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Agent Name Allergens, farm animal
Major Category Biological Agents
Synonyms Cow dander
Category Animal-Derived Allergens
Sources/Uses Occupational asthma reported in farmers, poultry workers, and butchers; [Malo]
Comments Occupational asthma has been documented after exposure to cow dander, chickens, and pigs. [Malo] Cow dander is the most common cause of occupational contact urticaria, rhinitis, and asthma in Finland. ["Statistical data on occupational contact urticaria" Kanerva L, et al. Contact Dermatitis 1996, 35, 229-233] Other animal-derived allergens documented to cause contact urticaria in farmers, veterinarians, and slaughterhouse workers are animal placenta, gut, saliva, seminal fluid, blood, and serum. [Kanerva 2004, p. 99; Asthma in the Workplace, p. 810]
Exposure Assessment
Skin Designation (ACGIH) Not evaluated
Adverse Effects
Asthma Yes
Skin Sensitizer Yes
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Last updated: January, 2009