InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards

ANSI/INCITS and ISO/IEC Biometric Standards (Revised August 30, 2008)

Report on Biometrics and E-Authentication (Available free of charge)


M1 - Biometrics

The Executive Board of INCITS established Technical Committee M1, Biometrics, in November 2001 to ensure a high priority, focused, and comprehensive approach in the United States for the rapid development and approval of formal national and international generic biometric standards. The M1 program of work includes biometric standards for data interchange formats, common file formats, application program interfaces, profiles, and performance testing and reporting. The goal of M1's work is to accelerate the deployment of significantly better, standards-based security solutions for purposes, such as, homeland defense and the prevention of identity theft as well as other government and commercial applications based on biometric personal authentication.

M1 serves as the U.S. Technical Advisory Group (U.S. TAG) for the international organization ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 37 on Biometrics, which was established in June 2002. As the U.S. TAG to SC 37, M1 is responsible for establishing U.S. positions and contributions to SC 37, as well as representing the U.S. at SC 37 meetings.

M1 has created five new Task Groups to handle increased activity in biometrics. The purview of the five Task Groups is as follows:

M1.2, the Task Group on Biometric Technical Interfaces, chaired by Fred Herr, ID Technology Partners, covers the standardization of all necessary interfaces and interactions between biometric components and sub-systems, including the possible use of security mechanisms to protect stored data and data transferred between systems. M1.2 will also consider the need for a reference model for the architecture and operation of biometric systems in order to identify the standards that are needed to support multi-vendor systems and their applications.

M1.3, the Task Group on Biometric Data Interchange Formats, chaired by Mr. Greg Cannon, CrossMatch Technologies, focuses on the standardization of the content, meaning and representation of biometric data interchange formats. 

M1.4, the Task Group on Biometric Profiles, chaired by Mr. Fernando Podio, National Institute of Standards and Technology, covers the standardization of Application Profile projects. 

M1.5 is the Task Group on Biometric Performance Testing and Reporting and is chaired by Acting Chair, Mr. Michael Thieme, IBG. It handles the standardization of biometric performance metric definitions and calculations, approaches to test performance and requirements for reporting the results of these tests. M1.5 is responsible for the development of a Multi-Part Standard on Biometric Performance Testing and Reporting.

M1.6, the Task Group on Cross Jurisdictional and Societal Issues and is chaired by Ms. Elaine M. Newton, National Institute of Standards and Technology. It addresses study and standardization of technical solutions to societal aspects of biometric implementations. Excluded from the TG's scope is the specification of policies, the limitation of usage, or imposition of non-technical requirements on the implementations of biometric technologies, applications, or systems. M1.6 is responsible for US technical contributions to JTC1 SC 37 WG 6 on Cross-Jurisdictional and Societal Issues.

Membership on M1 and its Task Groups

Membership on M1 and its Task Groups is open to all materially affected parties. Organizations interested in obtaining membership on M1 should contact the M1 Chairman, Fernando Podio, and the Associate Manager, Standards Operations, Barbara Bennett (

updated 2008/09/12

M1 Officers:


M1 Standing Documents
M1 Standing Document 1 (SD1) Posting of M1 Documents in the M1 Document Register
M1 Standing Document 2 (SD2) M1 Standing Document 2 (CBEFF type codes) revision 8
M1 Standing Document 3 (SD3) M1 Rules for SC37 and SC37/WG Participation - (Password Protected)
M1 Standing Document 4 (SD4) M1 Report on Issues for Harmonizing Conformity Assessment to Biometric Standards
M1 Standing Document 5 (SD5)


Common Text for Inclusion in the Introductory Clauses of INCITS M1 Ongoing Projects in INCITS M1.2, M1.3 and M1.4

Table of INCITS M1 Ongoing Projects That Require Inclusion of the Common Text (CT - SD5) in the Introductory Clause of the Drafts - Last Update: 28 December 2006


M1 Meeting #29, INCITS M1/M1 Task Group Meetings - October 6 - 10, 2008  

Hosting Organization
and Location: Meeting logistics are posted here.

M1 and SC 37 Files

Zipped files of the meeting agendas and associated M1 and JTC 1/SC 37 documents will be posted here.

Current Public Reviews
M1 Organizational Members
M1.2 Organizational Members
M1.3 Organizational Members
M1.4 Organizational Members
M1.5 Organizational Members
M1.6 Organizational Members
Annual Report
M1 Working Web Site - M1 Document Register (links to the M1 Documents)
For Action - International Tickler

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