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@seanattwood have a couple for me! Wife, kids and I detouring to Blockbuster for a night in.
Made it - but class cancelled for black belt testing. Oh, well.
Taekwodo...if I can get from I-10 to 1604 & Heubner in 8 mins... Outlook not good
I am happy to hear that @johndstrunk uses soap :-)
@RackerHacker I wonder how much that senate seat brought the last time it was empty?
No ice at Stone Oak (78258)...just thunder and whining from Demo supporters
@RackerHacker yeah, the "ice" is failing, but its trying its hardest to not be "snow".
@TheDebster is it cold? Dunno. I'm inside and not interested in opening the door at this time ;-)
@lalorek you are, yet what are you?
KENS5 is saying the wind is over for SA. Yet wind outside my home in Stone Oak is nearly breaking the live oak trees. FAIL
Watching the Clownboys lose to the Steelers.
Oh, God, please defeat the Sooners. Amen.
Just wanna say this: I work with the best people. You are all awesome.
@amuse just because it isn't politically expedient doesn't meanit isn't true, either. I so love poli-factualism.
In traffic on way to #Rackspace party. See you there?
@combfilter Slow Ride's appeal is directly proportional to one's coolness. Sorry 'bout that, man.
@RackerHacker I've always wondered about that "allowance" for poor gifts: if the gifts sucks, how good was the thought?
@mike_chavez TMI doesn't just stand for Texas Military Institute, ya know


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