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SECURITY PATROL – A U.S. Army soldier with Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 109th Infantry Regiment, patrols a village outside Forward Operations Base Blue Diamond in Iraq, March 13, 2006, as a plume of smoke rises from the government center in nearby Ramadi after an insurgent attack. Defense Dept. photo by U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class David D. Isakson Hi-Res
Americans Must Maintain Resolve to Win
WASHINGTON, March 20, 2006 – Extremists cannot hope to match the United States and its coalition allies in battle, but that might not matter at all. Al Qaeda and like terrorist groups understand that they only have to win the battle for American resolve to be successful, a top military strategy official said. Story
Coalition Forces Net Suspects, Weapons
WASHINGTON, March 20, 2006 – Iraqi and coalition troops detained suspects and seized weapons caches throughout Iraq, and an Iraqi review board recommended the release of a number of male detainees being held in the country, Multinational Force Iraq officials reported. Story
Bush Remembers U.S. Troops on Anniversary
WASHINGTON, March 19, 2006 – The best way for Americans to commemorate the third anniversary of U.S. operations in Iraq is to thank the servicemembers carrying them out and the families that support them, President Bush said today. Story
Bush Hails Iraqi Progress, Talks Strategy for Victory
New Iraqi Agreements Disprove Civil War Fears
WASHINGTON, March 19, 2006 – Agreements announced today regarding Iraq's unity government "prove that the civil war is out of the question and that the Iraqi people will not accept [for] a civil war to take place," Iraqi President Jalal Talabani said during a Baghdad news conference today. Story
Cheney: Success in Iraq Critical to Overall War
WASHINGTON, March 19, 2006 – Vice President Dick Cheney said today the evidence that Iraqis and the coalition will succeed in Iraq "is overwhelming" and that it's important, when assessing the situation there, to keep perspective of its impact on the global war on terror. Story
Rumsfeld: Now's the Time for Resolve, Not Retreat
WASHINGTON, March 19, 2006 – Three years after the launch of Operation Iraqi Freedom, now's the time for resolve, not retreat, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld wrote today in an editorial in The Washington Post. Story
Top General in Iraq 'Optimistic' About Success
WASHINGTON, March 19, 2006 – The top U.S. general in Iraq said today, on the third anniversary of Operation Iraqi Freedom, that despite media reports of an imminent or impending Iraqi civil war, the vast majority of Iraq is stable, calm and peaceful. Story
Iraqis Increasingly Take Lead in Anti-Terrorist Ops
WASHINGTON, March 19, 2006 – Iraqi and coalition forces continued in recent days to detain terrorist suspects and search, find and destroy weapons caches through a series of patrols and operations designed to bring stability to that country, officials in Iraq reported today. Story
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  Photo Essays
Operation Swarmer (5)
Iraqi Army Opens New Camp (12)
Iraqi Troops Patrol Abu Ghraib (7)
Iraqi Police Graduation (3)
Iraqi Soldiers Take Lead (3)
Women Take Exams for Iraqi Police (13)
Iraqi National Guard Training (6)
Kirkuk Patrol, Iraq (6)
Rebuilding Diwaniyah, Iraq (10)
Soldiers Vote in Mosul (5)
Zafraniyah District Raid, Iraq (8)
Iraqi Voters Go to the Polls (9)
Iraq Elections, Dec. 15, 2005 (8)
More Photo Essays 
Secretary of Defense Message
"The Iraqi people – who had suffered through decades of brutality and corruption – understand the high stakes in this war. They are determined to claim their birthright of freedom and secure their new democracy. In defiance of violence, they have elected a provisional government, drafted a Constitution, ratified it through popular referendum and elected a permanent government – with millions more Iraqis participating in the process at each new stage." Message
America Supports You
  More Top News
Three Year Anniversary Progress Fact Sheet (PDF)
Progress Continues Near Three-Year Mark
Iraqi Forces Do Well After Mosque Blast
Iraqis on Track For Independent Ops
Insurgents Detained; Weapons Found
Abizaid: Iraq Not on Verge of Civil War
Arab Countries Note Iraq's March to Democracy
Defense Leaders Assess Successes
Iraqi Police Nab Terrorism Suspects
Iraqi Leaders Make Progress Toward Unity
Ceremony Transfers Base to Iraqi Army
Casey: Iraqis Resist Lure of Terrorism
Iraqi Air Force Stands Up Air Base
More News  
Iraqi, Coalition Forces Launch Air Assault
Operation Aims to Curb Violence in Iraq
  Over the Past Year
Casey: Terrorists Misjudge Iraqi Spirit
Security Isn't Sole Solution for Iraq
Elections Set Milestone for Iraqi Forces
Saddam's Hometown Palace Transfered to Iraqis
Millions of Iraqis Cast Constitution Ballots
Nearly 3,000 Iraqi Police Graduate
Iraqi Soldiers Show Capabilities During Raids
Military Ops Prompt Deadly Attacks
Marines Adapt to IED Threats
1,000th Reconstruction Project Completed
Iraqi Tip Leads to Terrorist Suspects
Former Chairman Cites Successes
WASHINGTON, March 17, 2006 – Three years after the launch of Operation Iraqi Freedom, the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said on morning talk shows today he's impressed by significant progress that's been made on the political, economic and security fronts. Story 
Victory Requires Patience, Sacrifice
WASHINGTON, March 16, 2006 – Past victories over ideologies of hatred serve as a reminder that such triumphs require time, patience and sacrifice, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said in Australia today. Story 
OPERATION SWARMER – A U.S. Army soldier pulls security from the back of a U.S. aircraft at Brassfield-Mora, Iraq, in support of Operation Swarmer, March 16, 2006. U.S. Navy photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Shawn Hussong More Photos.
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