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@lance pointing to an @skribit button: "i dont know if i like the color or the size". @stammy: "that's what she said", @cyu: "bahahah"
meeting in a bit
@theunquietone came over to study, ended up browsing digg and craigslist to show me funny stuff, then left. lol. productivity ftw.
om nom noming on my 3rd turkey sammich for the day. i am pretty lame. on the upshot, less than 300 calories each.
Twitter Poll: Favorite NES Game. GO! For me, the 3-in-1 cartridge with Super Mario Bros, Duck Hunt and World Class Track Meet
ugh. gmail does this thing where it looks normal but isnt checking mail... so i havent been seeing email since before 1pm. classy..
mom just called to say that my Georgia Tech diploma arrived. awesome. now i just need that corner office to hang it in.
eating my second mini-lunch for the day
doing some html sanitize testing.. which has me pasting <strong>CHEEZBURGERS!!</strong> in lots of text fields haha
errr has a 500 error on the homepage. mongrels were napping last night too. need moar powerrr
great web designers in NYC? my bro-in-law's startup needs some work done.
note to self: make sure you actually have towels before going in the shower
wrote half of a "apps and services i use daily" post (via skribit sugg). sleep, will finish tmrw evening. what apps&services you use daily?
finally getting around to blogging something. ironically, working on a blogging startup is taking my time away from blogging.
i dont get why people on CSI dont shoot first, then run. that glock holds 21 rounds and they have a spare clip. fire a few already..
watching CSI:NY on CBS (b/c gary sinise is a badass and reminds me of his forest gump days)
back from dinner at el azteca w chris, chris, stan and mike. chris looking for biomed job, stan building poker site, mike codes ADA for army
for those that dont watch flight of the conchords, you're missing out.


Jack Dorsey Evan Williams Krissy Bush Matt Galligan sean bonner Wayne Sutton Om Malik Dave McClure David Ulevitch Mr Messina Coty Rosenblath JD Camron Flanders Scott Beale BJ Cook Josh Bancroft Scott Hurff Hiten Shah Dave Morin Jason Calacanis Sammy Villarreal Glenda Dan Cederholm Josh Bryant Dave Kellam Joost Schuur Stewart Butterfield Caterina Cal Henderson Josh Hallett Arnold Justine Frank Gilroy Chris Brogan drew olanoff Michael Bailey
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