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The Law

AG Holder: It's a 'New Day' for DOJ

First Black Attorney General Reflects on the Past, Vows Change for the Future


"It's good to be home," Eric Holder said to cheers and applause from a crowd of more than 150 Justice Department employees, as he arrived at his swearing-in ceremony this morning.

Eric Holder takes  Attorney General oath
Vice President Joseph Biden administers the oath of office to Attorney General Eric Holder during a ceremony at the Justice Department in Washington, Tuesday, Feb. 3, 2009. Holder's wife Sharon Malone is at center.
(Gerald Herbert/AP Photo)

After taking the oath, administered by Vice President Joe Biden, Holder become the nation's 82nd attorney general and the first black to take the post.

But Holder is no stranger to the department.

He spent 25 years in various posts there, from lawyer with the Public Integrity Section to a U.S. attorney to federal judge to deputy attorney general under Janet Reno during the Clinton administration.

Holder inherits a department marred by allegations of political favoritism during the tenure of Alberto Gonzales and challenged for its legal guidance on issues such as torture and harsh interrogation tactics.

After his swearing-in, Holder noted his return to "the institution that formed me as a lawyer" and said there will be "a new day" for the career employees of the department.


"There shall be no place for political favoritism, no reason to be timid in enforcing the laws that protect our rights, our environment and our principles, as long as I have the opportunity to lead this great department," he said.

"This may be a break from the immediate past, but it is consistent with the long history of the Department of Justice," Holder said.

In another reference to the tumultuous times under Gonzales, who resigned in 2007 after the controversy following the firings of at least nine U.S. attorneys the year before, Holder said, "We will remake the Department of Justice into what it was and into what it always must be."

Biden also commented on the anticipated changes at the department under the Obama administration.

After reading the department's mission statement, Biden pointed out that "there's no mention in that mission statement of politics. There's no mention in that mission statement of ideology. And that's how it should be, because there is no place for politics or ideology in this building."

He praised Holder's leadership, and noting that the department "holds a special place in our democracy," he added that America needs the continued dedication of the career employees "who have been here through thick and thin."

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