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and so I go to meet my Wife and Jr. to begin our weekend!
getting excited (tho a bit soon)...checked weather for week, calls for snow in area next Monday night/Tues!
@ewerickson sadly, those are same ppl who believe race relations haven't improved since '60s, & there are ppl who prosper from that #TCOT
@rubygrrl42 following #rncchair by using #tcot
@crazy4disney not surprising...listened to how GOP is "against jobs and tax cuts" mention of against 80% garbage in it... #TCOT
@blue26 it's pretty foul....think g*****.cx, on crack. And steroids.
@ZanP mind bleach, huh? hmmm, I don't know, I might need to drink it to get rid of the image.... :)
must now stab brain out to remove horrific images I was just subjected to
Wife doing her part to stimulate economy....what gov't doesn't get, Ebay sellers are.
@ewerickson ooooh good idea. will be placing an order for a pair of blue ones shortly! :D #tcot
@ewerickson that is good...sadly, it just means that Sen. GOP finds a pair, then quickly gets rid of them.... #TCOT
@ewerickson i love the idea, but question sending some that are meant to be kicked...does Amazon have brass ones? #tcot
watching my Mom play with Jr. is much, much more fun than doing the stuff I need to do. Heck, forget Mom, *I* want to play with Jr!
@susan_s_smith: Looks like Santa should arrive with my Skittle-pooping Unicorn tonight :-/ #TCOT
@ncgeek ssssh you'll give him ideas!
@rchille you scare me a lot when you tweet things lile that!
wow I've made some strong coffee...of course I've been up since 5am as blue bird thid morning! Ice on the deck tho.
@susan_s_smith w/ McCain/Graham, I expect S. Claus on my Skittle-pooping Unicorn b/f unanimous 'no' vote from Sen. Rs. Pray I'm wrong #TCOT
yes! just got the news - "stimulus" passed with no GOP support. that means D's take full blame when it fails. Tnx House R's! #TCOT
it's not james earl jones but it's free and i love my audio Bible.


Jason Calacanis Robert Scoble ɹǝʞɔǝʇs ǝʞıɯ Erick Erickson j. lindsay Kevin Rose Don Reverse_Vampyr Manatee Scott Kurtz chrispirillo Gary Arndt Steve Spinks Damiano Vukotic Dave Troy Bill Austin Seth Nickerson The New York Times Barack Obama Rick Abbott C.E.H. Wiedel dwight silverman Joe Hildebrand Slashdot Wil Wheaton Ethan Demme Kyle Johnson Paul Kevin Miller Brian Briggs Dan Romero Passively Multiplayr Jake Marsh Rob Goodlatte Steve Dalton RedState
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