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Found 26 studies with search of:   "Gout"
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1 Recruiting Pegylated Recombinant Mammalian Uricase (PEG-Uricase) as Treatment for Refractory Gout
Condition: Gout
Intervention: Drug: PEG-uricase (Pegylated recombinant mammalian uricase)
2 Recruiting Evaluating Efficacy of Canakinumab (ACZ885) in Prevention of Acute Flares in Chronic Gout Patients Initiating Allopurinol Therapy
Condition: Gout
Interventions: Drug: ACZ885;   Drug: ACZ885;   Drug: ACZ885;   Drug: ACZ885;   Drug: ACZ885;   Drug: ACZ885;   Drug: Colchicine
3 Completed Febuxostat Versus Allopurinol Control Trial (FACT) in Subjects With Gout
Condition: Gout
Interventions: Drug: Febuxostat;   Drug: Febuxostat;   Drug: Allopurinol
4 Completed Dose-Response, Safety and Efficacy Study of Oral Febuxostat in Subjects With Gout
Condition: Gout
Interventions: Drug: Placebo;   Drug: Febuxostat;   Drug: Febuxostat;   Drug: Febuxostat
5 Completed Study to Assess the Long-Term Safety of Febuxostat in Subjects With Gout.
Condition: Gout
Interventions: Drug: Febuxostat 40 mg;   Drug: Febuxostat 80 mg;   Drug: Febuxostat 120 mg
6 Completed A Study of Persons With Gout Who Do Not Respond to or Are Allergic to Conventional Therapy
Condition: Gout
Intervention: Drug: Puricase
7 Active, not recruiting Re-Exposure Study of Pegloticase Intravenous (i.v.) in Symptomatic Gout Patients
Condition: Treatment Failure Gout
Intervention: Drug: pegloticase 8 mg i.v.
8 Completed Phase 3, Febuxostat, Allopurinol and Placebo-Controlled Study in Gout Subjects.
Condition: Gout
Interventions: Drug: Febuxostat;   Drug: Febuxostat;   Drug: Febuxostat;   Drug: Allopurinol;   Drug: Placebo
9 Not yet recruiting PREventative Study Against URate-Lowering Drug-Induced Gout Exacerbations 1
Condition: Intercritical Gout
Interventions: Drug: rilonacept;   Drug: rilonacept;   Drug: rilonacept
10 Recruiting Targeted Dose Finding of Canakinumab (ACZ885) for Management of Acute Flare in Refractory or Contraindicated Gout Patients
Condition: Acute Gout
Interventions: Drug: ACZ885;   Drug: ACZ885;   Drug: ACZ885;   Drug: ACZ885;   Drug: ACZ885;   Drug: Triamcinolone acetonide
11 Completed Safety and Efficacy Study of PEG-Uricase in the Treatment of Hyperuricemic Patients With Symptomatic Gout
Condition: Gout
Interventions: Other: placebo;   Biological: pegloticase
12 Completed Assessing the Efficacy and Safety of Oral Febuxostat in Subjects With Gout
Condition: Gout
Interventions: Drug: Febuxostat;   Drug: Febuxostat;   Drug: Allopurinol
13 Completed Phase III Trial of Febuxostat in Korea Gout Patients
Condition: Gout
Intervention: Drug: Febuxostat
14 Completed Study of the Safety and Effectiveness of Rilonacept for the Prevention of Gout Flares
Condition: Gout
Interventions: Biological: rilonacept;   Other: placebo
15 Completed MPC-004 for the Treatment of an Acute Gout Flare
Condition: Gout
Interventions: Drug: MPC-004;   Other: Placebo
16 Completed A Study Evaluating the Effect of Etoricoxib and Indomethacin in the Treatment of Acute Gout
Condition: Acute Gout
Interventions: Drug: MK0663; etoricoxib / Duration of Treatment: 5 Days;   Drug: Comparator: indomethacin 75 mg sustained release capsule / Duration of Treatment: 5 Days
17 Completed Study of Allopurinol Versus Febuxostat in Subjects Completing the Phase 3 Trials C02-009 or C02-010
Condition: Gout
Interventions: Drug: Febuxostat;   Drug: Febuxostat;   Drug: Allopurinol
18 Completed Validation Study of Physical Measurement of Tophi
Conditions: Hyperuricemia;   Gout
Intervention: Other: Measurement of Tophi to validate procedure
19 Completed MRI and Ultrasound Findings in Patients With Gout and Normal Plain Radiographs
Condition: Gout
Intervention: Other: MRI and Ultrasound
20 Completed Efficacy and Safety of Lumiracoxib 400 mg Once Daily in Acute Flares of Gout
Condition: Acute Gouty Arthritis
Intervention: Drug: Lumiracoxib

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