Site map

  1. About the ILO
    1. Mission and objectives
    2. Origins and history
    3. Fields of action
    4. How the ILO works
      1. Tripartism
      2. Technical cooperation
    5. Media and public information
      1. Press releases
        1. Feature articles
        2. Fact sheets
        3. ILO in the media
          1. ILO on the air
        4. Video
          1. Video News Releases
          2. Documentaries
          3. ILO TV: Our Workplace
          4. Institutional videos
          5. Public Service Announcements
          6. Video interviews
          7. Events coverage
          8. ILO TV and radio facilities
        5. Audio
        6. I-news
        7. Photo Gallery
      2. Employment opportunities
    6. Departments and Offices
    7. Regions
      1. Africa
      2. Americas
      3. Arab states
      4. Asia and the Pacific
      5. Europe and Central Asia
    8. Themes
      1. Child labour
      2. Decent work
      3. Economic and social development
        1. Development aid
        2. Gender and development
        3. Globalization
        4. Poverty
        5. Sustainable development
      4. Employment promotion
        1. Cooperatives
        2. Corporate citizenship
        3. Informal economy
        4. Local economic development
        5. Microfinance
        6. Multinational enterprises
        7. Recovery and reconstruction
        8. Small enterprises
      5. Employment security
      6. Equality and discrimination
        1. Gender equality
        2. Indigenous and tribal peoples
        3. Maternity protection
        4. Workplace discrimination
      7. Forced labour
      8. Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
      9. HIV/AIDS
      10. Individual sectors and industries
      11. Labour law
        1. Labour administration
        2. Labour inspection
      12. Labour migration
      13. Safety and health at work
        1. Skills, Knowledge and Employability
          1. Disability and work
          2. Lifelong learning
          3. Training and vocational guidance
        2. Social security
          1. Workers and Employers organizations, tripartism and social dialogue
            1. Employers organizations
            2. Workers' organizations
          2. Working conditions
            1. Wages
            2. Working time
          3. Youth employment
        3. What we do
          1. International Labour Standards
            1. Introduction to International Labour Standards
              1. The need for social justice
              2. The benefits of International Labour Standards
              3. Conventions and Recommendations
              4. How International Labour Standards are created
              5. How International Labour Standards are used
            2. Subjects covered by International Labour Standards
              1. Freedom of association
              2. Collective bargaining
              3. Forced labour
              4. Child labour
              5. Equality of opportunity and treatment
              6. Tripartite consultation
              7. Labour administration
              8. Labour inspection
              9. Employment policy
              10. Employment promotion
              11. Vocational guidance and training
              12. Employment security
              13. Wages
              14. Working time
              15. Occupational safety and health
              16. Social security
              17. Maternity protection
              18. Social policy
              19. Migrant workers
              20. Seafarers
              21. Fishers
              22. Dock workers
              23. Indigenous and tribal peoples
              24. Other specific categories of workers
            3. Maritime Labour Convention
              1. Advantages of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006
              2. FAQs
              3. Preparatory reports
              4. Resolutions
              5. Related links
            4. Applying and promoting International Labour Standards
              1. Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations
              2. Conference Committee on the Application of Standards
              3. The impact of the regular supervisory system
              4. Representations
              5. Complaints
              6. Committee on Freedom of Association
              7. Applying conventions when countries have not ratified them
              8. Technical assistance and training
            5. Information resources and publications
              1. Key ILO bodies and documents
              2. Publications
              3. Databases
            6. Related activities
              1. ILS policy
          2. Official meetings
            1. International Labour Conference (ILC)
            2. Governing Body
              1. About the GB
              2. GB Sessions
                1. Decisions and minutes
                  1. Past decisions and minutes
                2. Annual reports
              3. Regional meetings
                1. African Regional Meetings
                2. American Regional Meetings
                3. Asian Regional Meetings
                4. European Regional Meetings
            3. Events and campaigns
              1. Campaigns
              2. Events
            4. Projects
              1. Publications and research
                1. ILO Bookstore
                  1. Order online
                    1. Books
                    2. Multimedia
                    3. Periodicals 2008
                      1. Standing orders
                    4. Contact us
                    5. Forthcoming publications
                    6. Special offers
                  2. Magazines and journals
                  3. Official reports
                  4. Statistics and databases
                    1. Overview and topics
                      1. Employment and unemployment
                      2. Gender
                        1. Current international guidelines
                        2. Importance and applications
                        3. History
                        4. National statistics
                        5. Developmental activities
                        6. References
                      3. Income
                        1. Current guidelines
                        2. Importance and applications
                        3. History
                        4. National statistics and ILO compilation activities
                      4. Safety and health
                      5. Social dialogue
                      6. Status in employment
                        1. Current guidelines
                        2. Importance and applications
                        3. A little bit of history
                        4. National statistics and ILO compilation activities
                      7. Underemployment
                        1. Current guidelines
                        2. Importance and applications
                        3. A little bit of history
                        4. National statistics and ILO compilation activities
                        5. Developmental activities
                      8. Working time
                        1. Current guidelines
                        2. Importance and applications
                        3. A little bit of history
                        4. National statistics and ILO compilation activities
                        5. Developmental activities
                        6. References
                    2. Standards and guidelines
                      1. Resolutions adopted by International Conferences of Labour Statisticians
                      2. Guidelines adopted by International Conferences of Labour Statisticians
                    3. Classifications
                    4. Meetings and events
                      1. International Conference of Labour Statisticians
                      2. Meeting of Experts on Labour Statistics
                  5. Training
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