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Between picking Steele and the opposition to the Stimulus Bill, I'm starting to think the GOP may actually have a future #tcot #rncchair
Saints preserve us! Don't screw this up RNC! #tcot #rncchair
@Lileks Book version much better. Epic villainy. Physically a robust, ferocious Dabney Coleman? Will have to come up with better.
@Lileks They clearly decided to make the movie version kindlier so it would be more jarring when he shot Vincennes. It worked!
@Lileks A fine eye you have for detail, lad.
@Lileks Lance Lawson mysteries are the Twitter of crime fiction.
@lileks Lance Lawson mysteries and ensuing comments are the highlight of my Thursdays #tcot #hhrs
#myfirstjob Washing dishes at a chinese restaurant in a strip mall
Just planned trip to New Orleans. Now I want to be there!
@mkhammer Love Milbank's snark. worried by the deference shown by the GOP Senators quoted
@LizMair That map of the states is to be expected in the post-Obama afterglow. Let's see how it looks after 2-4 years of total Dem control
No GOP votes for the spending bill in the House! Is this where the revival begins? Is the filibuster applicable in the Senate? #tcot #hhrs
Watching a French video on substance abuse. That's right, the French preaching against the evils of smoking and drinking.
O'Reilly's bonus question answer was wrong. Eli Wallach was "The Ugly," not Lee Van Cleef. He was "The Bad." #tcot #hhrs
Damnable work. I return to 6 pages of tweets to peruse
Made the mistake of turning to CNN after @mkhammer finished on O'Reilly. A pro-Card Check ad? Really? #tcot
@mkhammer Good hit on O'R. Got to be frustrating that he hardly lets you talk when he asks you a question
Seems to me that opposing only two of Obama's appointments (Geithner and Holder) isn't enough to get them branded as "obstructionists" #tcot
#hhrs why did Hugh bother writing a book about the Fair Tax, which stands absolutely 0% chance of being even debated by Congress?
Am I crazy to worry that #Blago will suddenly declare he's a Republican? #tcot


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