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About geWorkbench

geWorkbench (genomics Workbench) is a Java-based open-source platform for integrated genomics. Using a component architecture it allows individually developed plug-ins to be configured into complex bioinformatic applications. At present there are more than 30 available plug-ins supporting the visualization and analysis of gene expression and sequence data.

Introduction to geWorkbench

geWorkbench Tool Summary Page (On caBIG™ Community Website)
geWorkbench project site
Overview of geWorkbench

Example use cases for geWorkbench

Example use cases for geWorkbench

What is new

What's new on geWorkbench

geWorkbench Download & Plugins

Download and install geWorkbench
geWorkbench plugins

geWorkbench Documentation

End User Technical Supplement

geWorkbench Knowledge Base

geWorkbench FAQ

geWorkbench FAQ - Find the answers to the most frequently asked questions.

geWorkbench Articles

geWorkbench Articles - geWorkBench in depth: demo, articles and more.

geWorkbench Case Studies

geWorkbench Case Studies - Still don't know if geWorkbench is for you? Case studies will show you examples of how geWorkbench could be used in different scenarios.

geWorkbench Success Stories

geWorkbench Success Stories - Each institution could have its own unique setting and requirement. Share your success or even not so successful story here. Your inputs will help others.

Questions and comments on geWorkbench

End User Forum
Developer Forum

Submit defects and feature requests on geWorkbench

Report a defect/feature request for geWorkbench
Report a defect or request a feature in Bugzilla (not yet functional)

Open-source development

Link to geWorkbench Open Development Code Base (not yet functional)
geWorkbench developer's corner