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Thanks everyone! We're really excited about continuing to do some great UX in 2009 our new Portland clients and our current clients too.
New '3-feet law' for vulnerable road users (cyclists, runners, walkers) submitted to Texas legislature -
@plesko thanks! we're hoping to continue extending the great UX that's been designed and built so far on both sides.
@stealingsand do you work with/study Motion at all with Final Cut stuff?
We're excited to welcome @Fiveedge Media and clients to Innerecho!
@johnweiss good luck with your Ignite Portland submission
I still think that DBVisualizer just plain rocks (particularly for those of slightly 'Terminal-impaired' UX types.)
@daysha hi. agreed re: HIA- Colourform. At the time, was one of my top 10 something...along with Symbiosis.
Need to get some more Boards of Canada and keep my eye out for unknown Jose Gonzalez tracks
@markvtc i'll check out too. always interested in new IxD tools. thanks for the info.
Perfect 36 degree running weather. Just finished steady 10+ miles at LB Houston trail near Las Colinas.
Checking out Balsamiq Mockups
RT @keratx: KERA News: Bicycle Commuting on the High Five
@StevenRay nice. a true classic ;-) i loved that album.
Check out various NPR audio streams if you can't get video feeds.
Keeping an eye on Tour Down Under Twitter traffic. Is it always this hot at this time of year? Sounds like lots of crowds out to see Lance.
@ravenme We're using iWork 08 for just about everything now, with the occassional, ugh, export to other formats. Looking forward to 09 kit.


Biz Stone Evan Williams Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Paul Terry Walhus Blake Burris Jim Young Chaitanya Sagar Peter Gornell Graeme Milroy jef alisha Adam Keys Robert Scoble giovanni Chris Griego Alex Bischoff John Nicholas Kevin Marvin Status Updates Davo David Jeremy Johnson Nathan Smith Sarah Austin Jeff Adams arroba Damon Cortesi dearsarah kinan             whurley Stephen Anderson Caleb Jenkins sarah jane semrad Matt Hollingsworth
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