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The film crew finally landed on a place to eat.
Picking up the crew from the airport.
Costume/prop shopping for a film shoot.
The NM has begun. A lot to do before the rest of the crew show up.
On the plane to NM, I saw some guy yell at another guy for using talking on his cell phone. Seriously? Yelling? Are we in 3rd grade?
About to hop on a plane bound for NM.
@Awakeland3D Yes we are. How did you figure it out?
In a meeting trying to great an online game for a book.
Let me get this straight. Pownce, Stikkit, and all shut down right when I have good use for them. Fantastic.
What was once a pretty open day has now become a day of meetings.
In cincinatti racing to my connecting flight.
At the Orlando airport. Would have flown home earlier but Delta no longer does standby. Instead they charge $50 to change flights. FAIL.
@linne CCCA. I was speaking on event production.
Just speaking at conference at Disney. Now trying to kill time before I go home.
Delta has gotten rid of holders. Now I feel like kid stuffing random papers into my backpack.
@Micahd doing stuff over? What do you mean?
Scratch that he name of CNN's Chicago Bureau Chief is Fuzz Hogan. Even better.
IL state gov is arrested by a police officer named Fuzz Hogan. You can't make this stuff up.
@DynamoSupremo yes. We are using it manage our work.
watching Twit Live, just went through my team's Basecamp acct, now working on presentation for Wed.


Veronica Belmont Ryan Block Ray Sadler Peter Rojas Andy Ihnatko Aaron Linne Amy-Jo Girardier Micah d. Chris Ediger ahaywood Seth Worley NeilWHoppe Steve Tanner Will DeWitt Jeff Lyons Bucky cellenwade2 Joel_P_Reynolds Jason Hayes Clint RachelSharpe Multiplied By gary morgan Erin Drawdy Mr Tweet