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Forest Health Protection—Sirex Woodwasp

Photo of sirex woodwasp, Sirex woodwasp is the most common species of exotic woodwasp detected at United States ports-of-entry associated with solid wood packing materials. Recent detections of sirex woodwasp outside of port areas in the United States have raised concerns because this insect has the potential to cause significant mortality of pines. Awareness of the symptoms and signs of a sirex woodwasp infestation increases the chance of early detection, and thus, the rapid response needed to contain and manage this exotic forest pest.

Sirex Woodwasp Pest Alert—USDA Forest Service

Sirex Woodwasp Website
—Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

Photos - New York State Department of Agriculture's Sirex training and survey workshop held in Oswego, NY in August of 2005

Invasive Species Web Site—Sirex photographs

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Page Contact: Keith Tackett
June 13, 2011 4:48 PM