U.S. Representative Trent Franks, AZ-2nd District

For Immediate Release

Contact: Bethany Barker 202-225-4576


Congressman Franks Supports Judge Michael Mukasey as Nominee for Attorney General
Urges Swift Confirmation in the Interest of National Security

September 20, 2007 — Congressman Trent Franks (AZ-02) today gave a statement regarding the nomination of Judge Michael Mukasey for the 81st Attorney General of the United States:

“Judge Mukasey has served faithfully on the Federal bench since his nomination by President Reagan in 1987, and since then he has handled some of our nation’s most critical and complicated national security cases.” Franks stated.  “As a member of both the Judiciary and Armed Services Committees, I recognize the need in this age of international terrorism for an Attorney General with significant knowledge and experience in national security law. 

“Judge Mukasey brings a lifetime of legal experience with over 18 years as a Federal Judge, and I am confident that with his proven commitment to fighting terrorism while upholding and protecting the integrity of the Constitution, he will continue to be an invaluable asset to the Department of Justice, and will fulfill the role of Attorney General with competence and integrity.  I hope fellow Members of Congress will act in the ultimate interest of national security and facilitate a swift confirmation for Judge Mukasey.”

Judge Michael Mukasey was appointed by President Ronald Reagan to serve on the United States District Court of the southern district of New York, a position he held for nearly two decades.  He demonstrated significant leadership and sound management skills as he served six years as Chief Judge of this court, a federal court that has been faced with some of the toughest challenges in fighting terrorism, including the 1993 WTC bombing, 9/11 and other terrorist prosecutions.  His distinctive service earned him the Federal Bar Council’s Learned Hand Medal for Excellence in Federal Jurisprudence in 2004 and an honorary degree from Brooklyn Law School in 2002.

Congressman Franks is serving his third term in the U.S. House of Representatives, and is a member of the Committee on Armed Services, Strategic Forces Subcommittee, Readiness Subcommittee, Committee on the Judiciary, and is Ranking Member on the Constitution Subcommittee.

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