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Mar 16, 2012 - Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Highlights New Job Creation Opportunities for Agriculture and Manufacturing through Development of Biobased Products. Click here to read the full story

Secretary of Agriculture Vilsack promotes biobased industries to the National Association of State Departments of Agricuture (Februrary 6, 2012)
Click to see video

C&EN Northeast News Bureau, Feb. 13, 2012 - Verifying Biobased Materials, Marc S. Reisch.
Click here to read the full story

USA Today, February 21, 2012 - Government to buy more biobased products. Click here to read the full story

Business Week, 2/21/12, 'BioPreferred' Products a Priority on Government Shopping Lists. Click here to read the full story

The Wall Street Journal, 2/21/12, 'BIO Applauds Strengthening of the USDA BioPreferred Program'. Click here to read the full story

10 News, 2/21/12, 'Biobased products could get boost from Obama'. Click here to read the full story

Tucson Citizen, 2/21/12, Government to buy more biobased products. Click here to read the full story

Q&A - The USDA-Certified Way to Promote "Green" Products
Interview with Ron Buckhalt, by CM Interviews, February 7, 2012

USDA BioPreferred® is proposing 13 new product categories for Federal Procurement. The proposed rule was published in the Federal Register on September 14, 200. To read the complete rule, click here.

Recently the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition & Forestry held a hearing on jobs created by the biobased industry in the U.S. After the hearing the United Soybean Board interviewed three of the witnesses
  1. Verbruggen, CEO NatureWorks on label
  2. John McIntosh, Vice President of Sales and Marketing of Signature Crypton Carpets on value Federal procurement and label
  3. Dennis Hall, Assistant Director, Ohio BioProducts Innovation Center, on oil displacement and jobs creation


"ASTM Provides Certification Services for USDA's BioPreferred Program"

"Secretary Vilsack Announces BioPreferred® Final Rule Designating Additional 14 Biobased Categories for Preferred Federal Purchasing"

"On July 14th, the Senate Agriculture Committee held a hearing on "Growing Jobs in Rural America." The meeting ended with Dr. Marc Verbruggen, President and CEO of NatureWorks LLC, Dr. Oliver P. Peoples, Founder and Chief Scientific Officer of Metabolix, Inc., and John McIntosh, Vice President Sales and Marketing of Signature Crypton Carpet asking the committee to support the USDA BioPreferred program in order to promote rural job creation. Please click below to view a blog post on the subject by Agriculture Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan and an article on the meeting from BIOtechNOW."

Biobased Products and the LEED Rating System
(Hosted by permission of the Journal of Green Building
An overview of biobased product legislation and applicability of biobased products to the LEED rating system.

BioPreferred eNews for June 2011

Agriculture Deputy Secretary Merrigan Unveils First Products that Consumers Can Purchase With New BioPreferred Label

Article from Biorefining Magazine on BioPreferred voluntary biobased labeling initiative

Defense Logistics Agency helps customers go green

BioPreferred eNews March 2011

October 20, 2010 - Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Announces BioPreferred Final Rule.Program Designates Eight New Biobased Product Categories.  More than 600 additional biobased products now eligible for preferred Federal

November 2010 - BioPreferred Newsletter

July 20, 2010 -Toledo Blade Editorial - Ohio is a national leader in soybean bioproducts article

Sec. Vilsack continues internal efforts to promote BioPreferred USDA Secretary Vilsack sent a second letter to cabinet secretaries, reminding them of the BioPreferred’s goals and how various government entities can serve as examples on "going green". In the letter, Sec. Vilsack thanked those Departments which have taken positive steps to support the program.Click here

July 20, 2010 -Toledo Blade Editorial - Ohio is a national leader in soybean bioproducts article

June 2010 -Video of Ron Buckhalt (USDA) as he discusses the BioPreferred Program during the 2010 BIO World Congress held in Washington D.C., June 27-30

BioPreferredSM participates in GSA Expo 2010, click here to see the team and view the presentations

USDA Gives a Big (Green) Thumbs Up - COMPOSITES 2010

June 20, 2010 - EcoLogo Releases its First Hand Sanitizers Standard with USDA's BioPreferred Support

August 2010 -BioPreferred e-Newsletter

March, 2010 -BioPreferred e-Newsletter

February, 2010 -BioPreferred e-Newsletter

January, 2010 -BioPreferred e-Newsletter

December, 2009 -Bio-Based Products in the U.S. Today (wmv format)

December, 2009 -BioPreferred e-Newsletter

Nov. 16, 2009 - "More biobased products identified for procurement." Federal Times

Nov 4, 2009 - Radio Actuality: More Biobased Products Added to Federal Preferred Buying List (Gary Crawford and Ron Buckhalt)

Nov 4, 2009 -Biopreferred Designates Nine Additional Biobased Designated Items for Federal Procurement

September 22, 2009 - BioPreferred Deputy Program Manager Kate Lewis Interviewed on WUSA Channel 9, "USDA Helps to Get More Green Products."Video Clip | PDF

September 2, 2009 -Video News Release: BioPreferred Showcase Featuring Green Products (Windows Media Player required, MP3 format)

August 2009 -BioPreferred e-Newsletter

August 31, 2009 - USDA Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan Interviewed about BioPreferred on Garden Guys Radio Show(Windows Media Player required, MP3 format)

August 11, 2009 -Video News Release: BioPreferred Showcase and Training in San Antonio, Texas

August 6, 2009 -Actuality: Government Program Boosts Biobased Products(Audio Windows Media Player required, MP3 format)

August 6, 2009 -USDA Proposes Biobased Product Consumer Label(Audio - Windows Media Player required, MP3 format)

August 5, 2009 -USDA 'BioPreferred' Label Intended for Retail Shelves, Environmental Leader

July 31, 2009 -USDA Proposes Biobased Product Consumer Label Rule, Packaging Digest

July 31, 2009 -USDA Proposes Biobased Product Consumer Label; New Label Will Make it Easier for Consumers to Identify Biobased Products

July 14, 2009 -Second Annual BioPreferred Showcase Promotes Federal Purchase of Biobased Products

January, 2010 -BioPreferred e-Newsletter

June 22, 2009 - "Buying green, supporting farmers. Program registers biobased products." Federal Times

April 22, 2009 - BioPreferred Program Featured on News Channel 8 " -Farm to Fork: The People's Garden Unveiled"

April 22, 2009 - "BioPreferred Program Featured on WUSA Channel 9".Earth Day is Celebrated at the USDA Headquarters

Nov 5, 2008 - USDA Cafeteria Now Selling BioPreferred "Green Bottle Spring Water"

Oct 22,2008 -USDA Releases Proposed Rule for Round 5

October 2008 News Release - USDA Releases Proposed Rule Designating Nine Additional Biobased Items for Federal Procurement

Aug 18, 2008 -Presentations from 2008 GSA Expo now available

Jul 28, 2008 - BioPreferred - Labeling Rule Public Meeting Presentation with Questions

Jul 10, 2008 - USDA to hold a public stakeholder meeting for BioPreferred Labeling Program

May 14, 2008 - USDA Designates 27 Biobased Items for Federal Procurement

Jan 29, 2008 - 2008 USDA BioPreferred Showcase April 21 - 24

Nov 8, 2007 - USDA Leads effort to update FAR on BioPreferred

Jan 16, 2007 - USDA posts comments for Round 4

Oct 12, 2006 - U.S. Agriculture and the Emerging Bioeconomy Presentation by Dr.Keith Collins Chief Economist, United States Department of Agriculture

Oct 11,2006- USDA Releases Proposed Rule for Round 4

Oct 11, 2006 - Supporting Documentation for Round 4 Designated Items

Sep 13, 2006 - DoD Biobased Showcase and Educational Event at the Pentagon

Aug 17, 2006 - Supporting Documentation for Round 2 and 3 Designated Items

Aug 17,2006 -USDA Releases Proposed Rule for Round 2

Aug 17,2006 -USDA Releases Proposed Rule for Round 3

USDA Releases Interim Final Rule to Amend FB4P Framework

Mar 16, 2006- USDA Releases Final Rule to Amend FB4P Guidelines for Round 1

Mar 9, 2006 - Supporting Documentation for First Six Designated Items

Mar 9, 2006 - USDA Designates Six Biobased Items for Federal Procurement for Round 1

May 8, 2006 USDA Publishes "Department of Agriculture Biobased Affirmative Procurement Program"

Jul 5, 2005 - USDA Releases Proposed Regulations for Round 1

Jun 23, 2005 - USDA Announces Departmental Administration Model Procurement Program for Biobased Products

Apr 20, 2005 - Department Regulations for the Biobased Products Procurement Program

Jan 9, 2005 -USDA Announces Final Rule To Implement Federal Biobased Products Preferred Procurement Program

Dec 17, 2003 - Secretary of Agriculture Announces Proposed Rule to Implement Preferred Procurement of Biobased Products

May 13, 2002 - Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 is made Public Law 107-171

May 13, 2002 -Farm Securtiy and Rural Investment Act of 2002: Title IX Section 9001


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