Gedeon Maheux’s Favorites

Marc Charbonneau
mbcharbonneau No matter how terrible I am at Frenzic, I take great please in knowing I kicked the ass of the only other guy in the local high scores list.
chockenberry #ProTip Don't recurse in PHP code that does SQL queries against an unbounded dataset. #ItsNotMyFault
Travis Liberty Zuker
tzuker Just thought a paradigm shifting idea...A Twitter service for COWS. It's called Udderâ„¢ and went the cow makes a post it's called a Teat!!!!!...
Marla Erwin
marlaerwin I just commented about Star Trek on Twitter to a former coworker from a tech startup. Geek trifecta.
Gedeon Maheux
gedeon CNN CALLS IT FOR OBAMA 11pm est
John Moltz
Moltz Pro tip for Republicans who've never rioted before: when picking up a garbage can to throw through a car window, lift with the knees.
Gedeon Maheux
gedeon Cast my ballot for our next President, Barack Obama. Felt great. Took 38 min no problems. Got one "Your the icon man!" in line. No joke.
John Moltz
Moltz Flipping cars? Hey, Philly fans. If you really want to impress me, try flipping a house in this real estate market. Amirite?
Cabel M. Sasser
cabel Sorry, Ted Stevens. On the plus side, a jail cell wall is also a series of tubes.
David Miller
davegobe @gedeon - We just say Viagra is for when you're at the plate with two balls and your bat breaks.
Andy Brewer
UltraStar Was it me or did McCain look like Cotton Hill?
Anthony Piraino
piraino When twittering you've got to, in at least the sense that all Americans have the Twitter and -oh! It's about the tweets, when you read them.
John Moltz
Moltz @splorp Well, you see, when a man loves an FTP server *very* much, he shoots his files all over it.
Talos Tsui
talosman didn't care much for the iPod Nano until yesterday at Best Buy when it was sitting 2 ft away from the Zune. That thing make nano even hotter
Greg Storey
Brilliantcrank I think Massachusetts and North Carolina share the same payroll tax computer system.
BNO News
BreakingNewsOn All seven suspects in the 2006 transatlantic aircraft liquid bomb plot will face a re-trail, Sky News reports.
Ryan Irelan
ryanirelan There's no way Palin will withdraw from the race; the withdraw method hasn't work so well for that family.
Gedeon Maheux
gedeon I love the smell of chlorine in the morning!
Gedeon Maheux
gedeon @davegobe - Yeah me too. Graphene has always been the super star of the carbon world. Usually gets upstaged by those whorish diamonds though
mikemorrow @twitterrific Thanks for giving me the opportunity to explain why there was a bird chirping in my pocket while standing at the urinal.


Dan Cederholm John Pastor Mike Rundle Hickensian Josh Williams Mark Bixby erin Ryan Irelan Grant Hutchinson Greg Storey John Gruber liz Tim Coulter teh_real_chock Annene Corey Marion Anthony Piraino Talos Tsui David Lanham Scott McNulty Louie Mantia Jason Santa Maria Jeffrey Zeldman Vonster Andy Brewer Glenn Wolsey Alisa John Hood Damon C Wolfgang Ante dvsjr Arlo Rose Sue Polinsky PatCastaldo John Martz Dave Brasgalla
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