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  • Bosmans, F., Martin-Eauclaire, M.F. and Swartz, K.J. (2008) Deconstructing voltage sensor function and pharmacology in sodium channels, Nature 456, 202-208. Full Text/Abstract
  • Li, M., Chang, T-H., Silberberg, S.D. and Swartz, K.J. (2008) Gating the pore of P2X receptor channels., Nature Neuroscience 11, 883-887. Full Text/Abstract
  • Swartz, K.J. (2008) Sensing voltage across lipid membranes, Nature 456, 891-897. Full Text/Abstract
  • Silberberg, S.D, Li, M. and Swartz, K.J. (2007) Ivermectin interaction with transmembrane helices reveals widespread rearrangements during opening of P2X receptor channels, Neuron 54, 263-274. Full Text/Abstract
  • Alabi, A.A., Bahamonde, M.I., Jung, H.J., Kim, J.I., and Swartz, K.J. (2007) Portability of paddle motif function and pharmacology in voltage sensors, Nature 450, 370-375. Full Text/Abstract
  • Milescu, M., Vobecky, J., Roh, S.H., Kim, S.H., Jung, H.J., Kim, J.I. and Swartz, K.J. (2007) Tarantula toxins interact with voltage sensors within lipid membranes, J Gen Physiol 130, 497-511. Full Text/Abstract
  • Swartz KJ (2007) Tarantula toxins interacting with voltage sensors in potassium channels, Toxicon 49, 213-230. Full Text/Abstract
  • Swartz, KJ (2006) Greasing the gears of potassium channels (News and Views), Nature | Chemical Biology 2, 401-2. Full Text/Abstract
  • Soler-Llavina, G., Chang, T. and Swartz, K.J. (2006) Functional interactions at the interface between voltage sensing and pore domains in the Shaker Kv channel, Neuron 52, 623-634. Full Text/Abstract
  • Kitaguchi, T. and Swartz, K.J. (2005) An inhibitor of TRPV1 channels isolated from funnel web spider venom , Biochemistry 44, 15544-15549. Full Text/Abstract
  • Phillips, L.R., Milescu, M., Li-Smerin, Y., Mindell, J., Kim, J.I. and Swartz, K.J. (2005) Voltage-sensor activation with a tarantula toxin as cargo, Nature 436, 857-860. Full Text/Abstract
  • Silberberg, S.D., Chang, T.H. and Swartz, K.J. (2005) Secondary structure and gating rearrangements of transmembrane segments in rat P2X4 receptor channels, J. General Physiology 125, 347-359. Full Text/Abstract
  • Jung, H.J., Lee, J.Y., Kim, S.H., Eu, Y.-J., Shin, S.Y., Milescu, M., Swartz, K.J. and Kim, J.I. (2005) Solution structure and lipid membrane partitioning of VSTx1, an inhibitor of the KvAP potassium channel, Biochemistry 44, 6015-6023. Full Text/Abstract
  • Swartz, K.J. (2005) Structure and anticipatory movements of the S6 Gate in Kv channels (Commentary), J. General Physiology 126, 413-417. Full Text/Abstract
  • Swartz, KJ (2004) Opening the gate in potassium channels (News and Views), Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 11, 499-501. Full Text/Abstract
  • Lee, C.W., Kim, S., Roh, S.H., Endoh, H., Kodera, Y., Maeda, T., Kohno, T., Wang, J.M., Swartz, K.J. and Kim, J.I. (2004) Solution structure and functional characterization of SGTx1, a modifier of Kv2.1 channel gating, Biochemistry 43, 890-897. Full Text/Abstract
  • Swartz, KJ (2004) Towards a structural view of gating in potassium channels, Nature Reviews | Neuroscience 5, 905-916. Full Text/Abstract
  • Kitaguchi, T., Sukhareva, M. and Swartz, K.J. (2004) Stabilizing the closed gate in the Shaker Kv channel through modification of a hydrophobic seal, J. General Physiology 124, 319-332. Full Text/Abstract
  • Wang, J.M., Roh, S.H., Kim, S., Lee, C.W., Kim, J.I. and Swartz, K.J. (2004) Molecular surface of tarantula toxins interacting with voltage-sensors in Kv channels, J. General Physiology 123, 455-467. Full Text/Abstract
  • Sukhareva, M., Hackos, D. and Swartz, K.J. (2003) Constitutive activation of the Shaker Kv channel, J. General Physiology 122, 541-556. Full Text/Abstract
  • Lee, H.C., Wang, L.M. and Swartz, K.J. (2003) Interaction between extracellular Hanatoxin and the resting conformation of the voltage-sensor paddle in Kv channels, Neuron 40, 527-536. Full Text/Abstract
  • Soler-Llavina, G., Holmgren, M. and Swartz, K.J. (2003) Defining the conductance of the closed state in a voltage-gated potassium channel, Neuron 38, 61-67. Full Text/Abstract
  • Takeuchi, K., Park, E., Lee, C., Kim, J., Takahashi, H., Swartz, K. & Shimada, I. (2002) Solution structure of omega-grammotoxin SIA, a gating modifier of P/Q and N-type calcium channel., J. Molecular Biology 321, 517-526.
  • Hackos, D.H, Chang, T.H. and Swartz, K.J. (2002) Scanning the intracellular S6 activation gate in the Shaker potassium channel, J. General Physiology 119, 521-531. Full Text/Abstract
  • Li-Smerin, Y. and Swartz, K.J. (2001) Helical structure of the COOH-terminus of S3 and its contribution to the gating modifier toxin receptor in voltage-gated ion channels, J. General Physiology 117, 205-217. Full Text/Abstract
  • Winterfield, J.R. and Swartz, K.J. (2000) A hot spot for the interaction of gating modifier toxins with voltage-dependent ion channels, J. General Physiology 116, 637-644. Full Text/Abstract
  • Li-Smerin, Y., Hackos, D.H. and Swartz, K.J. (2000) alpha-Helical structural elements within the voltage-sensing domains of a potassium channel, J. General Physiology 115, 33-49. Full Text/Abstract
  • Li-Smerin, Y., Hackos, D.H. and Swartz, K.J. (2000) A localized interaction surface for voltage-sensing domains on the pore domain of a potassium channel, Neuron 25, 411-423. Full Text/Abstract
  • Takahashi, H., Kim, J.I., Min, H.J., Sato, K., Swartz, K.J. and Shimada, I. (2000) Solution structure of hanatoxin1, a gating modifier of voltage-dependent potassium channels: common surface features of gating modifier toxins, J. Molecular Biology 297, 771-780. Full Text/Abstract
  • Li-Smerin, Y. and Swartz, K.J. (2000) Localization and molecular determinants of the hanatoxin receptors on the voltage-sensing domain of a potassium channel, J. General Physiology 115, 673-684. Full Text/Abstract
  • Chuang, R. S-I., Jaffe, H., Cribbs, L., Perez-Reyes, E., and K.J. Swartz (1998) Inhibition of T-type voltage-gated calcium channels by a new scorpion toxin, Nature Neuroscience 1, 668-674. Full Text/Abstract
  • Li-Smerin, Y. and Swartz, K.J. (1998) Gating modifier toxins reveal a conserved structural motif in voltage-gated calcium and potassium channels, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 95, 8585-8589. Full Text/Abstract
  • Swartz, K.J. and MacKinnon, R. (1997) Hanatoxin modifies the gating of a voltage-gated potassium channel through multiple binding sites. , Neuron 18, 665-673. Full Text/Abstract
  • Swartz, K.J. and MacKinnon, R. (1997) Mapping the receptor site for Hanatoxin, a gating modifier of voltage-dependent potassium channels , Neuron 18, 675-682. Full Text/Abstract
  • McDonough, S.I., Swartz, K.J., Mintz, I.M., Boland, L.M. and Bean, B.P. (1996) Inhibition of calcium channels in rat central and peripheral neurons by w-conotoxin-MVIIC, J. Neuroscience 16, 2612-2623. Full Text/Abstract
  • Swartz, K.J. and MacKinnon, R. (1995) An inhibitor of the Kv2.1 potassium channel isolated from the venom of a Chilean tarantula, Neuron 15, 941-949. Full Text/Abstract
  • Swartz, K.J. (1993) Modulation of calcium channels by protein kinase C in rat central and peripheral neurons: disruption of G protein-mediated inhibition, Neuron 11, 305-320. Full Text/Abstract
  • Swartz, K.J., Merritt, A., Bean, B.P. and Lovinger, D.M. (1993) Protein kinase C modulates glutamate receptor inhibition of calcium channels and synaptic transmission, Nature 361, 165-168.
  • Swartz, K.J. and Bean, B.P. (1992) Inhibition of calcium channels in rat CA3 pyramidal neurons by a metabotropic glutamate receptor, J. Neuroscience 12, 4358-4371. Full Text/Abstract
  • Swartz, K.J., Koroshetz, W.J., Rees, A.H. and Huettner, J.E. (1992) Competitive antagonism of glutamate receptor channels by substituted benzazepines in cultured cortical neurons, Molecular Pharmacology 41, 1130-1141.
  • Swartz, K.J., During, M.J., Freese, A. and Beal, M.F (1990) Cerebral synthesis and release of kynurenic acid: an endogenous antagonist of excitatory amino acid receptors, J. Neuroscience 10, 2965-2973.
  • Swartz, K.J., Matson, W.R., MacGarvey, U.M., Ryan, E.A. and Beal, M.F. (1990) Measurement of kynurenic acid in mammalian brain extracts and cerebralspinal fluid by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorometric and coulometric electrode array detection, Analytical Biochemistry 185, 363-376.
  • Barres, B.A., Koroshetz, W.J., Swartz, K.J., Chun, L.L.Y. and Corey, D.P. (1990) Ion channel expression by white matter glia: the O-2A glial progenitor cell, Neuron 4, 507-524.