U.S. Representative Trent Franks, AZ-2nd District

For Immediate Release

Contact: Lindsey Mask   202-226-5536


Franks Participates in
Secure America Now Tour

January 19, 2006—Earlier today, Congressman Trent Franks (R-AZ) joined Congressman Tom Tancredo (R-CO) in a rally calling for strengthened border security along America’s borders.  Following two stops of the “Secure America Now” tour, Franks had this to say:

“The “Secure America Now” tour is an important part of raising nationwide awareness and addressing the issues related to illegal immigration.”

“If Mr. Tancredo and I agreed exactly at all times, there wouldn’t be a need for unique representation across the United States.  We have strong common ground on immigration reform and border security, especially as it relates to national security.  It is vitally important for all members of Congress and all Americans to remember that we are at war with a terror-driven ideology, which makes national security the most important issue facing the nation’s government.”

“Today’s rally couldn’t have come at a more pertinent time with the release of an audio statement confirmed to be the voice of Osama Bin Laden.  It is a grave reminder that we must not become complacent. Terrorists’ most insidious goal is to strike one of this nation's large cities with a nuclear yield weapon.  Preventing terrorists from gaining those weapons and entering this country with them must be our highest national security focus.  Securing our nation's borders is critical to that effort.”

Trent Franks is the Congressman from the 2nd Congressional District of Arizona.  He is a member of the House Armed Services Committee, the House Judiciary Committee and Vice Chairman of the Constitution Subcommittee.

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