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@ravidor Go through your list of followers and click to follow anyone U are not following. Its what I do. & find me!
@gapingvoid Yes.That is a good way! That's why I said hour by hour. You can do it. Take 2-3 years to fully be over it,btw. U can do it!
@dcrblogs Good quote. If it doesn't kill ya it can make you stronger.
@GebiKiting Soda is not good for one's brain either. That news made me quit drinking carbonated drinks. My brain is my favorite body part
@gapingvoid Rooting 4 U. Hardest thing I ever did,and I have overcome much, was to quit smoking. 28 yrs ago. U can do it! One hour at a time
@AriBurton Great background! Next try making the sidebar same color or a light contrasting color. Less white. More punch. Play with sidebar
Does Your Mind Use You?
@chrisbrogan Yes, good article. Gen Y is a great gen -- boomers' kids! They CAN and will do great things! See more:
@gruber agree with Guy that the "nobodies" are important. That's why I follow and connect with all of my followers.
@caseywright The antacids are a minty dessert.
@GabrielRossi Thanks for Luv brand messaging hierarchy post. Muppets & Dali! Add Warhol the brand of brands.
@PressReleasePR Nah. They're saying good things re U. I've been here and following you for a tad over 2 weeks. It's great to follow you.
@PressReleasePR Hearty congratulations on your Twitter success! Glad I follow you!
@AriBurton Hope your Mom feels better soon! Please tell her a Twitter pal says Hi and a little prayer 4 her,
@GabrielRossi You have a blog on this? Cannot find oit via your Twitter bio. Love to see more ofabout the idea.
@GabrielRossi Yes Dali! For art add in van Gogh, Monet, Warhol & hopefully soon the founder of Post Conceptual UnGraven Image Art theory
@GabrielRossi I appreciate your definition. Obvious is that which wasn't until it became so.
@linnetwoods @artbyskym Like to get an art group going Tweet Suite. Happy we are Twitter pals.
@guykawasaki Amazing 4 sure. Much like sand paintings in transient nature.
@ChrisC Am a huge advocate of H2O2. Helped cure me of Lyme's disease along with traditional meds. I always use it if I begin to feel ill.


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