Web of Addictions

Welcome to the Web of Addictions.

The Web of Addictions is dedicated to providing accurate information about alcohol and other drug addictions. The Web of Addictions was developed for several reasons. We are concerned about the pro drug use messages in some Web sites and in some use groups.We are concerned about the appalling extent of misinformation about abused drugs on the internet, particularly on some usenet newsgroups. Finally, we wanted to provide a resource for teachers, students and others who needed factual information about abused drugs.

We have received several awards. We are proud of the recognition we have received because it enhances the credibility of the information presented in these pages. You can review our awards.

We take addictions seriously. You won't find glib, hip treatment of this very serious topic here.


New, What's new on the Web of Addictions
Facts, a collection of fact sheets and other material arranged by drug.
Links to net resources related to addictions.
Rolodex, contact information for a variety of groups.
Meetings and Conferences in the addictions area.
Topics, in-depth information on special topics
Help, places to get help with addictions

The Web of Addictions is produced by: Dick Dillon(Razer@ix.netcom.com)

The Web of Addictions pages Copyright � 1995-2000 by Andrew L. Homer Ph.D. and Dick Dillon.,   Copyright � 2001-2003  by  Dick Dillon All rights reserved. Your comments and suggestions are welcome!