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oooo, yes, WP 2.7 install went without a hitch and new console is very pretty, but no time to play right now; workin weekend, so #afk. gnite
kudlow capitalism: she shouldn't wear short skirt if she didn't WANT it. let the rapist go and blame the police for not protecting her.
wow. how is this guy kudlow still on the air? Madoff ponzi scheme is "indictment of SEC" not another failure of unbounded capitalism. right.
@mrskeleton i'm sorry. this is not the time for conspicuous cognition. the correct response is, of course, to wait for THEM to "Fix Things."
sans iPhone, must now go #afk to make 1130 appointment. keep fightin' the good fight good tweeple everywhere. cul8r
@mrskeleton idea for lean times: order half the FOOD, with savings TIP as if you'd ordered full course. this 2 is street level #capitalism++
@mrskeleton seriously, though, have always tipped MIN 20% after working for years in that role myself. #dontbestingy #beagoodtipper
@mrskeleton i respect cows far too much to engage is such brutal field sport as your so-called 'tipping.' j/k
Enable and Maximize the Revenue Generating Capacity of US ... and YOU will win. #userascontent
@OverlayTV now 2get RevShares right. Goal (at full ops) is toward 98% USER, 2% Platform. 50/50, pennies on dollar AIN'T IT. #userascontent
@OverlayTV Excellent! It's almost as if Content is King and WE are the New Content! #userascontent
@zbowling now *that* would be a great xmas gift, eh? i won't wish you luck, i'll wish Apple CLUE ... to snap you up. :-)
@anthonyalexand ppl use this for many reasons; one interest is to experiment with specific Augmented Social Cognition events. #samz
@anthonyalexand as you build your custom network of people that you follow, i think you'll find it a compelling learning and thinking space.
@anthonyalexand hey anthony. if they aren't here, we need 2 get chuck and the crew on twitter for better realtime updates and collaboration.
@ToddGailun Maybe after we collectively solve postscarcity infrastructure, we can get to serious work on Attention Economy bottlenecks. :-)
RT @ToddGailun Are asset bubbles part of the human condition? Is gov't Regulation impotent? So says Virginia Postrel.
@cookingcapsules Better yet! Append tagline: "just ask your nearest Android." :-) Will keep eyes peeled for 12 second capsules.
@cookingcapsules Tagline pitch: "We might not be able to forecast beyond the Singularity, but we'll be able to find something to EAT!"
@dmcar okay, now THAT word is going into the "learn this" dB on my word processor ... sidetracky ... next stop: OED! :-)


Biz Stone Evan Williams Jason Goldman Ted Wang Wayne Sutton Ross Jordy Mont-Reynaud Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt enoch choi adam Jose Arocha Matt Cutler Dan Patterson EC Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Elliott Ng Chris Brogan Pat Philip Campbell MJ Rainer Wasserfuhr  C.C. Chapman ivanoats Robert Scoble Phil Wolff Ryan Carson mcc B.K. DeLong Steve Rhodes Mario Menti jimbo wales francine hardaway rahmin sarabi Joe Hunkins
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