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(Continue to scroll down this page for more e-mail links, phone and fax numbers and mailing addresses.)

The Denver Post
101 W. Colfax Ave.
Denver, Colorado 80202-5177
- Toll-free: (800) 336-7678
- All departments: (303) 954-1010
- TDD for the hearing impaired: (303) 954-1050

Customer Service
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- Home delivery (metro Denver): 303-832-3232
- Mail subscriptions: 303-832-3232
- Phone solicitor complaints: 303-832-3232
- Door-to-door solicitor complaints: 303-832-3232

- William Dean Singleton, Chairman and Publisher
- Gregory Moore, Editor, (303) 954-1400

Denver Newspaper Agency
101 W. Colfax Ave., Denver, CO 80202
(303) 954-1000, reader Helpline 1 (888) 799-4264
Web site:

The Denver Newspaper Agency provides advertising, circulation, human resources, marketing and production services for The Denver Post.

- William Dean Singleton, Chairman
- Jerry Grilly, President, CEO, (303) 954-1963
- Bill Reynolds, Senior Vice President, Circulation, (303) 954-5495
- David F. Licko, Senior Vice President, Finance, (303) 954-2503
- Alison Kane, Senior Vice President, Interactive Media, (303) 954-5425
- Bernie Szachara, Senior Vice President, Operations, (303) 954-1951
- Missy Miller, Senior Vice President, Human Resources, Labor Relations (303) 954-2746
- Marty Sokoler, Vice President, Major Accounts, (303) 954-2773
- Nolan Epple, Vice President, Automotive & Real Estate, (303) 954-1027
- Ryan Moffat, Vice President, Local Sales, (303) 954-3216
- Greg Gribble, Vice President, Finance, (303) 954-5233
- Bob Kinney, Vice President, Information Technology and PrePublishing, (303) 954-1941

- Submit an Ad
- Classified ads: email or call (303) 825-2525
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- Advertising Billing customer service: (303) 954-5398
- Want to deliver the paper? Call the Carrier Job Line at (303) 954-2274.

To fax job applications to The Denver Post, please use (303) 954-1214.

News Departments
Most reporters and editors have e-mail, and addresses are structured by first initial and last name. So, if you're trying to reach reporter Jane Doe, try

- Gregory Moore, editor, (303) 954-1400
- Jeanette Chavez, managing editor/administration, (303) 954-1800
- J. Damon Cain, managing editor/presentation & design
- Jim Bates, night editor, (303) 954-1825
- Chuck Murphy, public affairs team leader, (303) 954-1829
- Lee Ann Colacioppo, team leader for enterprise, (303) 954-1754
- Kevin Dale, assistant managing editor/Sunday & Online, (303) 954-1661
- Scott Monserud, assistant managing editor/sports, (303) 954-1243
- Tim Rasmussen, assistant managing editor/photography, (303) 954-1896

- (main e-mail for the news gathering department)

- Phone: (303) 954-1201
- Fax: (303) 954-1369

- Steve McMillan, business editor, (303) 954-1695
- (main e-mail for business news)
- Phone: (303) 954-1378
- Fax: (303) 954-1334

Editorial Page
- Dan Haley, Editorial Page Editor,, (303) 954-1753
- (Letters to the editor - to be considered, letters must include full name, home town and daytime phone number)
- Phone: (303) 954-1331
- Fax: (303) 954-1502

- Vickie Makings, head librarian, (303) 954-1691
The Post's library is closed to the public, and the library staff is not able to do research for members of the public. However, a searchable archive of The Denver Post back to 1993 is available online. Researchers, authors or journalists who wish to make use of the library for professional purposes should apply to Ms. Makings in writing (get our mailing address here). Full copies of The Post are on microfilm back to 1895, and microfilm is available at most larger Colorado public libraries. Out-of-state readers who need access to microfilm should inquire at the periodicals department of their nearest large public library about how to get interlibrary loans of microfilm.

- Tim Rasmussen, assistant managing editor/photography, (303) 954-1896
- (main e-mail for the photo department)
- Phone: (303) 954-1321
- Fax: (303) 954-1040

- Mail: Denver Post Sports Dept., 101 W. Colfax Ave., Denver CO 80202
- Fax: 303-866-9004
- E-mail:
- Phone: 303-954-1294
- Assistant managing editor/sports: Scott Monserud
- E-mail letters to the editor: - Letters can be up to 100 words and must include full name, home address and evening phone #. All letters will be confirmed and may be edited for length, grammar and accuracy.

- (main e-mail for features)
- Phone: (303) 954-1281
- Fax: (303) 954-1679
- Tom Walker, books editor
- Phone: (303) 954-1624
- Fax: (303) 954-1679
- Ray Rinaldi, entertainment editor
- (main e-mail for entertainment)
- Phone: (303) 954-1281
- Fax: (303) 954-1679
- Kyle Wagner, travel editor
- Phone: (303) 954-1599
- Fax: (303) 954-1679
Travel Contest Questions: email Marc Hobelman
101 W. Colfax Avenue
Denver, Colorado 80202
(303) 954-1300
- Rebecca Risch, Executive Producer, (303) 954-1913
- Demetria Gallegos, Online News Editor, (303) 954-1683
- Paul Soriano, News Producer, (303) 954-1511
- Bryan Boyle, Sports Producer, (719) 207-4117
- Joe Murphy, Senior Developer, (303) 954-1057
- Keith Morse, Database Specialist, (303) 954-1512

Online advertising and marketing
All advertising and promotional services for are provided by the Denver Newspaper Agency. All questions about advertising matters should be directed to the appropriate people listed below.

DNA New Media Operations
- Deirdre Zube, Interactive Advertising Operations Manager (303) 954-3212

Classified Sales
- Kate Weber, Recruitment, Private Party (303) 954-2567
- April Baucat, Call Center (303) 954-1188
- Joe Sollaccio, Automotive (303) 954-2676
- Will Haugerud, Real Estate (303) 954-3223
- George Magda, Online Real Estate and Automotive (303) 954-2524

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