 | Feb 3, 2009 12:27:07 PM

“Make no mistake, tax cheaters cheat us all, and the IRS should enforce our laws to the letter.” — Senator Tom Daschle, Congressional Record, May 7, 1998, p. S4507

Posted by: dds | Feb 3, 2009 12:26:52 PM

I find it interesting she's out for a $900 tax bill she paid three years ago, but Dashle and Geithner paid their $170,000 last month and both are getting a pass. Do women get treated differently at the top??
The real problem is they're proving that the leaders of the party most likely to raise your taxes don't pay theirs.

Currently 40% of the people in this country don't pay any income taxes, and the top 1% in income pay 23% of all taxes. The top 10% pay 50% of all taxes. The dem leadership wants you to think those people are unpatriotic and greedy for wanting a lower tax bill. Like Exxon. Remember the big bad oil companies that supposedly rob you blind? The federal government makes twice as much from every gallon of gas as the oil companies, and the government gets their money even if the company is losing money. It's all a scam to control more and more of your money and your life.

Posted by: Dave C | Feb 3, 2009 12:26:42 PM

MDHokie; Daschle has taken in better than 5 million dollars during his last two years of senatorial unemployment. Why on earth would he give up such a lucrative income for a cabinet position?

Posted by: mmonroeliveson | Feb 3, 2009 12:25:54 PM

Wow! How many people are there in Washington that haven't paid their appropriate taxes. Only under the scrutiny of a public office are we finding these things out.

Posted by: RktMan76 | Feb 3, 2009 12:24:54 PM

Obama, it's over. Sarah Palin isn't a threat anymore. It's time to call all of your vetters and investigators back from Wasilla, and turn them loose on your idiot cabinet picks, because you can't seem to pick anyone who isn't a tax cheat, a socialist or a pay-to-play "playuh".

Oops. I'm sorry. I forgot.... Coming out of the Chicago political thug machine, those are the only types you know.

Posted by: BlofeldBuildings | Feb 3, 2009 12:22:35 PM

even the new york post the most liberal newspaper there is, calls for Dashle to withdraw his nomination. Go figure.

Posted by: Lizzie | Feb 3, 2009 12:22:23 PM

Have any of the media looked into whether President Obama has paid his FairShare(tm) of taxes?

Of course, that presumes that any of the media have looked into ANYthing of The One, and we already know the answer to that.

They haven't even looked into whether he is a legal citizen or not, screw the taxes.

Posted by: JJ | Feb 3, 2009 12:20:31 PM

Mike_C: "You crucify a common man for a lie...(yes, i will subscribe to your intrpreation of it) BUT you refuse to apply the same standards to Giethner, Daschle & Killefer!!!"

Yes. That's it exactly, you have it - they are IDENTICAL situations and it was me, all me, acting EXACTLY as you say.
jhw539 ,

Thank you, nice to know you can admit when your wrong.

Posted by: Mike_C | Feb 3, 2009 12:19:42 PM

I pay my taxes - I often grumble about it, but I pay. I give to charity - I often cry when they cash the check, but I give - of course I won't make it to heaven since I'm not cheerful about it, so I just pay taxes and donate to charity because I feel I should. I wish we had politicians who paid taxes and gave to charity even when they weren't running for office. Maybe we should choose the kind of people that change their legal or charitable habbits when the public is watching. I don't see a mistake like this as a reason to disqualify someone for a job - because I am the least perfect person there is and I am glad that I get to work. But the failure to pay taxes by some and the dismal giving record by most politicians - before they are in the public eye, of course - is very disturbing to me - from both parties. That said, if she is the best person for the job, I hope she reconsiders.

Posted by: Mark | Feb 3, 2009 12:19:29 PM

Obama has brought only corruption to the White House in his first 100 days. Blago and now Obama's 3 tax evading picks. Congrats Dems on making the Obama Presidency WORSE than the Bush.

Posted by: d | Feb 3, 2009 12:19:16 PM

If these people who are tax cheaters get by with being promoted to high government jobs, then every person in America who cheats should not be punished. But no, with the average, common U.S. citizen it will be off with their heads. Sad,sad. I am weeping for my country.

Posted by: Mel | Feb 3, 2009 12:18:53 PM

My only comment - remember the Congressional hearings on abuse by the IRS where common citizens had a voice on what this agency does to the average person? I remember it well because in 1994, 2 years after my husband passed away and left me with 4 young children, my tax return was audited. These people had the audacity to try to collect additional tax money, claiming the children were not my dependents. It was a nightmare, to say the least for me and my family for 6 months while they harrassed the heck out of me. They will go after the little guy for a few bucks, but these hot-shot politicians who receive all kinds of government perks to begin with can get away with paying nothing.Why not just overhaul the IRS and get rid of all the complexities that allow people to make "mistakes"?

Posted by: SCgirl | Feb 3, 2009 12:18:42 PM

This is just the beginning of the nightmare that began last election.

Posted by: sue | Feb 3, 2009 12:18:14 PM

jhw539 ,

LOL....you are actually very funny....

My point about the stimulus was ther was very little talk abnout REAL change... If your talking about Pelosi's condom program or the national mall...I hardly consider that 400 million SERIOUS changes in a package set at over 800 BILLION!!!!

Very little changed from the original Bill to the one passed by the house.

The REAL SERIOUS debate over this thing did not start until it reached the senate and peope had TIME to really look at it.

Have you read any of it? Have you seen the obscene amounts the democrats threw in there to oversee & manage? Even for allocations that will already be managed by current bureaucracies? No real expalantion on the implementation of the oversight & management, just $$$

The support for this thing in the form which passed the house has fallen off dramatically, in part to people realizing what happened with TARP when it was rushed through.

I do beleive the majority of people want it, but they dont want that pork pile that came from the house!

Posted by: Mike_C | Feb 3, 2009 12:17:55 PM

Some of the kool aid drinkers are seeing the light...

"Seventy-one percent (71%) of American voters now view President Obama as politically liberal, including 42% who say he is Very Liberal. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 23% see him as politically moderate and just 2% see him as somewhat or very conservative."

Also according to Rasmussen his "strongly approve" has dropped to 37%.

Posted by: jason | Feb 3, 2009 12:15:50 PM

Have any of the media looked into whether President Obama has paid his FairShare(tm) of taxes?

Of course, that presumes that any of the media have looked into ANYthing of The One, and we already know the answer to that.

Posted by: Paul in NJ | Feb 3, 2009 12:15:18 PM

Why not appoint Dr. Ron Paul to one of these positions. He is the guy that actually gives a significant portion of his salary to the treasury every year because he says it is too much. he also has turned down the congressional pension program because he doesn't want to burden taxpayers. We didn't vote for him in large numbers so maybe we get what we deserve......corruption and fraud.

Posted by: Huh | Feb 3, 2009 12:15:14 PM

"Anyone who is so critical of the tax issues should address their own situation first. did you have sufficient documenation to support all your charitable donations? "

IRS rules have changed so that you have to provide documentation of cash donations for the past couple of years. Not a big deal since churches and charities send you a record.

"Did you properly report via form 1099 or obtain a Form w-9 for your yard service, house keeping, child care providers."

No. If you hire the girl next door as a sitter you dont pay the nanny tax. If your expense to a provider is under $1500 you dont pay.

If they go to La Petite Academy |or drop in day care you dont pay a tax.

If you hire TruGreen to do your lawn maintenance you dont owe any employment taxes. You can probably hire a kid to mow every week and you dont owe.

Likewise if you hire Merrymaids or any cleaning chain like that you dont owe employment taxes.

In summary you have identified a lot of situations that the average person doesnt have, or already easily complies with.

The problem comes in when you essentially have a staff of people can you are saving money by employing them directly. Killefer had two nannies and live in maids.

Most people aren't in this situation. The implication that we are all doing this is incorrect.

Posted by: BertieW | Feb 3, 2009 12:13:22 PM

The root of the problem stems from our system of "career" politicians. If, as intended, ordinary citizens who SERVED their state and country did not make a living off governing, then the corrupting draw of money and power could be subdued. Even once today's politicians "retire", they become "consultants" wielding their influence and power for money.

This is a bi-partisan issue. Political leaders on all sides of our gov't are taking advantage of thier position for money and power.

Posted by: MDHokie | Feb 3, 2009 12:13:18 PM

Obama needs to step down.

Posted by: gotterdammerung | Feb 3, 2009 12:13:05 PM

This is not a Republican or Democrat issue......Rich People Don't Pay Taxes!!! And when they do, as a percentage of their total "earned" and "unearned" income, their percentage tax payment is lower than the average Joe or Jane that pays federal tax on earned income. Google "rich people don't pay taxes" and learn more.

Posted by: newsguy58 | Feb 3, 2009 12:13:02 PM

Since when has it become OPTIONAL to pay your taxes?

Posted by: NYZiaJay | Feb 3, 2009 12:12:29 PM

So let me see if I have this straight... It's okay for men to stiff the taxman for hundreds of thousands of dollars but when a woman underpays by nine hundred she's ineligible to hold a position in the Obama administration.

Got it.

Posted by: creeper | Feb 3, 2009 12:12:24 PM

Miss Me - One more thing. Even tho you're done with "people like me." If you'll notice? I'm pretty sure the press just LOVES to flame that one. Anymore I'm convinced they're half the problem and guilty of promoting it. Why else would the Times print so many of those letters? It's not the bulk.

Posted by: Susan | Feb 3, 2009 12:11:37 PM

hopesprings52 - Stop making excuses. There are some honest people that follow the law that are worthy of these appointments. Something just isn't right here. Obama needs to realize how this looks.

Posted by: Huh | Feb 3, 2009 12:11:19 PM

Geez, are all politicians corrupt? Not paying taxes? Really? Why in the world do I fret over paying taxes on my 40k?

Posted by: panjfl | Feb 3, 2009 12:11:13 PM

Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.,"said that paying more in taxes is the patriotic thing for wealthier Americans to do." I guess the rest of the dem’s didn't hear him.

Posted by: Real Story | Feb 3, 2009 12:11:09 PM

Why should liberal politicians pay taxes when the people that keep them in office don't. They are after all the party of handouts.

Posted by: metoo | Feb 3, 2009 12:10:32 PM

It's fascinating, that in our quest for prefect people who never make mistakes or slip-ups to be public servants, we end up with leaders like Bush. Maybe this is the way America will go down. Myself I would choose someone who can do the job well but made an error in taxes or got a speeding violation, or even engaged in an affair, over someone who blatantly violates the spirit of the Constitution.

Posted by: hopesprings52 | Feb 3, 2009 12:09:35 PM

This is insane. I pay my taxes. Maybe I should be appointed to run the IRS. Amazing and truly sad.

Posted by: Huh | Feb 3, 2009 12:09:13 PM

Mike_C: "You crucify a common man for a lie...(yes, i will subscribe to your intrpreation of it) BUT you refuse to apply the same standards to Giethner, Daschle & Killefer!!!"

Yes. That's it exactly, you have it - they are IDENTICAL situations and it was me, all me, acting EXACTLY as you say.

Posted by: jhw539 | Feb 3, 2009 12:09:09 PM

I wonder what the IRS would find if they looked at all politicians tax's.
If they get the microsope out on anyone they are bound to find something.
I would say that someone that slipped up and did not pay 300 dollars worth of taxes is a big change from the lying theiving administration that just left.
Remember she paid for those taxes years ago. Richard Cheney took a $250000 check from Haliburton after declaring he does not work with them anymore. Hmmm $300 dollars for a slip with taxes vs No bid contracts and a $250000 dollar check.
that is a big change.
Keep crying conservitives.

Posted by: texas outlaw | Feb 3, 2009 12:08:03 PM

This is nuts. Here we go again with another administration that is going to continue to lead us into a huge tax burden not owning up to their fare share. No wonder Obama wasn't worried about raising the taxes on the rich, they don't seem to pay their taxes anyway.

I say lets all stop paying our taxes, screw em!

Posted by: allen | Feb 3, 2009 12:07:55 PM

We need Hillary after all.

HRC, Please, do something.

We poor cats need your help.

Posted by: two cats | Feb 3, 2009 12:07:07 PM

Mike_C: "At that point, there was very little talk about making changes."

What? Do you even live in the US? It was a week full of "$200 million for grass!!!" and "Condoms don't create jobs!!"

There is a fine argument to be made against the right size and targeting of the stimulus. When you lie it just weakens your position.

Posted by: jhw539 | Feb 3, 2009 12:06:58 PM

Miss Me - I too am a centrist. My point is simply the right sure loves to make a career out of that as well. It's the nature of the beast. But just because you're read some in the Times saying that? Do not apply it to the majority please. Most I know do not do this. Of course there will always be some idiots. I'll call it for what it is when I see it too. I can assure you I have not tolerance for it either. Just keep it to those actually doing it.

Posted by: Susan | Feb 3, 2009 12:06:40 PM

Republicans are lying hard I see. Keep it up, Jesus loves it.

These tax issues were cleared up long ago and Daschle didnt get get in troulbe. It was an oversight corrected by his accountant.

Posted by: bubba | Feb 3, 2009 12:06:30 PM

p1tey1 - Maybe if you become a democratic politician, you too can avoid paying taxes.

Posted by: Disgruntled taxpayer | Feb 3, 2009 12:04:48 PM

I would bet a ton of money that of all the potential picks for any cabinet position, wether Democrat or Republican, you would discover they all have something to hide. And all of you writing in passing judgement on Pres. Obama's picks are not without flaws, or have some issue you wouldn't want known. So get over it. If only perfect people were allowed to have jobs or hold a political office, we'd have a real mess on our hands.

Posted by: Sandra Johansen | Feb 3, 2009 12:04:47 PM

I think Obama is doing a great Job, what I think he should do is all those, they should look into everybody tax record, so he can fished out the bad nuts.

Posted by: Aba Ajiboye | Feb 3, 2009 12:03:21 PM

Susan - OK. I'm finished with this conversation. You again bring Bush into this conversation that has nothing to do with him. You keep referring to "my side" without even knowing what "side" I'm on (you make assumptions and stereotype accordingly).

I'm an independent. I said in my post I appreciate much of the liberal agenda - it's the inability for many liberals to stick to the point that is downright annoying. And before you say that it is only a few people crying racism - have you read any New York Times editorials lately? They've made it an art form to call people racist if someone dares to challenge the status quo on anything from taxes to illegal immigration. It's not just a few people using this tactic. It's becoming institutionalized through organizations like NY Times, MSNBC and others in the media. People like you just refuse to see it.

Posted by: Miss Me | Feb 3, 2009 12:02:42 PM

OK...here's the deal, don't pay taxes and you'll be ok as long as you stay under the radar. We dopes pay our taxes even when we are not on any radar. I think somehow we got it wrong, and should stop paying our taxes just like everyone in government. Guess this lady's performance leaves alot to be desired in the job of Performance Watchdog.

Posted by: jake | Feb 3, 2009 12:01:56 PM

Why are these people getting away with not paying their taxes??? I owed the IRS $1,300 and they threatened me!!! I received letters threatening to garnish my wages, and freeze my bank accounts. Talk about unfair! They come after the little people hard and fast, but the big fish seem to get away with it. This really makes me angry.

Posted by: p1tey1 | Feb 3, 2009 12:01:53 PM

tax cheats are OK by Obama because, after all, they are the liberal elite.

Posted by: brian | Feb 3, 2009 12:01:15 PM

Why a surprise?

PBO and Rahm put Blago into the Illinois Governor's Office. These are the typical type of people they are able to identify, surrounded with and put into power. Wasn't it PBO who sent Rahm to talk to Blago to get his banker friend to replace him. That poor Blago only got trapped in the end.

Posted by: smart guy | Feb 3, 2009 12:00:58 PM

My guess is that most of the people making a big deal of this have had a slip up with the tax man. In fact I bet most of them knowingly cheat on their taxes now. I bet the misrepresent their income and their deductions.
It was 1,000 dollars. 600 was a hit by the tax man. The way I see it is the IRS made out well on this deal.

Posted by: texas outlaw | Feb 3, 2009 12:00:43 PM

everyone arguably has committed som type of sin.thus throwing rocks would generally fall on deaf ears. the difference here is this administration PROMISSED something different, CHANGE i believe was the buzz word if you will,and carried on with a sense of arrogance. misleading the american public is frowned upon. hence obamas growing credibilty problem.

Posted by: catman | Feb 3, 2009 12:00:29 PM

BertieW: The difference is in the wording more than the date (Jan 27th vs Jan 30th - Feb 2nd). I posted a poll that had identical wording, and essentially identical results, to one taken a month ago to show that support has not varied.

I agree with the numbers that clearly people would like the bill passed with changes. I disagree with your lumping people who want it passed with changes in with the people who want nothing done as the other poll wording tested that exact question - this bill or nothing - and found 52% in favor of passage versus 37% opposed. Unless you're seriously saying that opinion changed enough over two days to account for the discrepancy.

You may be better using Rassmussen, who is slanting their poll by applying a likely voter model (for what? 2010?) and is the only one showing any trend of dropping support for the stimulus.

Posted by: jhw539 | Feb 3, 2009 11:59:49 AM


Posted by: natale from mass. | Feb 3, 2009 11:58:16 AM

In OBama's defense it must be extremely difficult to find an honest politician in DC. Most of those folks are so tied up in taking care of themselves that they forget why they were elected to go there in the first place. It really is an embarrasing situation for Obama and crew to keep striking out like this.
In any case I wonder if those bleeding heart liberals at msnbc will have the chops to talk about it. Oberman is so far left sometimes I wonder if he is still an American.

Posted by: RS | Feb 3, 2009 11:57:49 AM

Where is the mainstream media, screaming in one united voice, that Obama's cabinet and advisor picks demonstrate the utter fecklessness and inattentiveness to detail of the current President and his policies and choices?

Instead, (with the exception of Tapper and Kass) the media are behaving like Musk Oxen encircling their young President Obama to protect him. The Media Oxen stand in tight circle, shoulder to shoulder facing outwards to protect their, uh... flanks and their puerile President.

It really is quite an eye opener to see the press taking such a blatantly biased and dangerous position.

Posted by: Crickets | Feb 3, 2009 11:57:46 AM

Do none of these politicians know how to pay their taxes?

Posted by: Justeace | Feb 3, 2009 11:57:16 AM

"Anyone who is so critical of the tax issues should address their own situation first."

This comment is a red herring, trying to say anyone could have tax problems of some kind, so Daschle et al. should get a pass. No, they shouldn't, the average Joe is not applying for cabinet positions, and Daschle has been in the public eye and in politics for decades, so yes he should be called on "mistakes" of $140k. Obama is pretending to hold people to higher standards, so he can start by withdrawing the nomination of all the tax cheats. There are a couple more emerging today. Solis and Killefer.

Posted by: jason | Feb 3, 2009 11:56:56 AM

If she is withdrawing her name for under $1000, Daschle and the other loser need to go too. I voted for Obama and support him fully, but that will end if he insists on surrounding himself with cheats.

Posted by: CaffeineHat | Feb 3, 2009 11:55:52 AM

Rhonda I don't remotely understand your post.

Posted by: Susan | Feb 3, 2009 11:55:46 AM

Mike_C: No, they did not behave in the same way but I'm not spending the rest of the day teaching you the basics of critical thought.


You crucify a common man for a lie...(yes, i will subscribe to your intrpreation of it) BUT you refuse to apply the same standards to Giethner, Daschle & Killefer!!!

LOL...so now you liberals have moved up from the difintion of is is ... to what the defintion of a lie is !

Son, your credibility is leaking all over the place.

Posted by: jhw539

Posted by: Mike_C | Feb 3, 2009 11:55:17 AM

You can bet that it's now a feeding frenzy and the storyline is firmly in place so the GOP and media will be carefully auditing the taxes of every Obama applicant. Once the narrative is in place, it's pursued with gusto. The GOP smells an opening,the media loves the narrative and it's off to the races even though America is burning.

Posted by: hopesprings52 | Feb 3, 2009 11:53:50 AM

So much for change!!!!

10 days into his administration and you can already see the wheels falling off this wagon. ( and I was a delegate for him state level)!

Posted by: spoon2456 | Feb 3, 2009 11:53:27 AM

It is foolish for government employees to pay income tax on their wages from "service" (heh) anyway as they are just cycling money taken from taxpayers who do something, produce something, form the productive side of the economy.

If we reduced salaries to their net level and eliminated government employees from the tax rolls, we would have a much clearer picture of who is paying what.

Also, I agree with the posters who rate this issue as a non-event. Compared to Geithner, who lied through his teeth in confirmation hearings, Daschle, the lobbyists Obama is hiring...this doesn't meet the giggle test as to importance.

So, either she is punching out ahead of much deeper problems being disclosed or this is a tactical move by Bama et. al. to try to cover up or mitigate something else, such as Daschle.

Most ethical and transparent White House evah!

Posted by: Harry Schell | Feb 3, 2009 11:53:18 AM

Enough Enough , Oh you said "did you sleep through Bush years ?? Oh come on, I am really glad that Obama found all those people who are that intelligent people that have tax problems and they deserve to pay for it and with the bonuses at wall street as well.. Why didn't Bush know about them when they served in his times ?? that Obvious that we all are that foolish under him that he didn't act that fast to save the economy. so Give Obama a big break and pray for the best what he can do for the america and save the economy.

Posted by: Rhonda | Feb 3, 2009 11:51:44 AM

"Anyone who is so critical of the tax issues should address their own situation first. did you have sufficient documenation to support all your charitable donations? Did you properly report via form 1099 or obtain a Form w-9 for your yard service, house keeping, child care providers. Many child care providers or sitters might be subject to tax reporting and or taxing situations. "
Posted by: scott jeffries

Yup. I did everything by the book and on the up-and-up. Everything from my gifts to charity to my child care expenses are properly recorded (hint, it's not that hard - just takes honesty and organization). But then again, I'm not a politician, so that might explain things.

Posted by: Toodles | Feb 3, 2009 11:51:16 AM

Does Obama know how to nominate anybody but tax cheats? this is real change, I can feel it.

Posted by: brian | Feb 3, 2009 11:51:13 AM

Good grief people it is less than a thousand dollars. Give it a rest.

Posted by: Jenny Rome Ga | Feb 3, 2009 11:45:42 AM


A crime is a crime, unless you are from Chicago or up for change.

Posted by: skinny dog | Feb 3, 2009 11:51:06 AM

At least the lady has class, unlike the others in Barry's administration and congress.

Posted by: Bob | Feb 3, 2009 11:50:47 AM


The people have actually started to look at that pork pile. the poll your quoting was before it passed the House. At that point, there was very little talk about making changes. those discussions really only became serious after the bill got to the Senate. Since then people have had more time to look at those 600 pages and are no longer convinced that something rubber stamped by Nancy Pelosi & barney Frank is right way to go.

I will give Obama credit here for trying to work out a resonable compromise. I would still want to have that transparency he has been talking about by having each allocation attributed to a particular congressman/woman and also an estimate of how many jobs each allocation is expected to create.

That would give us some trackability as we move forward to see which things work well & which do not!

Posted by: Mike_C | Feb 3, 2009 11:50:37 AM

Just more lack of experience keeps comming to the surface. This is getting comical except things are to serious right now for rookie mistakes. This nation needs a real leader right now and Obama is failing miserably.

Posted by: billy bob | Feb 3, 2009 11:50:36 AM

worker man: "If Bush/McCain/Palin/etc.. were to have this bad of a 2 week period, in terms of public trust, you foul mouthed liberals would be having a coniption fit"

What you mean like Bush's appointments in 2000? When liberals weren't having a conniption fit? (But I guess that's just because liberals support the hiring of illegal aliens and dodging taxes.)

Posted by: jhw539 | Feb 3, 2009 11:50:13 AM

I find it interesting that most liberals feel the rich in this country are not taxed enough, but a good portion of the Obama cabinet nominees (i.e. examples of rich liberals) feel their taxes are too high and they have employed shady and deceitful practices to avoid them.

Very telling.

Posted by: T-Willy | Feb 3, 2009 11:49:31 AM

Daschle is $134,000; does he get a pass too?

Posted by: Confused | Feb 3, 2009 11:49:06 AM

I do recall that Pres. Obama had some huge Application paperwork to be a member of his team/staff. I guess now that he is President that was all thrown out. Interesting how 3 of the nominations all have some sort of Tax issue. Not to mention the person he appointed as Treasury Secretary also had tax issues. So what concerns me is this guy is going to now be in charge of all our Income Tax collections. He'll nail everyone of us but it's ok for him or any of these people in politics to get a Free Pass..

Posted by: Not Shocked | Feb 3, 2009 11:48:32 AM

I'd like to know one thing, its ok not to pay taxes, but its also ok to just say I'm sorry and that's that? If Joe.C.Public did that, not paying taxes, they are put in jail and fined, I'd like to know why these senator's aren't going to jail. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. WHAT'S UP!

Posted by: maria | Feb 3, 2009 11:48:18 AM


You posted the link to *last weeks* poll.

You can reach the current one from the Gallup homepage.

38% says pass as proposed

37% say pass with major changes

17% say reject.

so 54% want this shot down.

Posted by: BertieW | Feb 3, 2009 11:47:45 AM

"Should Obama remove the pork from his stimulus bill? 90% of all respondees voted yes."

Yeah but half of them were liberals who were told by PETA to avoid bacon.

Posted by: jason | Feb 3, 2009 11:47:05 AM

CNN Poll yesterday.
Should Obama remove the pork from his stimulus bill? 90% of all respondees voted yes.

If you do that, only $32B would have left of the $900b fat.

Posted by: smart guy | Feb 3, 2009 11:46:50 AM

Anyone who is so critical of the tax issues should address their own situation first. did you have sufficient documenation to support all your charitable donations? Did you propertly report via form 1099 or obtain a Form w-9 for your yard service, house keeping, child care providers. Many child care providers or sitters might be subject to tax reporting and or taxing situations. Did you properly report and pay the sales and use taxes on your internet purchases?

All this amounts to that fact that most Americans have more than likely ran afoul of a Feders, State or local taxing authorities. Our tax system is set up to make ALL of US tax cheats at some point in time.

So any of us who think we are free of this sin, should look very carefully at their own situations before being so crtical. Additionally, its time that we all demand fairness and simplication of our tax systems.

Posted by: scott jeffries | Feb 3, 2009 11:46:36 AM

Mike Jones: "(P.S. Bush had similiar approval numbers)"

Yes, right after 9/11. Never before.

Posted by: jhw539 | Feb 3, 2009 11:46:26 AM

I would assume if you were your politcal party's candidate for President, which Obama has been for several months, that you would already have an idea about who you were going to appoint for what position. Your staff could use the time wisely from the nomination to the election to the time you take office to investigate the nominees' backgrounds fully. If Obama's staff had done its' job properly, I find it hard to believe that tax information about three different nominees and the information about Richardson came to light at such a late date.

At least Killefer and Richardson had the grace to withdraw from the nominations, if they couldn't have divulged the information in the first place. That is more than can be said for Geithner and Daschle.

Posted by: Melanie | Feb 3, 2009 11:46:21 AM

This should come as no surprise. He is surrounding himself with the same sort of crooks as he did in the cesspool called Chicago where he came from. Change? I don't think so.

Posted by: bo | Feb 3, 2009 11:46:10 AM

Good grief people it is less than a thousand dollars. Give it a rest.

Posted by: Jenny Rome Ga | Feb 3, 2009 11:45:42 AM

The must be farming out the vetting process to some company in Bangladesh, this is nuts, and here Obama touts himself as one who is "all about details", I guess he has to learn to read first!

Posted by: CC | Feb 3, 2009 11:45:32 AM

And all these years I worry about whether I am doing my taxes correctly. Worrying that I may have made a mistake. Well, my worry days are over! This is just messed up.

Posted by: Robert N. | Feb 3, 2009 11:45:15 AM

Thanks goodness taxes have finally become optional. Oh wait, is that only for those at the top of OUR heirarchy system? If they don't have to pay does this mean we pay more? Where have I heard that song before????

Posted by: Confused | Feb 3, 2009 11:44:57 AM

More liberal double standards at work.

If Bush/McCain/Palin/etc.. were to have this bad of a 2 week period, in terms of public trust, you foul mouthed liberals would be having a coniption fit, and the MSM would tell you every gory detail of why this is "typical Republican behavior."

As it stands now, BO is showing his lack of experience. Either that or he is so used to being surrounded by crooks, he can't spot one from a mile away. In any case, liberals continue to show why liberalism is a mental disorder.

NRA FOR LIFE. Take away my guns if you can get that close.

Posted by: worker man | Feb 3, 2009 11:44:39 AM

Obama has his hands full. How the hell can one man even begin to save a system that's rotten and corrupt to the core??

Posted by: foxisms | Feb 3, 2009 11:44:34 AM

"Obama won, and it's settled. Bush and his buddy Karl Rove don't like being shut out and forgotten."

Wow, now there is a commment by a liberal from the bottom of the gene pool. Obama won the election, and Bush and Rove are trying to keep tax cheats from cabinet positions out of spite. You need to get off the kool-aid and get a reality check.

Posted by: jason | Feb 3, 2009 11:42:57 AM

the curse of Joe the Plumber.

Posted by: vinman | Feb 3, 2009 11:42:17 AM

CNN Poll yesterday.
Should Obama remove the pork from his stimulus bill? 90% of all respondees voted yes.

Posted by: Mike Jones | Feb 3, 2009 11:41:49 AM

"Hey how many Republicans cheat on their taxes and NEVER get caught?"

I guess since they are not caught we'll never know right? The issue here though is what kind of judgment is the "employer" using, is he vetting them well enough? Is he going to use the same judgment with whom our country associates with? And finally why would a man with integrity associate himself with these people even after the facts are known (his failure for not knowing, again)? The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, he is one and the same with them, i.e. Tony Rezko, Rev. wright, Bill Ayers, etc. Ask the right questions and don't justify a man's shortcoming on another man's mediocrity because that will lead you to.. oh wait we already have him as president.

Posted by: ardg65 | Feb 3, 2009 11:41:10 AM

I don't know if polotitions pay thier taxes...but I do know that my mom, who cannot afford health ins. and who is living by herself on a modest retirement from my dad, whom is passed away, owes another 480 dollars in taxes this year....

Posted by: R.L. | Feb 3, 2009 11:39:56 AM

I can imagine if Bush were trying to get these crooks confirmed. The ranting and outrage would be deafening. But we have a new standard now, the WaPo even explains it today. The Messiah "wants" Daschle and he is "entitled to make his pick". So the new standard is "wanting", and hearings are just another distraction.

Posted by: jason | Feb 3, 2009 11:38:32 AM


Let them eat cake!

Posted by: Prince | Feb 3, 2009 11:36:49 AM


You have provided part of it...if indeed you say he lied...then did not these nominees lie as well ????

Should they not be treated by you and other liberals the same way?

Posted by: Mike_C | Feb 3, 2009 11:35:52 AM

One question? Does ANYONE in politics pay their taxes?

Posted by: Melanie | Feb 3, 2009 11:35:44 AM

Maybe if all the politicians paid there taxes it would take care of the deficit to bail out the banks and auto industry.

Posted by: Harold | Feb 3, 2009 11:34:31 AM

Miss Me - Did you sleep thru the Bush years? That's all that side did. You know, all of this is sooooo bi-partisan at times. Another thing I notice off your side? You take one or two extreme examples and attach it to everybody.

Posted by: Susan | Feb 3, 2009 11:33:51 AM

This is not a racial thing. This is not a democratic thing. This is a D.C. thing. Those who are being revealed right and left are the very people that write our laws. These are the people that tell US how much we have to pay, who we have to pay, when and where. They are all hypocrites and they should all be investigated - by the average Joe! Or Joe the plumber! If the average Joe is caught doing what these lawmakers are doing, we would have a new room in which to live - it would have one wall complete with bars.

Posted by: Ginger | Feb 3, 2009 11:33:28 AM

Boy, this Obama administration is just looking better and better....isn't it?

Posted by: R.L. | Feb 3, 2009 11:33:18 AM

Obama sure has bad judgement.

Posted by: jas | Feb 3, 2009 11:32:54 AM

"Of course they support the stimulus bill (as every poll, current and old, indicates the majority of Americans do). "

Ell not so much. Gallup poll just released:

"But the survey reflected deepening doubts about the effectiveness of the programs and spending items currently being considered by federal lawmakers. Only 38 percent of those polled favored the existing stimulus proposal, down from a slight majority holding that view in the Jan. 28 Gallup survey.

Thirty-seven percent want major changes and 17 percent reject the plan outright.

The poll also found only 10 percent think the economy will improve this year as a result of the plan. Fifty-three percent said the plan will either have no effect on their families or make their financial situations worse."

Posted by: BertieW | Feb 3, 2009 11:32:49 AM

You've GOT to be kidding me!!

Posted by: Ken | Feb 3, 2009 11:32:46 AM

Absolutely no integrity or credibility in the Obama administration.

Posted by: sammy | Feb 3, 2009 11:32:33 AM

Obama has more tax evaders in his organization than Al Capone had.

Obama is now the modern day version of "Al Capone".

Posted by: Maddogg | Feb 3, 2009 11:32:29 AM

Another case of a woman being held to a higher standard than a man?

Killefer's tax issue is a fraction of the amounts of either Daschle or Geithner.

None of them should be serving in this Administration that promised us a Change in Washington Business as Usual.

Posted by: marylou | Feb 3, 2009 11:30:59 AM

Joe The Plumber was in Alaska and got a speeding ticket. He may have known Palin, and they thought Joe The Plumber would be a good "wrench". They picked the wrong plumbing tool.

Obama won, and it's settled. Bush and his buddy Karl Rove don't like being shut out and forgotten. They love retailiation and revenge. Watch out for the Palin "victim" sham documentary, and Rove "coming to your cities soon". They want sympathy and money. Hold on to your wallets.

Posted by: Gg51 | Feb 3, 2009 11:29:51 AM

LOL, Jwh......Good one....

So now your going to defend the treatment of Joe based on "I am getting ready to buy...." VERSUS It was an "unintentional mistake"...LOL

No my freind, the sad state is yours if you think somehow you can even remotely equate these situations!!!

Your bias is showing through your make-up!

Posted by: Mike_C | Feb 3, 2009 11:29:40 AM

I thought Obama left all of his shady friends, mentors, and associates back in Chicago.

Why is he palling around with so many tax cheats?

Posted by: meggie | Feb 3, 2009 11:29:18 AM

2 weeks and BHO has shown bad judgment how many times now?

Lord help us all when America is in real trouble if BHO has to make a split second decision.

Based on these past 2 weeks, his judgment must have been affected by all the drugs he did in his youth.

Posted by: enoughalready | Feb 3, 2009 11:27:48 AM

Doesn't anyone is public office pay taxes?

Posted by: sawyersmother | Feb 3, 2009 11:27:15 AM

This is lie. Joe the plumber was attacked for a very different issue - being a blatant liar. The tax thing was just media looking for trivia.

That is a big accusation. Care to provide that EXACT text of what he said and explain the "lie".

While your at it, differentiate that with Geithner, Daschle & now Killefer remembering that these three were nominees for very high government postions!!!!!

Posted by: Mike_C | Feb 3, 2009 11:26:53 AM

Mike_C:"Joe presented a possibility in his question to Obama."

That is a lie. There is an actual record of what he said:

"I'm getting ready to buy a company that makes 250 to 280 thousand dollars a year. Your new tax plan's going to tax me more, isn't it?"

The answer was no, because the company did not make 250k to 280k, and Joe was not getting ready to buy it. If you can't see how he was lying I think that explains a lot about the sorry state of the modern Republican party. The video is still available on abcnews.com for goodness sake - this isn't even a question of 'depends on what 'is' is.'

Posted by: jhw539 | Feb 3, 2009 11:26:41 AM

If Daschle does not get confirmed at least the kitty will get an extra $146k, thank you.

Posted by: jason | Feb 3, 2009 11:26:34 AM

It is not about about his color Mikey, It about his lack of integrity. He lied to get there and he will lie to remain there. He has already broken his promice about taxes. These demos don't care any for you or anyone else. You give it time and you will see the Pres will ruin your way of life.

Posted by: Bill | Feb 3, 2009 11:26:19 AM

Let's see. Candidate Obama dismisses a female reporter as "Sweetie" and says Senator Clinton is "likeable enough." President Obama mocks Ms. Jessica Simpson's weight gain. Female nominee Ms. Nancy Killefer is forced to withdraw, yet bigger male tax cheats Mr. Tim Geithner and Mr. Tom Daschle have been confirmed or about to be confirmed. I guess the change we're supposed to believe in is a return to the patronizing patriarchy of the past. Perhaps the Muslim roots President B. Hussein Obama recently touted in the Arab world is really misogyny.

Posted by: Homer S. | Feb 3, 2009 11:26:15 AM

I wonder how many are on here fussing about this one after being on here taking up for Joe the Plumber.

Posted by: Susan | Feb 3, 2009 11:25:48 AM

"THIS IS NOT NEWS! We are all guilty of trying to flesh out extra money from the government at tax time. One can say as public officials that they should know better....but I say judge not....."

Posted by: Elizabeth

Not true. I for one, have always paid my fair share - I even sometimes don't take tax credits I'm entitled to so that I pay more then my fair share. Not everyone is a cheat.

By the way, we could use a good Joe Biden speech right about now, about how it's patriotic to pay taxes. Or how about a speech from Obama about how top wage earners can afford to pay just a little bit more. They made this issue a campaign topic.

Posted by: Humble Mumble | Feb 3, 2009 11:23:41 AM

Good grief that's three now yelling about racism. OY you people need to drop that one.

Posted by: Susan | Feb 3, 2009 11:22:32 AM

There is obviously less of an actual political issue, and more of a racial issue here. The man is going to make some errors in judgement. But all you racists seems bent on having a lynching, rather than letting the man do his job.

Posted by: Glen | Feb 3, 2009 11:21:11 AM


Joe presented a possibility in his question to Obama. I am pretty sure he was not asking for a postion in the government when he posed that question! You can "claim" it was lie, but obviously this woman did lie to the Obama vetting team, or that vetting team is incredibly incompetent!

So where is the your bi-partisanship ? Why not treat her in exactly the same vile manner you guys treated Joe? Was Joe trying to become a part of the government and lying about tax issues? (Remember that 63 question document ALL nominees were supposed to fill out?)

Posted by: Mike_C | Feb 3, 2009 11:20:25 AM

Mike Jones: " You want me to post them? "

I want you to post the section of the bill "giv(ing) $5 billion" to ACORN, as you claimed. If you weren't blatantly lying, that should be easy to do - the legislation is public.

ACORN is all about advocating for the poor. Of course they support the stimulus bill (as every poll, current and old, indicates the majority of Americans do).

Posted by: jhw539 | Feb 3, 2009 11:20:13 AM


Posted by: dirtyernie7 | Feb 3, 2009 11:19:39 AM

"Tax problems are not unique to Democrats."

So, are you saying that if someone else has cheated on taxes, it's OK to cheat?

Posted by: Sigmonde | Feb 3, 2009 11:19:07 AM

Miss Me - How is that a "typical liberal response?"

Posted by: Susan | Feb 3, 2009 11:19:03 AM


BertieW: "based on what we can see"

The question is what we can't see. If she did not come clean about this to her potential boss (Obama), then he does not want her on the team. To some extent, it's fine to have skeletons in the closet but a firing offense to surprise your boss with one falling out.

Ok, I would agree with that. We dont know what we dont know. But that is no reason to assume the worst.

This particular issue regarding the property tax lien was brought out in the initial press story of her announcement.

See the AP story on Jan 8th: "Obama's performance czar has tried to improve IRS". That story seems to have all the information on this issue.

Interestingly she had apparently being lobbying for prosecution for high profile tax cheats:
"She proposed more money to bring an additional 1,000 cases against high-income tax cheats and to boost by 42 percent the audits of corporations that try to dodge taxes. And she said the extra spending would ensure IRS could continue to answer at least eight of every 10 calls from individuals taxpayers seeking help."

Maybe she gave Obama or Rahm a little too frank an assessment of her other cabinet members situations.

Posted by: BertieW | Feb 3, 2009 11:18:42 AM

Since everyone in Washington does not pay taxes why are we penalized when we don't pay ours? This is a double standard. Why have laws in place when the law does not apply to those in power?

Posted by: Charla | Feb 3, 2009 11:18:22 AM

jhw539, um, Joe the Plumber never said plumbers make $250K, but OWNERS of plumbing BUSINESSES can make that and more. BTW, the real criminal was Helen Jones-Kelley who ILLEGALLY snooped into his background and was forced to resign as a result. Not that anyone heard about it. But I'm sure you consider her a victim of Joe anyway.

Google "Helen Jones-Kelley resigns; had OK'd search of Joe the Plumber's records"

Posted by: Stacy | Feb 3, 2009 11:18:19 AM

mike jones: "Audit ACORN, You will all be shocked, yet we are going to give them 5 Billion dollars in this stimulus bill."

This is a lie. ACORN doesn't have a cent in the stimulus bill. The most you can say is that they (and literally anyone) could compete for some of the contracts being handed out. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
I am a member of ACORN. I got 5 emails this week from them. Begging me to call my Senator to Support this stimulus bill. You want me to post them?

Posted by: Mike Jones | Feb 3, 2009 11:17:05 AM

I can see why Obama chose a Republican for his next cabinet position.

Democrats are too risky.

Posted by: harry | Feb 3, 2009 11:16:56 AM

Tax problems are not unique to Democrats. Spiro Agnew was convicted for not reporting bribes taken while Maryland governor and had to resign the vice presidency. Former Illinois Governor George Ryan also had problems from the combination of graft and not paying taxes thereon. And let's not forget former Republican Congressman Duke Cunningham who's now in prison. There are many more.

Posted by: bhciapol | Feb 3, 2009 11:16:30 AM

THIS IS NOT NEWS! We are all guilty of trying to flesh out extra money from the government at tax time. One can say as public officials that they should know better....but I say judge not.....

Posted by: Elizabeth | Feb 3, 2009 11:16:20 AM

Its not about cheating tax. The tax code, indeed any law in this country for that matter, is written with a lot of loopholes for you to discover and the lawyer and accountants to twist the thinking process. Its a Cat and Mouse approach to living with this and that exemption and one section cross referenced to another; never straight forward enough for a simple entry.
I have only one thing to say, CHANGE THE TAX CODE; don't make it a cat and mouse.
While I am at it, CHANGE THE GUN LAW too. Any fool can tell you that american crimes are mostly associated with guns; precisely because people are trigger happy when they feel that extra power in their hands. We are talking about an amendment in the Constitution. No one can be stupid enough to insist on the Constitution cannot be further amended.

Posted by: peter | Feb 3, 2009 11:15:50 AM

mike jones: "Audit ACORN, You will all be shocked, yet we are going to give them 5 Billion dollars in this stimulus bill."

This is a lie. ACORN doesn't have a cent in the stimulus bill. The most you can say is that they (and literally anyone) could compete for some of the contracts being handed out.

Posted by: jhw539 | Feb 3, 2009 11:14:28 AM

So it was ACORN, not Chicago. I was accurate, but off base a little on the DD heads.

Posted by: kathy | Feb 3, 2009 11:14:03 AM

Why don't you in the media ask some hard questions of this administration for a change? Why was the female tax cheater forced to withdraw while they continue to defend the two male cheaters? They both should have already withdrawn as well-it's insulting to the regular taxpayers-we are apparently the only ones actually paying the taxes that are due- to have a person in charge of the IRS who did not pay all his taxes and then didn't pay the fine/ back taxes until he was nominated for this posiion. Shame on you- the Obama administration!! When does that "change" you talked about actually start happening?

Posted by: Angela | Feb 3, 2009 11:13:57 AM

We have wasted money on investigating steroid use in baseball and whether one athlete lied about using or not using. Why don't we investigate every congressman and senator to see who else has not been completely honest on their tax returns. It would be a better use of time and money then the afore mentioned steroid investigation.

Posted by: NoSpin1600 | Feb 3, 2009 11:13:53 AM

No, he was held in contempt because HE LIED.

Held in contempt to the point of having his records illegally searched? Contempt is one thing, having the MSM conduct a full-frontal assault on a private citizen, even to the point of ridiculing his name, is another.

But like I said, JTP's tax lien was front-page news and all because he dared to question the Super Messiah. Meanwhile Ogabe is nominating how many people who seem to have tax problems of their own? There isn't ONE other person who could do Daschle's job? Or Geithners? Or Killefers?

Four years of a joke administration and the joke is on us. Start laughing, people.

Posted by: Saint Patton | Feb 3, 2009 11:13:44 AM

Apparently Livvy is either very young or mistaken.

Posted by: Johnny | Feb 3, 2009 11:13:24 AM

Folks, this is an article about the Obama adminstration and his nominee's failure to pay taxes. Not about Bush, Palin Mccain or any other Republican. Stop trying to "spin" the article. You (Democrat's)are driving the bus now. "Get use to the Abuse".There is more coming.

Posted by: Mike Jones | Feb 3, 2009 11:13:03 AM

Mike_C: "Will you stand up and apply the same spite and vile attitudes towards Nancy Killefer that you showed towards "Joe" the plumber. Same tax issue you people crucified him for!"

This is lie. Joe the plumber was attacked for a very different issue - being a blatant liar. The tax thing was just media looking for trivia.

Posted by: jhw539 | Feb 3, 2009 11:11:53 AM

It's not just the Democrats, it's the Republicans as well. I was married to a man who worked for a government contractor who had connections with a former Republican President. This now ex spouse had incurred back tax problems with the Veterans Administration on not paying back taxes on a home he had shared with an Asian friend prior to my knowledge and marriage to him. After three years of marriage, and we actually filed taxes those three years, the Veterans Administration took their share of my taxes to pay for his back taxes, home mortgage reversal for him to pay as he used the VA benefits to purchase that home, and he hadn't filed taxes in over six years before our three. The total was over $100,000. I had impeccable credit, paid taxes on time, and a quality citizien, and this one man ruined my credit, made my taxes be late in being paid on time since the IRS took my monies too. This is a man who is a son of a retired and decorated officer in the Army military. Shameful, and shame on them. I know many law abiding military men and women, and they pay their taxes on time.

May this be a lesson to those who fall in love -- be sure to do a background check to make sure they have paid their taxes as well as any other background check. As the saying goes, shame on him for the first time, and if I allow to get myself in that situation ever again (not ever), then shame on me.

Good luck in choosing the right person to fall in love, beware, it's Valentine's season, then tax season.

Posted by: Gg51 | Feb 3, 2009 11:11:42 AM

Audit ACORN, You will all be shocked, yet we are going to give them 5 Billion dollars in this stimulus bill.

Posted by: mike jones | Feb 3, 2009 11:11:02 AM

No self-respecting democrat pays taxes.

Posted by: Little one | Feb 3, 2009 11:11:00 AM


1. I used Turbotax
2. My accountant used Turbotax
3. I forgot that self employed pay taxes
4. My accountant forgot that self employed pay taxes
5. I worked for an overseas entity
6. I am too valuable and have no time for this nonsense
7. I didn't think $80,000 in limousine benefits was significant
8. The IRS doesn't know what they're doing
9. My dog ate the records
10.My accountant's dog ate all the records.

Posted by: Sigmonde | Feb 3, 2009 11:10:21 AM

BertieW: "based on what we can see"

The question is what we can't see. If she did not come clean about this to her potential boss (Obama), then he does not want her on the team. To some extent, it's fine to have skeletons in the closet but a firing offense to surprise your boss with one falling out.

Posted by: jhw539 | Feb 3, 2009 11:09:58 AM

"Maybe Obama hired the crew that did the vetting for McCain/Palin. Is this a soap opera? I can't bevieve this is happening."

What you are seeing is the incredible lack of expereince that Obama has. After all the wise cracks about Palin, it is becoming more & more obvious that Obama's lack of ever having to form a government is becoming a major problem.

He laid down rules that he is violating left & right. He has now had 5 nominees come under a high level of scrunity (Richardson, Holder, Geithner, Daschle & now Killefer) with 2 of them having to withdraw and Daschle should withdraw!

And Yes, where are all the liberal attack dogs now????

Will you stand up and apply the same spite and vile attitudes towards Nancy Killefer that you showed towards "Joe" the plumber. Same tax issue you people crucified him for! Lets see those fair & balanced liberal core values at work now!

Posted by: Mike_C | Feb 3, 2009 11:09:24 AM

It looks like the democrats don't know that you're supposed to pay taxes. No wonder they can't understand this strange concept of "tax cut."

Posted by: ap | Feb 3, 2009 11:09:24 AM

Livvy - I voted for Obama. You have indeed had your taxes raised by the dems.

Posted by: Susan | Feb 3, 2009 11:09:13 AM

Maybe if Congress and the Senate all paid their taxes we would be out of debt.

Posted by: Kathy | Feb 3, 2009 11:09:08 AM

She withdrew her name before they could find out more...the lien was probably just the tip of the iceberg! Daschle should be charged with tax evasion, not given a job in the US administration, or wait I guess most government officials are corrupt criminals...so the shoe fits in the end. So sad, we all are political orphans-no one to look after us, only themselves.

Posted by: Not Shocked | Feb 3, 2009 11:08:46 AM

I am glad Obama is bringing integrity back to Washington!! He breaks his promises during week one!! Ha! Look what you morons who voted for Obama got!! These people will raise taxes without blinking an eye because they don't pay their fair share. You asked for CHANGE and you got it- a bunch of cheaters and liars that are worse than we have ever had before. Plus, now we have to deal with the fact that any time we criticize Obama, we are racists. LOVELY!! This is going to be a bad 4 years- way worse than Bush was (even though his spending like a Democrat was pretty bad).

Posted by: karen | Feb 3, 2009 11:07:34 AM

"Joe the Plumber was a private citizen and had everything but the kitchen sink thrown at him because of a tax lien"

No, he was held in contempt because HE LIED. He is famous for making up a fantasy about being a plumber earning a quarter-million dollars a year who would be unable to buy a business because of a small tax increase. It is fitting that this Republican Hero is famous for being a convincing enough liar to reinforce the Republican Fantasyland.

Posted by: jhw539 | Feb 3, 2009 11:07:07 AM

In my lifetime I (an average working woman) have never had my taxes raised by the democrats. Its a myth told by the right - sort of like Republicans are fiscal conservatives.

That said I don't like the Daschle choice. The president can do better. I don't really care about the tax issue since I am guessing you would find this problem with most of the super-wealthy and it burns me but its the way it is.

I don't like Daschle because it is clear he has been making a fortune from Wall Street and the insurance people and I don't know who he is beholden to. The leader of a new health care policy should have his priorities towards the people and not the guys giving him limo drivers. I get that his credentials look good on paper and that many in Washington like the guy but I think he should step down. The rest of Obama's picks have been stellar. He worries me.

Posted by: Livvy | Feb 3, 2009 11:06:00 AM

I'm bothered that women seem to be held more responsible for paying household help than the men do.
Grenier, Wood, Chavez, and now Killefer- all denied for not paying paltry sums for household help.
Yet Geithner and Daschle make substantial, "honest" mistakes.

That's not right.

Posted by: MayBee | Feb 3, 2009 11:05:00 AM

It would be funny if it weren't so infuriating. This is the party of raise your taxes and mine; the party of it's patriotic to pay taxes; yet they are NOT paying their own taxes. Just shows that the Dems love spending money, so long as it isn't their own. I can't stand hypocrites.

Posted by: Pamela | Feb 3, 2009 11:04:06 AM

I am not Ok with this one based on what I have found out.

The Chief Performance Officer stuff is silly. The US government doesnt have C-Level positions so is it meaningless. But put that aside.

She had a property lien based on a dispute with DC about unemployment tax on her help.

This is not an income tax issue. This is not her trying to fraudulently hide income like Daschle and Geithner.

From the AP:
"In 2005, the District of Columbia placed a $946.69 tax lien on her home for unemployment compensation taxes she had failed to pay. Over a year and a half, she had failed to pay $298 in taxes (the rest was interest and penalties), and she cleared up the debt within a few months."

Killefer employees two nannies and some other household help.

It is fairly common for small business to contest the unemployment rate they get charged since it is usually based on how much firing they do. If someone decides they dont like the job anymore and leave and then try to draw unemployment they it should count against the company.

That could be whats going on here. She might have had a legitimate dispute about the unemployment rate she was getting hit with.

This is nothing like income tax evasion, and based on what we can see so far this 'issue' is bogus.

Posted by: BertieW | Feb 3, 2009 11:03:52 AM

I agree with Bridget. The male appointees need to be treated the same as the female appointees. Geithner and Daschle should have been sent packing by the Congress. No one is so uniquely qualified that they cannot be replaced.

The Cabinet of Corruption continues...

Posted by: Roxie | Feb 3, 2009 11:03:46 AM

"So far, though, at least a dozen former lobbyists have found top jobs in his administration, according to an analysis done by Republican sources and corroborated by Politico."

Not all of the dirty dozen (or more) have lobbied in the past 2 years; but the number of lobbyists in top jobs? Significant.

But hey, tax cheats, lobbyists; sometimes both? Oh, and lets pretend this is completely different from "Politics as Usual" while we're pretending we can't see reality.

Anyone feeling the Hope yet? Because the "Change" seems to have been completely rhetorical.

Posted by: Gekkobear | Feb 3, 2009 11:03:12 AM

Someone in the media will try to sping this as Bush's fault or possibly Palin's fault. Quick, send a reporter to Texas and throw rocks at Bush's house.

Posted by: Mike Jones | Feb 3, 2009 11:03:00 AM

She is a sacrificial lamb. She is bait to distract from the criminals Daschle and Geithner. She had a small tax lien 5 years ago...BIG DEAL!!!! What about the thousands owed by Geithner. They eliminated his penalties and interest. Would they do that for me and you? I know they wouldn't. I am under an installment agreement with the IRS right now. If they eliminated my penalties and interest I would be through. This crap.

Posted by: Jeff | Feb 3, 2009 11:02:57 AM

Question:It was not clear why Killefer -- whose tax transgression amounts to less than 1 percent of Daschle's malfesance, and who dealt with her issue years ago as opposed to weeks ago during the vetting process -- walked the plank while the White House continued to shelter Geithner and Daschle.
Answer: Killefer is a women- and we are as expendable. Look how the Press treated Clinton and Palin as second class citizens. "Change you can believer in"- nothings changed in the Obama Administration.

Posted by: Mary | Feb 3, 2009 11:02:47 AM

I cannot believe the MSM is reporting this? Obama better call them asap. and threaten them. Like a good socialist.

Posted by: Mike Jones | Feb 3, 2009 11:01:43 AM

Distractions people, these findings are nothing but distractions to keep the Messiah from raising the dead, healing the sick and turning water into wine.... LMAO!!!!!

Posted by: Delaware Vol | Feb 3, 2009 11:01:11 AM

Hey Obama I think you better get the rest of your vetters out of Alaska.

Posted by: bailey | Feb 3, 2009 11:00:20 AM

How many people is that now, 6 or 7? Obama's approval ratings are going to drop any day now. pretty soon, he numbers will be in the 30's....

Posted by: Mike Jones | Feb 3, 2009 11:00:06 AM

I say the people protest and insist anybody working in DC gets audited? I bet we could make a dent in things if we did.

Posted by: Susan | Feb 3, 2009 10:59:54 AM

You wanted change, here you are...

Posted by: erbis | Feb 3, 2009 10:59:20 AM

This is hilarious!

Remember how the Obama administration bragged about their extensive vetting process?

And who can forget how McCain was severely criticized by the BO staff/media for not vetting Palin--(even though he did vet her).

This is Karma...Nothing better than when hypocrites get caught.

Posted by: sammy | Feb 3, 2009 10:58:29 AM

Aiden: "The IRS is a very thoughtful to the common man being late on taxes!"

Ever been late on taxes? Heck, I am now and I'm sure the IRS is fine with it (pun intended - my fine will be $66 as long as I get the check cut this week).

Posted by: jhw539 | Feb 3, 2009 10:58:26 AM

When will the press drag Killefer through the weeds like a dog and make her front page news?

Joe the Plumber was a private citizen and had everything but the kitchen sink thrown at him because of a tax lien, why not show the same treatment to a cabinet nominee?

Four years of this circus is going to seem like forty before it's over.

Posted by: Saint Patton | Feb 3, 2009 10:58:19 AM

This is seriously unbelievable! I wanted to write something cute and funny but my anger over this just drowns all creative measures that I have.

We are trusting that these buffoons are going to spend $900B of our money correctly and they can not even nominate honest Americans?

The answer, shrink Government and lower my taxes so I can spend the money how I see fit. If all these organizations are so great (Acorn, performing arts, etc.) then they can receive private donations. Our government is wearing out their welcome.

You will not find anyone more patriotic than me, but give the government back to the people.

Posted by: Brad | Feb 3, 2009 10:57:40 AM

More corrupt Democrat nominees and a corrupt Democrat President trying to cover up their crimes. Is anyone really surprised?

Posted by: Cory | Feb 3, 2009 10:57:34 AM

AND WHERE WAS THE BIG STINK WHEN MCCAIN & WIFE WERE EXPOSED for not paying taxes on 1 of their 13 houses (republicans in congress are being quite quiet)

Posted by: reality | Feb 3, 2009 10:57:23 AM

I like your attitude jamescbuilder, maybe we who pay taxes are too honest, maybe we should become politicians and not have to pay our taxes. Let's see there are 100 senators, almost 500 house members, 9 judges, executive branch, cabinet, administration, their staff. Math and logic state that at least 30% have tax issues, therefore, that makes about 500 of those 1500 people with tax issues. No wonder we are in a recession.

Americans, immigrants, and illegal employers of illegal aliens who don't pay their share of taxes are losers and they are in the same category as drug addicts, users, dealers, and criminals. If they haven't paid their back taxes within three years, they should be indicted and convicted as felons. We should have a website providing pictures of tax evaders, and information regarding their offense.

Posted by: Gg51 | Feb 3, 2009 10:57:04 AM

I think they need to revise the vetting process they've been using as he moves forward with the remainder of his picks. It's not the standard process to FULLY vet, incl finances/taxes etc., prior to making the nomination to a post. The process prior to nomination is more like an interview process and centered around role-related info. It's absolutely true that these folks with known tax issus should come clean as soon as they know they're candidates, but you can clearly see that this isn't usually the case. Whether they think the nomination itself will act as a buffer for this stuff, I don't know. But let's not put the blame on Obama for making bad picks. These candidates, on the merits of their EXPERIENCE are all Obama said they were and, without the stupid decisions in their personal lives, would make great additions to his team. But clearly, this is more pervasive a problem than any of us ever would've thought. As I sit here writing this and wondering how I'm going to pay MY taxes this year, I'm wondering how many other people in Washington have been dodging them. In short, I think the Obama team should now let every candidate know that the full vetting process that usually takes place after the candidate accepts the nomination, will be DONE and cleared before the nomination will even be announced.

Posted by: nancy miller | Feb 3, 2009 10:57:02 AM

"It was not clear why Killefer...walked the plank"

'Not clear,' but an easy guess would be that Obama found out about them from the paper and decided that reflected poorly on her ability to do the job asked. Daschle and Geithner did not try to hide anything (both of them were fully paid up and public record months ago).

Posted by: jhw539 | Feb 3, 2009 10:56:18 AM

Can you imagine what they (IRS) would find if they audited every member of Congress to include the senate. They would never reveal their findings anway.

Posted by: Mike Jones | Feb 3, 2009 10:55:28 AM

I'll bet there is more to the story than just a measly $900.

Posted by: Home of Joe Biden | Feb 3, 2009 10:54:22 AM

Hey how many Republicans cheat on their taxes and NEVER get caught?

Posted by: Jenny Rome Ga | Feb 3, 2009 10:54:20 AM


Posted by: Jan | Feb 3, 2009 10:54:20 AM

I saw her do an interview a few days back, seemed like she had her stuff in one sock.

Posted by: david | Feb 3, 2009 10:54:09 AM

If only he had been up for Treasury Secretary he would have been just fine.

Posted by: transistor | Feb 3, 2009 10:54:01 AM

Well, I never understood why Democrats pushed for higher taxes, but I guess if you don't pay them who cares if taxes get raised.

Posted by: Tim | Feb 3, 2009 10:53:01 AM

Damn, No wonder democrat's want to raise taxes, they themselves, do not pay any.

Posted by: Mike Jones | Feb 3, 2009 10:52:14 AM

What is plainly evident in all of this is two things: (1) We would NEVER have the budget deficits we have now if elites would just pay the legal portion of the taxes they owe, even without a new tax increase, and (2) most of these Obama appointments went to the Leona Helmsley School of Tax Law ("Only Little People Pay Taxes").

Posted by: MNResident | Feb 3, 2009 10:52:00 AM

Is there a Democrat anywhere in Washington DC who has paid all taxes? Makes me even wonder about Obama.

Posted by: Senior | Feb 3, 2009 10:51:31 AM

Remember, not to question Obama. IF they say sorry it's OK. The IRS would be just as kind to to you right? If course they would! The IRS is a very thoughtful to the common man being late on taxes!

This is ridiculous! Obama is losing ALL credibility.

Posted by: Aiden | Feb 3, 2009 10:51:23 AM

Where's Caroline? lmao

Posted by: Obama Cabinet of Corruption | Feb 3, 2009 10:51:04 AM

And just think - she was going to be the White House performance guru - sounds like things would have run up and up

Posted by: jamescbuilder | Feb 3, 2009 10:50:52 AM

Why don't Democrat politicians pay their taxes?

And when they are caught why no penalties and fines?

Posted by: Randall Rawther | Feb 3, 2009 10:50:22 AM

LMAO... Obama:" I nominate the BEST CRIMINALS, money can buy"

Posted by: Obama Cabinet of Corruption | Feb 3, 2009 10:50:08 AM

Hi, come be democrats . . . where we like to raise your taxes, but it's o.k. for some if ya don't pay em. As an Obama voter? This is getting unreal. Do they just have horrible vetting or no desire to care if anybody actually pays their taxes up there?

Posted by: Susan | Feb 3, 2009 10:48:37 AM

Culture of Corruption!

Posted by: Crook County, Illinois | Feb 3, 2009 10:47:56 AM

When I mailed our property taxes one day late several years ago, I had to pay a 1.5 percent penalty...

Posted by: Beth | Feb 3, 2009 10:47:31 AM

Wonder if Obama's mother-in-law was getting paid to take care of their children?
Did they check if she is paying her taxes?
And were the Obama's paying any employment related taxes for her?

Posted by: Sally J. | Feb 3, 2009 10:47:23 AM

I wonder how many other elected or appointed officials are not paying their fare share of taxes. If these 3 have problems, you know there is a lot more. This makes me mad! By the way, Bridget is right.

Posted by: Laura | Feb 3, 2009 10:47:01 AM

LeEt me get this straight. The Dems want to raise taxes on the average working Joe, but they don't pay their own.

Hum, that's messed up!

Posted by: Nianya | Feb 3, 2009 10:45:03 AM

And the hits keep on coming! Another day, another scandal! Welcome to CHANGE.

Posted by: Carl | Feb 3, 2009 10:44:56 AM

Maybe she realized that it would indeed be business as usual, or even more corruption than usual, she used this as her chance to get out. Regardless, it shows a small shred of integrity on her part. Too bad Geitner, Holder and Daschle don't share her sense of shame or that shred of intergrity, not to mention Rangel, Dodd, Frank, etc...

Posted by: enough | Feb 3, 2009 10:44:07 AM

Maybe Obama hired the crew that did the vetting for McCain/Palin. Is this a soap opera? I can't bevieve this is happening.

Posted by: Adriana | Feb 3, 2009 10:42:48 AM

This was so easy to trace. How could they have missed this when asking her to fill this position. I voted Dem but this administration needs to slow down just a little bit. They're jumping the gun on nominations here. You can't just say, I like her/him, hire them. You HAVE to check them out for a position as high as this.

Posted by: Dianne | Feb 3, 2009 10:42:08 AM

Perhaps Obama ought to be looking for people who can keep the trains running on time AND pay their taxes, because this "embracing change" business isn't working out too well.

Posted by: Bridget | Feb 3, 2009 10:42:05 AM

What kind of vetting process was used for the cabinet picks?

Posted by: hannah | Feb 3, 2009 10:41:24 AM

Bridget I didn't want to think that, but can't find another difference. Maybe the others (Geitner/ Daschle) paid when it was brought to their attention and she never did. They did have to file a lien which usually they won't do for taxes if you at least make an arrangement to pay.

Posted by: Cltclt | Feb 3, 2009 10:41:12 AM

No wonder the treasury is broke - Tommy Boy, treasury sec., Rangle, - I see now why they don't care about raising taxes - it don't matter

Posted by: jamescbuilder | Feb 3, 2009 10:39:49 AM

Is there a pattern here? Apparantly, taxes are for suckers!

Posted by: Adriana | Feb 3, 2009 10:39:36 AM

Sooooo, the male tax cheats get the jobs and the female tax cheat gets the boot?

Posted by: Bridget | Feb 3, 2009 10:38:26 AM

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