U.S. Representative Trent Franks, AZ-2nd District

For Immediate Release

Contact: Rebeccah Ramey 202-226-5536


House Armed Services Committee discusses U.S. Border and National Security
Hearing Held at Yuma Marine Corps Air Station in Arizona

August 2, 2006—The House of Representatives Committee on Armed Services today convenes in Arizona at the Yuma Marine Corps Air Station. The purpose of this hearing is to discuss border security and its implications for national security.  Congressman Trent Franks (AZ-02), who is a member of the Committee, believes this hearing addresses points that are critical for the national immigration discussion.  

Franks said, "It is entirely appropriate for this hearing to be convened under the auspices of the Armed Services Committee.  Border security is critical to national security. Terrorists' greatest goal is to strike one of our major cities with a nuclear yield weapon that would decapitate this nation and change our concept of freedom forever.  All they need is a porous border and a nuclear warhead from Iran, North Korea, or some other malevolent source.  To underestimate this danger would be a cataclysmic failure on the part of the U.S. Government."


Studies have shown that terrorists violate immigration laws or find ways to exploit the loop holes in the current immigration system to more easily execute their nefarious deeds. The 911 terrorists, for example, committed immigration violations. The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) issued a report http://www.cis.org/articles/2005/kephart.pdf in 2005, which uncovered the following facts:


  • Of the 94 foreign-born terrorists who operated in the United States, about two-thirds (59) committed immigration fraud prior to or in conjunction with taking part in the terrorist activity


  • Of the 59 terrorists who violated the law, many committed multiple immigration violations—79 instances in all


  • In 47 instances, immigration benefits sought or acquired prior to 911 enabled the terrorists to stay in the U.S. after 911 and continue their terrorist activity


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