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September 2006

September 24-30, 2006
New Campaign, Featuring Smokers' Personal Stories, Encourages Tobacco Users to "Be a Quitter", September 29, 2006
NINDS Names New Scientific Director, September 29, 2006
NHGRI Funds Assessment of Public Attitudes About Population-Based Studies on Genes and Environment, September 28, 2006
Clinical Trial Shows Islet Transplantation is a Promising Procedure For Certain Patients with Severe Type 1 Diabetes, September 27, 2006
NIH Director's Statement Regarding House Passage of NIH Reform Act, September 26, 2006, September 27, 2006
Mouse Study Reveals New Clues about Virulence of 1918 Influenza Virus, September 27, 2006
NCI Creates Network of Clinical Proteomic Technology Centers for Cancer Research, September 27, 2006
News Advisory: NCI Creates Network of Clinical Proteomic Technology Centers for Cancer Research, September 27, 2006
H9N2 Avian Flu Vaccine Paired with Adjuvant Provokes Strong Human Immune Response at Low Doses, September 25, 2006
NIAID Awards $4 Million to Develop Anti-Radiation Treatments, September 25, 2006

September 16-23, 2006
Gene Offers New Lead in Cleft Lip and Palate Research, September 21, 2006
NIGMS Fills Key Leadership Post, September 21, 2006
Significant Advances in Dietary Supplement Research Released in Annual Bibliography (2005), September 21, 2006
NIDA Announces Smoke-Free Meeting Policy, September 21, 2006
NIH Clinical Center Announces the 2006 Medicine for the Public Lecture Series, September 20, 2006
High Blood Pressure Information Added to NIHSeniorHealth, September 20, 2006
Elias A. Zerhouni, M.D., NIH Director, Endorses National Academy of Sciences Report: Beyond Bias and Barriers: Fulfilling the Dream of Women in Academic Science and Engineering, September 19, 2006
NIH Director Announces 2006 Pioneer Award Recipients, September 19, 2006
NIH Grants $117 Million in Institutional Development Awards to Underserved States, September 19, 2006
Over 1.6 Million Americans Use CAM for Insomnia or Trouble Sleeping, September 18, 2006
Five NIH Grantees Win 2006 Albert Lasker Medical Research Awards, September 18, 2006

September 8-15, 2006
NIDA NewsScan #45 (PDF - 614 KB), September 15, 2006 Adobe Acrobat graphic with link to free Adobe Acrobat Reader download site
Countdown Continues: Final Forty Chosen in National Challenge to Name America's "Top Young Scientist of the Year", September 14, 2006
New National Institutes of Health Web site for Child Health and Human Development, September 13, 2006
NHLBI Launches National Campaign To Educate About Peripheral Arterial Disease — Clogged Arteries in the Legs, September 13, 2006
National Institutes of Health to Map Genomic Changes of Lung, Brain, and Ovarian Cancers, September 13, 2006
Successful Public-Private Partnership Between NIAID and Sequella Yields Promising New TB Drug for Clinical Testing, September 12, 2006
Live H5N1 Avian Flu Virus Vaccines Show Protection in Animal Studies, September 11, 2006
NIH Offers $35,000 in Annual Student Loan Repayment, September 11, 2006
October 16-17, 2006 Drug Abuse Conference Scheduled in Seattle, September 8, 2006
NIHSeniorHealth Adds Information on Paget's Disease of Bone, September 8, 2006

September 1-7, 2006
Statement from the National Institutes of Health On Cancer Genetics Findings at Johns Hopkins University, September 7, 2006
NIH Launches Knockout Mouse Project, September 7, 2006
New NIMH Research Program Launches Autism Trials, September 7, 2006
Molecules in Blood Foretell Development of Preeclampsia, September 6, 2006
Annual Report to the Nation Finds Cancer Death Rates Continue to Drop; Lower Cancer Rates Observed in U.S. Latino Populations, September 6, 2006
Wounds May One Day Heal Better, Faster, Due to New NIH-Funded Wound Healing Centers, September 6, 2006
FDA Approval of First Totally Implanted Permanent Artificial Heart — Statements from National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Director Elizabeth, G. Nabel, M.D. and National Institutes of Health Director Elias A. Zerhouni, M.D., September 5, 2006
Overweight in Early Childhood Increases Chances for Obesity at Age 12, September 5, 2006
Early Alcohol Dependence Linked to Reduced Treatment Seeking and Chronic Relapse, September 5, 2006
Prevention Programs for Young Rural Teens Can Reduce Methamphetamine Abuse Years Later, September 4, 2006
NIEHS Awards $3.6 Million to Outstanding New Environmental Scientists, September 1, 2006
Bipolar Disorder Exacts Twice Depression's Toll in Workplace, September 1, 2006

This page was last reviewed on August 27, 2008 .

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