Dan Patterson’s Favorites

arleigh laughing at @danpatterson 's morning of hate tweets haha crazy
Miranda McCurlie
ilovecpstyle @aliciamk Nice... Did you have fun? I am jealous!
Dan Patterson
danpatterson sitting in a great session on mobile #tas08
Laura Fitton
Pistachio O'Reilly's Twitter report is out Twitter & the Micro-Messaging Revolution.
Mark Tafoya
ChefMark @danpatterson I'll have my video report finished soon, will forward it to U. SOME reports of ppl being turned away, but none once I arrived
Gennefer Snowfield
acclimedia @danpatterson You could download the free audio of Tribes here: #bkrev
TJ Sondermann
Julia Roy
juliaroy Retweeting @jordanberkowitz: Just walked past Dave Chapelle and Sarah Silverman talking. They'd make funny babies.
lallaine santos
elle_pinky @creepysleepy all of which are my faves by him, plus his haiku collection. Farenheit451 style: what book would you save from the flames?
Dave Winer
davewiner Latest This American Life tutorial on the financial mess.
 C.C. Chapman
cc_chapman New blog post: Americans Expect Companies to Have a Presence in Social Media
Rob Blatt
Doug Quance
Doug_Quance This bailout deal is as screwed up as a Direct Buy sales pitch.
Daniel Andrlik
mointrigue @creepysleepy Good luck on your first day at ABC, Dan! Remember to keep your pants on, please let's not have a repeat of the last time.
Charles Hope
charleshope New York provides the European counterweight without which the entire nation is exposed to nothing but LA fake blonde conformity.
Joe Carpenter
mtnbkr1 @creepysleepy Listen to "This American Life" #355 (The Giant Pool of Money?) It's damn fascinating and explains this mess succinctly
Backlot OPS™
BacklotOPS @creepysleepy Flashback: "In 2003, .... predatory lending crisis, the OCC ... from the 1863 National Bank Act" ;-)
Katie_Change gossip girl was awesome im so addicted
Erin Kotecki Vest
QueenofSpain it's @baratunde! not @baratude. My JOBAMA MANIA got the best of me


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