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Second Strategic Planning (SP) Workgroup Meeting Held April 21, 2008

| Agenda |

At its March 2008 meeting, the IACC formed a new SP workgroup to broaden workgroup representation. IACC members had the option to nominate a workgroup participant or to participate themselves. The workgroup members included scientific experts, representatives from private ASD research funding organizations and advocacy groups, professional societies, program officials, workshop chairs, and a subset of IACC members.

The main goals for the second SP workgroup meeting were to review 2007 ASD research funding, prioritize research opportunities within the six question framework, and discuss budgetary requirements for the Strategic Plan. To facilitate broader stakeholder participation in the strategic planning process, members of the public were able to listen to the meeting via teleconference link and view slides on the Internet. Nearly 200 individuals registered.

Before the workgroup met, the NIMH Autism Team coordinated the compilation of ASD research funding portfolio information for FY 2007 from major funding sources: National Institutes of Health; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Department of Defense; The Simons Foundation; and Autism Speaks. The Autism Team also solicited feedback from the scientific workshop participants about the degree to which ideas from the stakeholder Request for Information (RFI) were included within the 41 research opportunities

The strategic planning workgroup prioritized the 41 research opportunities. This prioritization, along with recommendations that overlapping opportunities be consolidated and that an overall mission, vision, and goals for the strategic plan be developed, was forwarded to the IACC.

Regarding budgetary requirements, workgroup members discussed various topics including the need for fast track funding for high risk, high yield studies; the demand for more clinical trials infrastructure; and the relatively smaller percentage investment in treatment research reflected in the 2007 funding data. Finally, the workgroup members emphasized the role of the strategic plan in stimulating quality research to attract excellent researchers to ASD research.

Steven E. Hyman, M.D.
Harvard University
David Amaral, Ph.D. (Workshop Chair)
MIND Institute
University of California, Davis
David Mandell, Sc.D.
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
Center for Mental Health Policy and
Services Research
University of Pennsylvania
Peter Bell
Executive Vice President
Autism Speaks
Prisca Chen Marvin, J.D.
Advisory Council Member
National Institute of Neurological Disorders
and Stroke
Mark F. Blaxill, MBA
Vice President
Coalition for Safe Minds
Sam Odom, Ph.D.
Director, FPG Child Development Institute
University of North Carolina
Judith Cooper, Ph.D.
Deputy Director
National Institute on Deafness and Other
Communication Disorders
Director, Division of Scientific Programs
Isaac Pessah, Ph.D.
Professor and Chair
VM: Molecular Biosciences
Director, Center for Childrens Environmental Health
Univerity of California, Davis
Geraldine Dawson, Ph.D. (Workshop Chair)
Chief Science Officer
Autism Speaks
Denise D. Resnick
Co-Founder and Board Chairman
Southwest Autism Research and Resource Center
Steve Eiken, M.A.
Senior Analyst, Chronic Care and Disability
Research Division
Thomson Healthcare
Stephen Shore, Ed.D
IACC Public Member
Daniel Geschwind, M.D., Ph.D. (Workshop Chair)
Professor of Neurology and Psychiatry
University of California, Los Angeles
School of Medicine
V. Fan Tait, M.D.
Associate Executive Director and Director
Department of Community and Speciality Pediatrics
American Academy of Pediatrics
Martha Herbert, M.D., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Pediatric Neurology
Director, Transcend Research Program
Harvard Medical School
Edwin Trevathan, M.D., M.P.H.
Director, National Center on Birth Defects and
Developmental Disabilities
Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Alice Kau, Ph.D.
Program Official, Mental Retardation and
Developmental Disability Branch
Eunice Kennedy Shriver
National Insitute of Child Health and Human Development
Lucille Zeph, Ed. D.
Director, Center for Community Inclusion &
Disability Studies
Associate Professor of Education
University of Maine
Catherine Lord, Ph.D. (Workshop Chair)
Director, University of Michigan Autism and
Communication Disorders Center
University of Michigan
Andrew Zimmerman, M.D.
Associate Professor and Director of
Medical Neuroscience
Kennedy Krieger Institute

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