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Coping and Survivorship Resources

Coping with Cancer

Pain Control: A Guide for People With Cancer and Their Families

To inform about pain control methods, medicines for cancer pain, and nondrug treatments for cancer pain. For cancer patients and their families.
Spanish Booklet PDF

Home Care for Cancer Patients

A fact sheet about the various services provided by home care agencies and financial assistance available from government, public, and private agencies.
Spanish Web Version | Order Pamphlet in Spanish

Financial Assistance for Cancer Care

A fact sheet that lists organizations that can help patients and their families with financial assistance during treatment.
Spanish Web Version | Order Pamphlet in Spanish

Eating Hints for Cancer Patients: Before, During and After Treatment

Provides information and recipes to help patients meet their needs for good nutrition during treatment. Order Pamphlet in Spanish


A fact sheet about organizations that provide hospice care; it also discusses insurance coverage.
Spanish Web Version

How To Find Resources in Your Own Community If You Have Cancer

A fact sheet that discusses the types of help that are available to people with cancer and where to find these services.
Spanish Web Version

Understanding Cancer Pain brochure cover

Understanding Cancer Pain

Explains why cancer patients have pain, the ways pain can be treated, and what patients should do when they have pain. For cancer patients and their families.
Spanish Web Version | Order Pamphlet in Spanish

Your Health Care Team: Your Doctor Is Only the Beginning

A fact sheet that describes the many specialists involved in treatment and care; it stresses that the patient is the most important member of the health care team.
Spanish Web Version

National Organizations That Offer Services to People With Cancer and Their Families

A fact sheet that lists organizations which provide cancer patients and their families with financial and emotional support, advocacy, and information.
Spanish Web Version


Facing Forward Series: Life After Cancer Treatment brochure cover

Facing Forward Series: Life After Cancer Treatment

Covers posttreatment issues such as follow-up medical care, physical and emotional changes, changes in social relationships, and workplace issues. To educate and empower cancer survivors as they face the challenges associated with life after cancer treatment.
Spanish Web Version | Order Booklet in Spanish