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Protein-Protein Interaction Information

Interaction: HDRi88

Region Residue Interacting Mechanism
Interaction detected between PAX3/BRN2 in the two-hybrid assay and by GST pull-down indicating direct contacts between these proteins allowing for cross regulation of gene expression through these transcription factors.
PO3F2_HUMAN POU 266-336


Protein HDR ID HDRp207
Entrez PAX3 - paired box 3
Protein HDR ID HDRp250
Entrez POU3F2 - POU class 3 homeobox 2


Title Domains of Brn-2 that mediate homodimerization and interaction with general and melanocytic transcription factors.
First Author Smit DJ
Journal Eur. J. Biochem. 267: 6413-22, 2000
BIND 266462  (BOND log-in process is required)