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@tom_watson was delighted not to! Good to meet you yesterday.
Not a lot of love for the games industry in the #DigitalBritain report today. Was expecting more than a few cursory mentions.
Haven't the authorities been clamping down on "up to" claims about broadband speeds? Apparently govt hasn't noticed. #digitalbritain
@mattb the bank doth protest too much, methinks
Writing about barcamps and hack days this afternoon - would really appreciate your anecdotes and favourite experiences.
@mtush indeed they should - welcome to twitter!
Watching a black president being on augurated on ustream on my mobile phone. This truly is the future!
hey, when did i break 1000 followers? Sorry if I'm not returning the favour, have a bit of a backlog. @replies always help!
@jwarnette that's encouraging, thanks. You can still cancel within 14 days I hear
So I finally got an iPhone, which pretty much guarantees that his Jobsness will leap from his sick bed to launch iPhone 4G tomorrow.
@kbuckett that's an impressive attempt to rebrand fingerless gloves
@kbuckett @NinaHowse loving the iphone gloves but where can I get them?
I love Monocle. Latest issue - how Iceland can restore intl prestige: "use your good looks to attract friends"; "nothing wrong with fishing"
@AndrewGirdwood I'm getting a network error from here i'm afraid.
@snow_gibbon damn, i was hoping the GPS would help me get out of any crevasses i might stumble into. genuinely terrified of crevasses.
@helenium cool. have you warmed to skiing?
@JackMarshall's genius recommendation: gloves made for touch screens! Know any UK retailers?
@tlodge there are *other devices*??!
@helenium guessing by your prolific ski-tweets that you'd recommend taking an iphone on the slopes? (thanks for the pointer @richardbarley)
@tommalcom excellent, I'll just have to hope that it isn't too cold to remove gloves. not to mention ear muffs.


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