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Michele Fields






30 CFR 208--Sale of Federal Royalty Oil; Sale of Federal Royalty Gas; and Commercial Contracts (Forms MMS-4070, Application for the Purchase of Royalty Oil; MMS-4071, Letter of Credit; and MMS-4072, Royalty-in-Kind Contract Surety Bond)

OMB Control Number 1010-0119
(Expires February 28, 2009)
(Previous Title:  RIK Determination of Need)
OMB Notice of Action dated February 21, 2006 Depicts file is in PDF format
OMB Notice of Action dated February 17, 2005 Depicts file is in PDF format
OMB Notice of Action dated February 16, 2005 Depicts file is in PDF format
Form MMS-4070, Application for the Purchase of Royalty Oil Depicts file is in PDF format
Form MMS-4071, Royalty-In-Kind Letter of Credit Depicts file is in PDF format
Form MMS-4072, Royalty-In-Kind Contract Surety Bond Depicts file is in PDF format
Federal Register Publications:
30-Day Agency Information Collection Depicts file is in PDF format
Notice of a extension of a currently approved information collection

(73 FR 76047-December 15, 2008)
60-Day Agency Information Collection Depicts file is in PDF format
Notice of a revision of a currently approved information collection

(73 FR 19241-April 9, 2008)
30-Day Agency Information Collection Depicts file is in PDF format
Notice of a revision of a currently approved information collection

(73 FR 3534--January 23, 2006)
60-Day Agency Information Collection Depicts file is in PDF format
Notice of a revision of a currently approved information collection

(70 FR 11027--March 7, 2005)
Notice of availability of oil and natural gas royalty-in-kind pilot reports Depicts file is in PDF format
(68 FR 11881--March 12, 2004)
Solicitation of comments Depicts file is in PDF format
(68 FR 47605--August 11, 2003)
30-Day Agency Information Collection Depicts file is in PDF format
(67 FR 69021--November 14, 2002)
60-Day Agency Information Collection Depicts file is in PDF format
(67 FR 44875--July 5, 2002)


Documents that have the symbol are in Adobe Acrobat's .pdf (portable document file format).  For more information please visit our Adobe Acrobat Information Page.