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NCI-F Employee Diversity Team NCI-F Employee Diversity Team Website
   Promoting diversity through awareness, analysis, communication, knowledge, respect and celebration.

Special Features

We invite you to enjoy the special features provided to you by the NCI-F Employee Diversity Team. Please send us your suggestions.

Diversity Cafe Movies

KhadakNow Showing: Khadak [ April 2008 ]
Event Details: Thursday April 17th in the Auditorium &
Friday April 18th in Conference Room "A"
Time: 12:00 p.m.
Starring:Khayankhyarvaa Batzul, Byamba Tsetsegee

Bagi and his grandparents live a nomadic life herding sheep in the frozen hills of Mongolia. Their pristine world is disrupted when a military convoy arrives...
View Full Movie List

Diversity Recipes

Features Recipe
We are excited to announce our new online Diversity Recipe Feature!

You may now submit your favorite recipe for consideration in our annual Diversity Recipe Cookbook online!

Submit a Recipe

View Past Feature Recipes

Brown Bag Lunches

Brown Bag Lunches Reducing Stress [ April 2008 ]
View the presentation on stress and wellness in the workplace.

View Presentation

Special Observances
February 2008: National Black History Month
February 2008: African American Scientist Profiles

Diversity Cookbook
Download the PDF version of The Employee Diversity Team Cookbook, filled with new, mouth-watering recipes for you to enjoy. A special effort was made to provide a sampling of recipes from all countries and cultures, so enjoy!

Diversity Travel
The Employee Diversity Team has created the Diversity Travel Database as a way for the NCI-Frederick community to share travel information with their fellow employees. Members of the NCI-Frederick community can post brief information on places that they have visited or lived.

More Feature Links

OHS Scientific Library: Science in the Cinema
Take Your Child to Work Day
2006 Diversity Cookbook
2005 Diversity Cookbook
2004 Diversity Cookbook

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