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@srabbo Hello, wife! Nice to see you here.
@caroline it is I who should thank you!
@caroline just posted a story about you on dandelife.
Teary, still, over the beautiful plurality of "yes we can." It's an unbearable lightness of being type feeling. Makes me feel like I'm 19.
New Lifehacker Ungeek to Live article: "How to Raise the Rent One Glass at a Time." Drink one for me!
Checking out Mr. Tweet, a personal assistant for discovering the great followers and influencers in my network:!
What a shame - the new palm centro commercial is terrific. Alas, it's lipstick on a bulldog.
@ElectricBrain Moved to Liberty Station. From an Obiden neighborhood to a McPalin one. Doing my part to infiltrate the conservative base.
I've been a bad facebook friend lately. Blame the chaos of moving. Was homeowner. Now I'm a landlord *and* renter to boot.
"It's illegal." Karl Strauss won't refill Ballast Point growlers. I call "bullshit."
Kelly Index: 18 - number of cheerios found in the crevasses of d's car seat.
@maumota Sorry I couldn't be in Boston for the conference. I'm kicking myself.
End of year sale at the Abbott's. Black Friday = painting the old place, selling the Jetta, and unpacking the last of the boxes.
Bourbon comma rocks.
@marcuslatour Hey! Where you been? Long time, no juice!
@caroline today is a white day. i shall join you in a few hours ... from a distance.
Point Loma Smog - world's slowest smog check station.
Paper is dead! Long live paper!


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams sara Blaine Cook Jason Shellen danah boyd Xeni Jardin Ross caroline !ianus keller Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Josh Schoenwald Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Dug Falby Al Abut Steve Agalloco Brett Jackson Derek Powazek Sooz Larry Smith Joe Crawford Frank Gilroy Reid Hoffman Stowe Boyd Charles W Meg Hourihan Spif Tantek Çelik Karen O'Brien Yoz techknow Michael Joshua Brewer
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