Books News and Reviews

(Associated Press file photo )
Drama in the desert
Using taut prose, Robert Olmstead conjures a historic battle against bandit Pancho Villa
Robert Olmstead knows a few things: He knows that in the heat of battle a mounted swordsman will sometimes cut off the ears of his own horse; that cowboys used to treat gangrene with horse clippers and carbolic acid; that a sandstorm can whip up a cloud of static electricity as stinging as the sand itself... 
Transplant need hit where it hurt
09/18/2009 - Money won't save you. A life of privilege won't save you, nor will power, rank or influence. So what are your options when your only solution to a potentially terminal diagnosis is faith in a fatally inefficient segment of the fractured American health care system? 

Old secrets unleashed
09/18/2009 - It's been a pleasure to watch Lisa Tucker grow as a writer; her latest, "The Promised World," is her first novel to be published in hardcover. She debuted in 2003 with "The Song Reader," a work based on the unusual premise, that a central character is able to divine information about people's lives based on the fragments of songs stuck in their heads. 

Moving beyond pain as a condition of life
09/18/2009 - In the summer of 2005, a villager walked into a district hospital in Rwanda complaining of abdominal pain. The cause was not difficult to diagnose: an acutely enlarged spleen resulting from untreated malaria. But the American doctors were unable to identify a number of perfectly round marks that covered the patient's distended belly. 

Dan Brown again hits a quick million
09/18/2009 - Dan Brown does it again, on paper and on the screen. Doubleday announced Wednesday that "The Lost Symbol," Brown's first novel since "The Da Vinci Code," sold more than 1 million copies after being on sale for one day in the United States, Canada and Britain. 

  • Foreward - 09/18/2009
  • Hitting the Shelves - 09/18/2009
  • Books in Brief - 09/18/2009
  • Science Fiction - 09/18/2009
  • Book Calendar - 09/18/2009
  • Foreward - 09/11/2009
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